57 research outputs found

    TIA: A forward model and analyzer for Talbot interferometry experiments of dense plasmas

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    Producción CientíficaInterferometry is one of the most sensitive and successful diagnostic methods for plasmas. However, owing to the design of most common interferometric systems, the wavelengths of operation and, therefore, the range of densities and temperatures that can be probed are severely limited. Talbot–Lau interferometry offers the possibility of extending interferometry measurements to x-ray wavelengths by means of the Talbot effect. While there have been several proof-of-concept experiments showing the efficacy of this method, it is only recently that experiments to probe High Energy Density (HED) plasmas using Talbot–Lau interferometry are starting to take place. To improve these experimental designs, we present here the Talbot-Interferometry Analyzer (TIA) tool, a forward model for generating and postprocessing synthetic x-ray interferometry images from a Talbot–Lau interferometer. Although TIA can work with any two-dimensional hydrodynamic code to study plasma conditions as close to reality as possible, this software has been designed to work by default with output files from the hydrodynamic code FLASH, making the tool user-friendly and accessible to the general plasma physics community. The model has been built into a standalone app, which can be installed by anyone with access to the MATLAB runtime installer and is available upon request to the authors

    Dense plasma heating by crossing relativistic electron beams

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    Here we investigate, using relativistic fluid theory and Vlasov-Maxwell simulations, the local heating of a dense plasma by two crossing electron beams. Heating occurs as an instability of the electron beams drives Langmuir waves, which couple nonlinearly into damped ion-acoustic waves. Simulations show a factor 2.8 increase in electron kinetic energy with a coupling efficiency of 18%. Our results support applications to the production of warm dense matter and as a driver for inertial fusion plasmas

    Phase imaging of irradiated foils at the OMEGA EP facility using phase-stepping X-ray Talbot–Lau deflectometry

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    Producción CientíficaDiagnosing the evolution of laser-generated high energy density (HED) systems is fundamental to develop a correct understanding of the behavior of matter under extreme conditions. Talbot–Lau interferometry constitutes a promising tool, since it permits simultaneous single-shot X-ray radiography and phase-contrast imaging of dense plasmas. We present the results of an experiment at OMEGA EP that aims to probe the ablation front of a laser-irradiated foil using a Talbot–Lau X-ray interferometer. A polystyrene (CH) foil was irradiated by a laser of 133 J, 1 ns and probed with 8 keV laser-produced backlighter radiation from Cu foils driven by a short-pulse laser (153 J, 11 ps). The ablation front interferograms were processed in combination with a set of reference images obtained ex situ using phase-stepping. We managed to obtain attenuation and phase-shift images of a laser-irradiated foil for electron densities above 1e22 cm−3. These results showcase the capabilities of Talbot–Lau X-ray diagnostic methods to diagnose HED laser-generated plasmas through high-resolution imaging.The work has been supported by Research Grant No. PID2019-108764RB-I00 from the Spanish Min istry of Science and Innovatio

    Attosecond-scale absorption at extreme intensities

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    A novel non-ponderomotive absorption mechanism, originally presented by Baeva et al. in one dimension, is extended into higher dimensions for the first time. This absorption mechanism, the Zero Vector Potential (ZVP), is expected to dominate the interactions of ultra-intense laser pulses with critically over-dense plasmas such as those that are expected with the Extreme Light Infrastructure laser systems. It is shown that the mathematical form of the ZVP mechanism and its key scaling relations found by Baeva et al. in 1D are identically reproduced in higher dimensions. The two dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are then used to validate both the qualitative and quantitative predictions of the theory

    Wakefields in a cluster plasma

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    We report the first comprehensive study of large amplitude Langmuir waves in a plasma of nanometer-scale clusters. Using an oblique angle single-shot frequency domain holography diagnostic, the shape of these wakefields is captured for the first time. The wavefronts are observed to curve backwards, in contrast to the forwards curvature of wakefields in uniform plasma. Due to the expansion of the clusters, the first wakefield period is longer than those trailing it. The features of the data are well described by fully relativistic two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations and by a quasianalytic solution for a one-dimensional, nonlinear wakefield in a cluster plasma

    Social and facility carrying capasities of coastal recreation areas on Oahu, Hawaii

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    As popularity of Hawaii\u27s beaches and coral reefs increases, there is a need to measure and monitor recreation carrying capacities and use thresholds to ensure that resources and experiences are not degraded. Objectives of this study were to estimate social and facility carrying capacities at various sites on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Data were obtained from surveys completed by recreationists at each site in 2007 (n = 2,821, response rate = 87%). Results showed that reported encounters with other users, perceived crowding, and maximum tolerances for encountering other recreationists differed among sites. Despite high encounter rates at some sites, less than 55% of respondents at each site felt crowded. Between 63% and 75% of visitors at each site encountered fewer people than their maximum tolerance limit, suggesting that indicators of social carrying capacity were not being exceeded at any of the sites. Satisfaction with some facilities at each site was relatively low partially because most respondents reported encountering fewer facilities than what actually exists. At some sites, there were not enough facilities to accommodate current use and recreationists\u27 demands suggesting that some indicators of facility carrying capacity were being exceeded. Research and management implications will be discussed

    Machine learning applied to proton radiography of high-energy-density plasmas

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    Proton radiography is a technique extensively used to resolve magnetic field structures in high-energy-density plasmas, revealing a whole variety of interesting phenomena such as magnetic reconnection and collisionless shocks found in astrophysical systems. Existing methods of analyzing proton radiographs give mostly qualitative results or specific quantitative parameters, such as magnetic field strength, and recent work showed that the line-integrated transverse magnetic field can be reconstructed in specific regimes where many simplifying assumptions were needed. Using artificial neural networks, we demonstrate for the first time 3D reconstruction of magnetic fields in the nonlinear regime, an improvement over existing methods, which reconstruct only in 2D and in the linear regime. A proof of concept is presented here, with mean reconstruction errors of less than 5% even after introducing noise. We demonstrate that over the long term, this approach is more computationally efficient compared to other techniques. We also highlight the need for proton tomography because (i) certain field structures cannot be reconstructed from a single radiograph and (ii) errors can be further reduced when reconstruction is performed on radiographs generated by proton beams fired in different directions
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