3 research outputs found

    Australian nursing and midwifery student beliefs and attitudes about domestic violence: A multi-site, cross-sectional study

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    Nurses and midwives have a professional responsibility to identify and provide effective care to those experiencing domestic violence. Pre-registration preparation may develop this capability. In order to inform curriculum development, this study explored Australian nursing and midwifery students’ attitudes and beliefs about domestic violence. Data were collected between June and October 2017. Descriptive statistics were calculated and comparative analysis performed on independent variables. Thematic analysis was performed on open-ended qualitative responses. Participants included 1076 students from nine Australian universities. The majority were enrolled in nursing programs (88.4%), followed by midwifery (8.6%), and combined nursing/midwifery (2.4%) programs. There was no statistically significant difference in scores by year level across all subscales, suggesting there was no developmental change in beliefs and attitudes toward domestic violence over the course of study. Nursing students held views that were more violence-tolerant than midwifery students. Australian and Chinese-born males were more likely to refute that domestic violence is more common against women. Students had a limited understanding of domestic violence suggesting a critical need to address undergraduate nursing and midwifery curricula. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    A cross-sectional study of domestic violence instruction in nursing and midwifery programs: Out of step with community and student expectations

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    Background: Domestic violence is a global health concern. Nurses and midwives must respond to those who experience domestic violence, although many are not prepared to do this. The World Health Organization recommend that domestic violence content be included in all pre-registration training as a matter of urgency

    A unified call to action from Australian nursing and midwifery leaders: Ensuring that Black lives matter

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    Nurses and midwives of Australia now is the time for change! As powerfully placed, Indigenous and non-Indigenous nursing and midwifery professionals, together we can ensure an effective and robust Indigenous curriculum in our nursing and midwifery schools of education. Today, Australia finds itself in a shifting tide of social change, where the voices for better and safer health care ring out loud. Voices for justice, equity and equality reverberate across our cities, our streets, homes, and institutions of learning. It is a call for new songlines of reform. The need to embed meaningful Indigenous health curricula is stronger now than it ever was for Australian nursing and midwifery. It is essential that nursing and midwifery leadership continue to build an authentic collaborative environment for Indigenous curriculum development. Bipartisan alliance is imperative for all academic staff to be confident in their teaching and learning experiences with Indigenous health syllabus. This paper is a call out. Now is the time for Indigenous and non-Indigenous nurses and midwives to make a stand together, for justice and equity in our teaching, learning, and practice. Together we will dismantle systems, policy, and practices in health that oppress. The Black Lives Matter movement provides us with a ‘now window’ of accepted dialogue to build a better, culturally safe Australian nursing and midwifery workforce, ensuring that Black Lives Matter in all aspects of health care