28 research outputs found

    Psychological and Environmental Correlates of Well-being Among Undergraduate University Students

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    This study explored whether the university environment provides similar well-being enhancing elements to those that have been found in the workplace and school contexts. Whether psychological inflexibility accounts for well-being over and above personality and environmental influences was also explored. A representative sample of 163 undergraduate university students in an Australian university completed an online survey measuring the key constructs. Environmental influences assessed included financial resources, physical security, opportunity to use new skills, externally generated goals, variety, environmental clarity, interpersonal contact, and valued social position. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses were then conducted to test for predictors of three domains of subjective well-being: positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction. The results suggested that university context contributes significantly to undergraduate students’ well-being by providing a valued social role, externally generated goals, and variety. Students’ perception of their physical security was also an important influence on their well-being. These results are consistent with the literature on well-being and employment. Neuroticism significantly predicted negative affect, while psychological inflexibility accounted for unique variance in life satisfaction and negative affect even when personality and environmental influences were taken into account. The implications of these findings for enhancing undergraduate university students’ well-being are discussed

    Geotourism assets of loess relief in western part of the Lublin Upland

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    The characteristic group of loess relief in the western part of the Lublin Upland makes up a unique and varied landscape that is particularly attractive for tourists. Gullies, whose density exceeds 11 km/km2 in the Kazimierz Dolny area, are the best known element of the loess landscape. Along the gullies, tourist and interpretive trails have been established, but there is a lack of well-prepared geotourism trails. The southern part of the study area, the Urzędów Hills, is particularly underdeveloped in terms of tourism. This study presents the key characteristics of loess relief in the western part of the Lublin Upland, the current development of tourist infrastructure, and prospects for geotourism based on the unique landforms in the area. A few geotourism trails focusing on the unique loess relief features have been proposed, and attention has been drawn to threats to these landscape assets posed by certain forms of adventure tourism and problems related to private land ownership

    GIS in hydrology of Lublin

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    Celem opracowania jest prezentacja metody wyznaczenia zlewni miejskich na przykładzie Lublina, określenie podstawowych parametrów topograficznych i hydrologicznych warunkujących formowanie spływu powierzchniowego i odpływu podczas intensywnych opadów deszczu oraz stworzenie i przetestowanie prostego modelu hydrologicznego, pozwalającego na ustalenie objętości odpływu z poszczególnych zlewni przy założonej wysokości opadów atmosferycznych wywołanych letnimi opadami burzowymi. Obliczenie ilości wody opadowej odpływającej z terenu miasta umożliwia także szacowanie ładunków zanieczyszczeń i dróg ich spływu do systemu rzecznego. Do ustalenia objętości wody biorącej udział w odpływie wybrano metodę SCS CN (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method), opracowaną przez amerykańską Służbę Ochrony Zasobów Naturalnych. Do opisu elementów środowiska warunkujących zjawiska hydrologiczne wykorzystano dane przestrzenne pochodzące z różnych źródeł, które zintegrowano w bazie danych. Do warstwy informacyjnej opisującej użytkowanie terenu dołączona została tablica wartości średnich stężeń zanieczyszczeń. Wyniki uzyskane drogą modelowania potwierdzono na podstawie obserwacji w zlewniach eksperymentalnych. Obliczenia przeprowadzono przy użyciu oprogramowania ArcGIS, wraz z rozszerzeniami Spatial Analyst i Hydrologic Modeling. Wykorzystano także oprogramowanie L-Thia GIS ułatwiające m.in. ustalenie parametrów CN, opadu efektywnego i objętości odpływu.The aim of this paper is to present the method of determining urban catchment on the example of Lublin, the determination of the basic topographical and hydrological parameters conditioning formation of surface runoff and drainage during heavy rains and to create and test a simple hydrological model, sufficient for determining the volume of outflow from each catchment with assumed amount of precipitation caused by summer rain storms. Calculation of the amount of rain water flowing out from the city allows also to estimate pollutant loads and their run-off routes into the river system. To determine the volume of water involved in the outflow SCS CN method (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method) was selected. This method is developed by the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service. To describe the elements of the environment which determine hydrologic phenomena, spatial data from different sources were used. Spatial data were integrated in one database. To the information layer describing the land use, array of values of average concentrations of pollutants was included. The modeling results were confirmed by observations in experimental catchments. Calculations were performed using ArcGIS software, with Spatial Analyst and Hydrologic Modeling extensions. Also, L-Thia GIS software was used to determine the parameters of CN, effective precipitation and outflow volumes

    The features of sediments and sedimentation development in the closed depression on loess area - a case study: Snopkow site (Naleczow Plateau, E Poland)

