1,439 research outputs found

    Genetics Analysis Workshop 16 Problem 2: tTe Framingham Heart Study Data

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    Genetic Analysis Workshop 16 (GAW16) Problem 2 presented data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), an observational, prospective study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease begun in 1948. Data have been collected in three generations of family participants in the study and the data presented for GAW16 included phenotype data from all three generations, with four examinations of data collected repeatedly for the first two generations. The trait data consisted of information on blood pressure, hypertension treatment, lipid levels, diabetes and blood glucose, smoking, alcohol consumed, weight, and coronary heart disease incidence. Additionally, genotype data obtained through a genome-wide scan (FHS SHARe) of 550,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms from Affymetrix chips were included with the GAW16 data. The genotype data were also used for GAW16 Problem 3, where simulated phenotypes were generated using the actual FHS genotypes. These data served to provide investigators with a rich resource to study the behavior of genome-wide scans with longitudinally collected family data and to develop and apply new procedures.National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (2 N01-HC-25195-06); National Institutes of Health (National Institute of General Medical Sciences R01 GM031575

    Comparisons of case-selection approaches based on allele sharing and/or disease severity index: application to the GAW14 simulated data

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    For mapping complex disease traits, linkage studies are often followed by a case-control association strategy in order to identify disease-associated genes/single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Substantial efforts are required in selecting the most informative cases from a large collection of affected individuals in order to maximize the power of the study, while taking into consideration study cost. In this article, we applied and extended three case-selection strategies that use allele-sharing information method for families with multiple affected offspring to select most informative cases using additional information on disease severity. Our results revealed that most significant associations, as measured by the lowest p-values, were obtained from a strategy that selected a case with the most allele sharing with other affected sibs from linked families ("linked-best"), despite reduction in sample size resulting from discarding unlinked families. Moreover, information on disease severity appears to be useful to improve the ability to detect associations between markers and disease loci

    Genome-Wide Association to Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference: The Framingham Heart Study 100K Project

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is related to multiple cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors as well as CVD and has a strong familial component. We tested for association between SNPs on the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip and measures of adiposity in the Framingham Heart Study. METHODS: A total of 1341 Framingham Heart Study participants in 310 families genotyped with the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip had adiposity traits measured over 30 years of follow up. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), weight change, height, and radiographic measures of adiposity (subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipose tissue, waist circumference, sagittal height) were measured at multiple examination cycles. Multivariable-adjusted residuals, adjusting for age, age-squared, sex, smoking, and menopausal status, were evaluated in association with the genotype data using additive Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and Family Based Association Test (FBAT) models. We prioritized mean BMI over offspring examinations (1–7) and cohort examinations (10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26) and mean WC over offspring examinations (4–7) for presentation. We evaluated associations with 70,987 SNPs on autosomes with minor allele frequencies of at least 0.10, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p ≥ 0.001, and call rates of at least 80%. RESULTS: The top SNPs to be associated with mean BMI and mean WC by GEE were rs110683 (p-value 1.22*10-7) and rs4471028 (p-values 1.96*10-7). Please see for the complete set of results. We were able to validate SNPs in known genes that have been related to BMI or other adiposity traits, including the ESR1 Xba1 SNP, PPARG, and ADIPOQ. CONCLUSION: Adiposity traits are associated with SNPs on the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip. Replication of these initial findings is necessary. These data will serve as a resource for replication as more genes become identified with BMI and WC.National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Framingham Heart Study (N01-HC-25195); Atwood (R01 DK066241); National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources Shared Instrumentation grant (1S10RR163736-01A1

    Impact of non-ignorable missingness on genetic tests of linkage and/or association using case-parent trios

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    The transmission/disequilibrium test was introduced to test for linkage disequilibrium between a marker and a putative disease locus using case-parent trios. However, parental genotypes may be incomplete in such a study. When parental information is non-randomly missing, due, for example, to death from the disease under study, the impact on type I error and power under dominant and recessive disease models has been reported. In this paper, we examine non-ignorable missingness by assigning missing values to the genotypes of affected parents. We used unrelated case-parent trios in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated data for the Danacaa population. Our computer simulations revealed that the type I error of these tests using incomplete trios was not inflated over the nominal level under either recessive or dominant disease models. However, the power of these tests appears to be inflated over the complete information case due to an excess of heterozygous parents in dyads

    Genome-Wide Association with Diabetes-Related Traits in the Framingham Heart Study

