679 research outputs found

    Optical excitations of Peierls-Mott insulators with bond disorder

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    The density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is employed to calculate optical properties of the half-filled Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor interactions. In order to model the optical excitations of oligoenes, a Peierls dimerization is included whose strength for the single bonds may fluctuate. Systems with up to 100 electrons are investigated, their wave functions are analyzed, and relevant length-scales for the low-lying optical excitations are identified. The presented approach provides a concise picture for the size dependence of the optical absorption in oligoenes.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Multi-band Gutzwiller wave functions for general on-site interactions

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    We introduce Gutzwiller wave functions for multi-band models with general on-site Coulomb interactions. As these wave functions employ correlators for the exact atomic eigenstates they are exact both in the non-interacting and in the atomic limit. We evaluate them in infinite lattice dimensions for all interaction strengths without any restrictions on the structure of the Hamiltonian or the symmetry of the ground state. The results for the ground-state energy allow us to derive an effective one-electron Hamiltonian for Landau quasi-particles, applicable for finite temperatures and frequencies within the Fermi-liquid regime. As applications for a two-band model we study the Brinkman-Rice metal-to-insulator transition at half band-filling, and the transition to itinerant ferromagnetism for two specific fillings, at and close to a peak in the density of states of the non-interacting system. Our new results significantly differ from those for earlier Gutzwiller wave functions where only density-type interactions were included. When the correct spin symmetries for the two-electron states are taken into account, the importance of the Hund's-rule exchange interaction is even more pronounced and leads to paramagnetic metallic ground states with large local magnetic moments. Ferromagnetism requires fairly large interaction strengths, and the resulting ferromagnetic state is a strongly correlated metal.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B 57 (March 15, 1998

    Nearly universal crossing point of the specific heat curves of Hubbard models

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    A nearly universal feature of the specific heat curves C(T,U) vs. T for different U of a general class of Hubbard models is observed. That is, the value C_+ of the specific heat curves at their high-temperature crossing point T_+ is almost independent of lattice structure and spatial dimension d, with C_+/k_B \approx 0.34. This surprising feature is explained within second order perturbation theory in U by identifying two small parameters controlling the value of C_+: the integral over the deviation of the density of states N(\epsilon) from a constant value, characterized by \delta N=\int d\epsilon |N(\epsilon)-1/2|, and the inverse dimension, 1/d.Comment: Revtex, 9 pages, 6 figure

    Improving the genetic system for Halorubrum lacusprofundi to allow in-frame deletions

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    Halorubrum lacusprofundi is a cold-adapted halophilic archaeon isolated from Deep Lake, Antarctica. Hrr. lacusprofundi is commonly used to study adaptation to cold environments and thereby a potential source for biotechnological products. Additionally, in contrast to other haloarchaeal model organisms, Hrr. lacusprofundi is also susceptible to a range of different viruses and virus-like elements, making it a great model to study virus-host interactions in a cold-adapted organism. A genetic system has previously been reported for Hrr. lacusprofundi; however, it does not allow in-frame deletions and multiple gene knockouts. Here, we report the successful generation of uracil auxotrophic (pyrE2) mutants of two strains of Hrr. lacusprofundi. Subsequently, we attempted to generate knockout mutants using the auxotrophic marker for selection. However, surprisingly, only the combination of the auxotrophic marker and antibiotic selection allowed the timely and clean in-frame deletion of a target gene. Finally, we show that vectors established for the model organism Haloferax volcanii are deployable for genetic manipulation of Hrr. lacusprofundi, allowing the use of the portfolio of genetic tools available for H. volcanii in Hrr. lacusprofundi

    Band-Insulator-Metal-Mott-Insulator transition in the half--filled ttt-t^{\prime} ionic-Hubbard chain

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    We investigate the ground state phase diagram of the half-filled ttt-t^{\prime} repulsive Hubbard model in the presence of a staggered ionic potential Δ\Delta, using the continuum-limit bosonization approach. We find, that with increasing on-site-repulsion UU, depending on the value of the next-nearest-hopping amplitude tt^{\prime}, the model shows three different versions of the ground state phase diagram. For t<tt^{\prime} < t^{\prime}_{\ast}, the ground state phase diagram consists of the following three insulating phases: Band-Insulator at U<UcU<U_{c}, Ferroelectric Insulator at UcUcU_{c} U_{c}. For t>tct^{\prime} > t^{\prime}_{c} there is only one transition from a spin gapped metallic phase at UUcU U_{c}. Finally, for intermediate values of the next-nearest-hopping amplitude t<t<tct^{\prime}_{\ast} < t^{\prime} < t^{\prime}_{c} we find that with increasing on-site repulsion, at Uc1U_{c1} the model undergoes a second-order commensurate-incommensurate type transition from a band insulator into a metallic state and at larger Uc2U_{c2} there is a Kosterlitz-Thouless type transition from a metal into a ferroelectric insulator.Comment: 9 pages 3 figure