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    Closed depressions are characteristic elements of the loess plateau landscape. They formed by suffosive processes occurring within initial depressions in the loess cover. Detailed study were conducted in the eastern part of the Nałęczów Plateau (Lublin Upland) in one of the closed depressions located near a multicultural archaeological site. In the closed depression the Holocene soil-sediment sequence of a total thickness 1,3 m were documented. The soil-sediment sequence filling the closed depression and its bottom-forming loesses were detailed physico-chemical and micromorphological analyses as well as C-14 dating performed. This allowed to determine of postglacial litho- and pedogenesis development in the closed depression. Four major phases of Holocene sedimentation were recognized, witch were correlated with human settlement activity from Neolithic to modern times

    Neotectonic mobility of the Roztocze region, Ukrainian part, Central Europe: insights from morphometric studies

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    The results of geological, geomorphic and hydrogeological research indicate spatially variable neotectonic activity of the Ukrainian part of the Roztocze region. This activity is confirmed by analysis of some geometric and morphometric coefficients (especially drainage basin elongation ratio, drainage basin circulatory ratio, drainage basin shape and lemniscate coefficient), which were calculated for 1646 drainage areas of the 3rd to 6th order, and morphometric linear coefficients (mountain-front sinuosity index and valley floor width-valley height ratio coefficient), which characterise the fault scarps. The south-western margin of the Rava Roztocze and Yaniv Roztocze regions, following NW-SE-trending faults, belongs to structures of the 1st or 2nd class of relative tectonic activity. On the other hand, in the north-eastern marginal zone in the Ukrainian part of the Roztocze region, a relatively active segment comprised between Maheriv and Zhashkiv shows a characteristic NW-SE orientation of valleys, controlled by a network of secondary sub-parallel faults. In the southern part of the analysed area, the Stavchanka River drainage basin related to the NW-striking fault zone, and the sub-parallel edge of the zone of the Vereshytsia-upper Mlynivka transverse depression are relatively active. Some relatively inactive areas are those of smaller drainage basins of the 3rd to 6th order, located within the zone of the main watershed between the Rata and Lubaczówka rivers in the Rava Roztocze region and the Zubra and Poltva rivers in the Lviv Roztocze region

    Morphometric methods in geomorphological research of the Lublin Region

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    W artykule dokonano przeglądu prac, w których zastosowano metody morfometryczne zmierzające do analizy i uwydatnienia cech geomorfologicznych regionu lubelskiego. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na moSliwość wykorzystania wskaźników morfometrycznych do: oceny mobilności neotektonicznej obszaru, zwłaszcza Roztocza i Wyżyny Lubelskiej, analiz zależności pomiędzy orientacją i kształtem głównych form rzeźby a orientacją uskoków lub/i mezostruktur tektonicznych, szacowania rozmiarów erozji wąwozowej na Wyżynie Lubelskiej (zwłaszcza na Płaskowyżu Nałęczowskim) i Roztoczu Gorajskim oraz wydzielania regionów geomorfologicznych WySyny Lubelskiej w oparciu o wysokości względne i średnie oraz poziomy denudacyjne. Przywołano również próbę zastosowania metod morfometrycznych do szacowania głębokości podłoża i pomiarów miąższości osadów plejstoceńskoholoceńskich, w dolinie Sopotu na Roztoczu Tomaszowskim. Duże znaczenie praktyczne, zwłaszcza w planowaniu przestrzennym, może mieć mapa średnich nachyleń, która dobrze oddaje zróżnicowanie spadków terenu w odniesieniu do budowy geologicznej analizowanego obszaru. Metody morfometryczne pozwalają na prezentowanie przestrzennego rozmieszczenia form, zjawisk i procesów oraz ich ocenę. Oprócz tego umożliwiają interpretację struktury analizowanych obszarów, jak również rozważania natury paleogeograficznej.The article provides a review of the studies where morphometric methods were used to analyse and highlight the geomorphological settings of the Lublin Region. Special emphasis was given to the possibility of using morphometric coefficients in: the evaluation of the neotectonic mobility of the area, particularly the Lublin Upland and Roztocze, an analysis of the relations between the orientation and shape of main relief forms and the orientation of faults and/or tectonic mesostructures, assessing the extent of gully erosion in the Lublin Upland (particularly in the Nałęczów Plateau) and Goraj Roztocze, and distinguishing the geomorphological regions of the Lublin Upland on the basis of relative and mean altitudes and denudation horizons. An attempt at using morphometric methods to estimate the depth of the basal complex and to measure the thickness of Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the Sopot Valley in Tomaszów Roztocze has also been discussed. Map of average slope, due to accurate depiction of the diversity of relief inclination with connection to geological structure, can be of large practical importance, especially for spatial planning. Morphometric methods allow for presenting spatial distribution of forms, phenomena and processes, as well as their evaluation. In addition, they allow for interpreting the structure of studied areas and reflexions of paleogeographical nature