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    BACKGROUND: Susceptibility to type 2 diabetes may be conferred by genetic variants having modest effects on risk. Genome-wide fixed marker arrays offer a novel approach to detect these variants. METHODS: We used the Affymetrix 100K SNP array in 1,087 Framingham Offspring Study family members to examine genetic associations with three diabetes-related quantitative glucose traits (fasting plasma glucose (FPG), hemoglobin A1c, 28-yr time-averaged FPG (tFPG)), three insulin traits (fasting insulin, HOMA-insulin resistance, and 0–120 min insulin sensitivity index); and with risk for diabetes. We used additive generalized estimating equations (GEE) and family-based association test (FBAT) models to test associations of SNP genotypes with sex-age-age2-adjusted residual trait values, and Cox survival models to test incident diabetes. RESULTS: We found 415 SNPs associated (at p 1%) 100K SNPs in LD (r2 > 0.05) with ABCC8 A1369S (rs757110), KCNJ11 E23K (rs5219), or SNPs in CAPN10 or HNFa. PPARG P12A (rs1801282) was not significantly associated with diabetes or related traits. CONCLUSION: Framingham 100K SNP data is a resource for association tests of known and novel genes with diabetes and related traits posted at. Framingham 100K data replicate the TCF7L2 association with diabetes.National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Framingham Heart Study (N01-HC-25195); National Institutes of Health National Center for Research Resources Shared Instrumentation grant (1S10RR163736-01A1); National Center for Research Resources General Clinical Research Center (M01-RR-01066); American Diabetes Association Career Developement Award; GlaxoSmithKline; Merck; Lilly; National Institutes of Health Research Career Award (K23 DK659678-03

    Consistency of linkage results across exams and methods in the Framingham Heart Study

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    BACKGROUND: The repeated measures in the Framingham Heart Study in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 data set allow us to test for consistency of linkage results within a study across time. We compared regression-based linkage to variance components linkage across time for six quantitative traits in the real data. RESULTS: The variance components approach found 11 significant linkages, the regression-based approach found 4. There was only one region that overlapped. Consistency between exams generally decreased as the time interval between exams increased. The regression-based approach showed higher consistency in linkage results across exams. CONCLUSION: The low consistency between exams and between methods may help explain the lack of replication between studies in this field

    Power and type I error rate of false discovery rate approaches in genome-wide association studies

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    In genome-wide genetic studies with a large number of markers, balancing the type I error rate and power is a challenging issue. Recently proposed false discovery rate (FDR) approaches are promising solutions to this problem. Using the 100 simulated datasets of a genome-wide marker map spaced about 3 cM and phenotypes from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14, we studied the type I error rate and power of Storey's FDR approach, and compared it to the traditional Bonferroni procedure. We confirmed that Storey's FDR approach had a strong control of FDR. We found that Storey's FDR approach only provided weak control of family-wise error rate (FWER). For these simulated datasets, Storey's FDR approach only had slightly higher power than the Bonferroni procedure. In conclusion, Storey's FDR approach is more powerful than the Bonferroni procedure if strong control of FDR or weak control of FWER is desired. Storey's FDR approach has little power advantage over the Bonferroni procedure if there is low linkage disequilibrium among the markers. Further evaluation of the type I error rate and power of the FDR approaches for higher linkage disequilibrium and for haplotype analyses is warranted

    Two-stage approach for identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis using random forests and Bayesian networks

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    We used the simulated data set from Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 Problem 3 to assess a two-stage approach for identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the first stage, we used random forests (RF) to screen large amounts of genetic data using the variable importance measure, which takes into account SNP interaction effects as well as main effects without requiring model specification. We used the simulated 9187 SNPs mimicking a 10 K SNP chip, along with covariates DR (the simulated DRB1 gentoype), smoking, and sex as input to the RF analyses with a training set consisting of 750 unrelated RA cases and 750 controls. We used an iterative RF screening procedure to identify a smaller set of variables for further analysis. In the second stage, we used the software program CaMML for producing Bayesian networks, and developed complex etiologic models for RA risk using the variables identified by our RF screening procedure. We evaluated the performance of this method using independent test data sets for up to 100 replicates

    Sex and age specific effects of chromosomal regions linked to body mass index in the Framingham Study

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    BACKGROUND: Previously, we reported significant linkage of body mass index (BMI) to chromosomes 6 and 11 across six examinations, covering 28 years, of the Framingham Heart Study. These results were on all individuals available at each exam, thus the sample size varied from exam to exam. To remove any effect of sample size variation we have now constructed six subsets; for each exam individuals were only included if they were measured at every exam, i.e. for each exam, included individuals comprise the intersection of the original six exams. This strategy preferentially removed older individuals who died before reaching the sixth exam, thus the intersection datasets are smaller (n = 1114) and significantly younger than the full datasets. We performed variance components linkage analysis on these intersection datasets and on their sex-specific subsets. RESULTS: Results from the sex-specific genome scans revealed 11 regions in which a sex-specific maximum lodscore was at least 2.0 for at least one dataset. Randomization tests indicated that all 11 regions had significant (p < 0.05) differences in sex-specific maximum lodscores for at least three datasets. The strongest sex-specific linkage was for men on chromosome 16 with maximum lodscores 2.70, 3.00, 3.42, 3.61, 2.56 and 1.93 for datasets 1–6 respectively. Results from the full genome scans revealed that linked regions on chromosomes 6 and 11 remained significantly and consistently linked in the intersection datasets. Surprisingly, the maximum lodscore on chromosome 10 for dataset 1 increased from 0.97 in the older original dataset to 4.23 in the younger smaller intersection dataset. This difference in maximum lodscores was highly significant (p < 0.0001), implying that the effect of this chromosome may vary with age. Age effects may also exist for the linked regions on chromosomes 6 and 11. CONCLUSION: Sex specific effects of chromosomal regions on BMI are common in the Framingham study. Some evidence also exists for age-specific effects of chromosomal regions
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