    Exact results for the optical absorption of strongly correlated electrons in a half-filled Peierls-distorted chain

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    In this second of three articles on the optical absorption of electrons in a half-filled Peierls-distorted chain we present exact results for strongly correlated tight-binding electrons. In the limit of a strong on-site interaction UU we map the Hubbard model onto the Harris-Lange model which can be solved exactly in one dimension in terms of spinless fermions for the charge excitations. The exact solution allows for an interpretation of the charge dynamics in terms of parallel Hubbard bands with a free-electron dispersion of band-width WW, separated by the Hubbard interaction UU. The spin degrees of freedom enter the expressions for the optical absorption only via a momentum dependent but static ground state expectation value. The remaining spin problem can be traced out exactly since the eigenstates of the Harris-Lange model are spin-degenerate. This corresponds to the Hubbard model at temperatures large compared to the spin exchange energy. Explicit results are given for the optical absorption in the presence of a lattice distortion δ\delta and a nearest-neighbor interaction VV. We find that the optical absorption for V=0V=0 is dominated by a peak at ω=U\omega=U and broad but weak absorption bands for ωUW| \omega -U | \leq W. For an appreciable nearest-neighbor interaction, V>W/2V>W/2, almost all spectral weight is transferred to Simpson's exciton band which is eventually Peierls-split.Comment: 50 pages REVTEX 3.0, 6 postscript figures; hardcopy versions before May 96 are obsolete; accepted for publication in The Philosophical Magazine

    Nonlinear Optical Response of Spin Density Wave Insulators

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    We calculate the third order nonlinear optical response in the Hubbard model within the spin density wave (SDW) mean field ansatz in which the gap is due to onsite Coulomb repulsion. We obtain closed-form analytical results in one dimension (1D) and two dimension (2D), which show that nonlinear optical response in SDW insulators in 2D is stronger than both 3D and 1D. We also calculate the two photon absorption (TPA) arising from the stress tensor term. We show that in the SDW, the contribution from stress tensor term to the low-energy peak corresponding to two photon absorption becomes identically zero if we consider the gauge invariant current properly.Comment: we use \psfrag in figur

    Charge-Transfer Excitations in One-Dimensional Dimerized Mott Insulators

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    We investigate the optical properties of one-dimensional (1D) dimerized Mott insulators using the 1D dimerized extended Hubbard model. Numerical calculations and a perturbative analysis from the decoupled-dimer limit clarify that there are three relevant classes of charge-transfer (CT) states generated by photoexcitation: interdimer CT unbound states, interdimer CT exciton states, and intradimer CT exciton states. This classification is applied to understanding the optical properties of an organic molecular material, 1,3,5-trithia-2,4,6-triazapentalenyl (TTTA), which is known for its photoinduced transition from the dimerized spin-singlet phase to the regular paramagnetic phase. We conclude that the lowest photoexcited state of TTTA is the interdimer CT exciton state and the second lowest state is the intradimer CT exciton state.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Time-Dependent Gutzwiller Theory for Multiband Hubbard Models

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    Based on the variational Gutzwiller theory, we present a method for the computation of response functions for multiband Hubbard models with general local Coulomb interactions. The improvement over the conventional random-phase approximation is exemplified for an infinite-dimensional two-band Hubbard model where the incorporation of the local multiplet-structure leads to a much larger sensitivity of ferromagnetism on the Hund coupling. Our method can be implemented into LDA+Gutzwiller schemes and will therefore be an important tool for the computation of response functions for strongly correlated materials.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Soft elasticity in biaxial smectic and smectic-C elastomers

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    Ideal (monodomain) smectic-AA elastomers crosslinked in the smectic-AA phase are simply uniaxial rubbers, provided deformations are small. From these materials smectic-CC elastomers are produced by a cooling through the smectic-AA to smectic-CC phase transition. At least in principle, biaxial smectic elastomers could also be produced via cooling from the smectic-AA to a biaxial smectic phase. These phase transitions, respectively from DhD_{\infty h} to C2hC_{2h} and from DhD_{\infty h} to D2hD_{2h} symmetry, spontaneously break the rotational symmetry in the smectic planes. We study the above transitions and the elasticity of the smectic-CC and biaxial phases in three different but related models: Landau-like phenomenological models as functions of the Cauchy--Saint-Laurent strain tensor for both the biaxial and the smectic-CC phases and a detailed model, including contributions from the elastic network, smectic layer compression, and smectic-CC tilt for the smectic-CC phase as a function of both strain and the cc-director. We show that the emergent phases exhibit soft elasticity characterized by the vanishing of certain elastic moduli. We analyze in some detail the role of spontaneous symmetry breaking as the origin of soft elasticity and we discuss different manifestations of softness like the absence of restoring forces under certain shears and extensional strains.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure