774 research outputs found

    La genesi sociale dei gruppi di camorra

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    Rispetto alle altre mafie italiane, più connotate sul piano organizzativo-rituale, la camorra mostra sovente strutture meno rigide. Soprattutto nella variante urbana i clan di camorra risultano profondamente inseriti nel tessuto sociale ed economico. E non soltanto nelle aree che troppo frettolosamente vengono rubricate come “marginali”, ma anche nelle attività di impresa di un certo rilievo per l’economia cittadina. Inoltre, i gruppi napoletani tendono a sfumare senza rigide soluzioni di continuità verso la delinquenza comune e le diffuse aree di illegalità, con rapporti che non si limitano alla estorsione e alla cogestione, ma che spesso diventano canali di genesi e di alimentazione. Eppure i lavori più accorsati sul tema utilizzano come principale elemento analitico il gruppo organizzato, dotato di confini netti e di strategie autonome, e che agisce contendendo il potere alle istituzioni statali o approfittando dell’assenza delle stesse. Magari “infiltrandosi” e raggiungendo accordi collusivi con pezzi di “società ufficiale” o di politica deviata, ma sempre come corpo separato dalla società e dallo Stato. Beninteso, questi lavori non mancano di indicare la maggiore fluidità delle organizzazioni camorristiche, ma poi fatalmente ripiegano, anche per carenza di ricerca empirica approfondita e per l’uso esclusivo delle fonti giudiziarie, sulla dimensione del “contropotere”, e in ultima analisi sulle linee interpretative delle teorie convenzionali sul crimine organizzato. La dimensione organizzativa è importante per spiegare diversi tratti del fenomeno camorrista e il suo persistere nel tempo, ma la sua dilatazione porta inevitabilmente a sovrastimare i fattori di autoriproduzione (e quindi il potere delle organizzazioni camorristiche) a scapito dei fattori di genesi a partire dal tessuto sociale

    Sulfur-containing histidine compounds inhibit Îł-glutamyl transpeptidase activity in human cancer cells

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    Îł-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme located on the surface of cellular membranes and involved in GSH metabolism and maintenance of redox homeostasis. High GGT expression on tumor cells is associated with increased cell proliferation and resistance against chemotherapy. GGT inhibitors evaluated so far in clinical trials are too toxic for human use. In this study, using enzyme kinetics analyses, we demonstrate that ovothiols, 5(NĎ€)-methyl thiohistidines of marine origin, act as noncompetitive inhibitors of GGT, with an apparent Ki of 21 ÎĽM, when we fixed the concentrations of the donor substrate. We found that these compounds are more potent than the known GGT inhibitor 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine and are not toxic toward human embryonic cells. In particular, cellular process-specific fluorescence-based assays revealed that ovothiols induce a mixed cell-death phenotype of apoptosis and autophagy in GGT-overexpressing cell lines, including human liver cancer and chronic B leukemic cells. The findings of our study provide the basis for further development of 5-thiohistidines as therapeutics for GGT-positive tumors and highlight that GGT inhibition is involved in autophagy

    Melusin gene (ITGB1BP2) nucleotide variations study in hypertensive and cardiopathic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melusin is a muscle specific signaling protein, required for compensatory hypertrophy response in pressure-overloaded heart. The role of Melusin in heart function has been established both by loss and gain of function experiments in murine models. With the aim of verifying the hypothesis of a potential role of the Melusin encoding gene, <it>ITGB1BP2</it>, in the modification of the clinical phenotype of human cardiomyopathies, we screened the <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>gene looking for genetic variations possibly associated to the pathological phenotype in three selected groups of patients affected by hypertension and dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>by direct sequencing of the 11 coding exons and intron flanking sequences in 928 subjects, including 656 hypertensive or cardiopathic patients and 272 healthy individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only three nucleotide variations were found in patients of three distinct families: a C>T missense substitution at position 37 of exon 1 causing an amino acid change from His-13 to Tyr in the protein primary sequence, a duplication (IVS6+12_18dupTTTTGAG) near the 5'donor splice site of intron 6, and a silent 843C>T substitution in exon 11.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The three variations of the <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>gene have been detected in families of patients affected either by hypertension or primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; however, a clear genotype/phenotype correlation was not evident. Preliminary functional results and bioinformatic analysis seem to exclude a role for IVS6+12_18dupTTTTGAG and 843C>T in affecting splicing mechanism.</p> <p>Our analysis revealed an extremely low number of variations in the <it>ITGB1BP2 </it>gene in nearly 1000 hypertensive/cardiopathic and healthy individuals, thus suggesting a high degree of conservation of the melusin gene within the populations analyzed.</p

    Predictors of mortality in primary antiphospholipid syndrome. A single-centre cohort study.

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    The vascular mortality of antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) ranges from 1.4 % to 5.5 %, but its predictors are poorly known. It was the study objective to evaluate the impact of baseline lupus anticoagulant assays, IgG anticardiolipin (aCL), plasma fibrinogen (FNG) and von Willebrand factor (VWF), platelets (PLT) and of genetic polymorphisms of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T, of prothrombin G20210A and of paraoxonase-1 Q192R on mortality in primary APS (PAPS). Cohort study on 77 thrombotic PAPS and 33 asymptomatic carriers of aPL (PCaPL) seen from 1989 to 2015 and persistently positive for aPL as per annual review. At baseline all participants were tested twice for the ratios of kaolin clotting time (KCTr), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTTr), dilute Russell viper venom time (DRVVTr), IgG aCL, FNG, VWF and once for PLT. All thrombotic PAPS were on warfarin with regular INR monitoring. During follow-up 11 PAPS deceased (D-PAPS) of recurrent thrombosis despite adequate anticoagulation yielding an overall vascular mortality of 10 %. D-PAPS had the strongest baseline aPTTr and DRVVTr and the highest mean baseline IgG aCL, FNG, VWF and PLT. Cox proportional hazards model identified baseline DRVVTr and FNG as main predictors of mortality with adjusted hazard ratios of 5.75 (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 1.5, 22.4) and of 1.03 (95 %CI: 1.01, 1.04), respectively. In conclusion, plasma DRVVTr and FNG are strong predictors of vascular mortality in PAPS; while FNG lowering agents exist further research should be directed at therapeutic strategies able to dampen aPL production

    Determination of Agrin and Related Proteins Levels as a Function of Age in Human Hearts

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    BACKGROUND: Mature cardiomyocytes are unable to proliferate, preventing the injured adult heart from repairing itself. Studies in rodents have suggested that the extracellular matrix protein agrin promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation in the developing heart and that agrin expression is downregulated shortly after birth, resulting in the cessation of proliferation. Agrin based therapies have proven successful at inducing repair in animal models of cardiac injury, however whether similar pathways exist in the human heart is unknown. METHODS: Right ventricular (RV) biopsies were collected from 40 patients undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease and the expression of agrin and associated proteins was investigated. RESULTS: Agrin transcripts were found in all samples and their levels were significantly negatively correlated to age (p = 0.026), as were laminin transcripts (p = 0.023), whereas no such correlation was found for the other proteins analyzed. No significant correlations for any of the proteins were found when grouping patients by their gender or pathology. Immunohistochemistry and western blots to detect and localize agrin and the other proteins under analysis in RV tissue, confirmed their presence in patients of all ages. CONCLUSIONS: We show that agrin is progressively downregulated with age in human RV tissue but not as dramatically as has been demonstrated in mice; highlighting both similarities and differences to findings in rodents. Our results lay the groundwork for future studies exploring the potential of agrin-based therapies in the repair of damaged human hearts

    Praja1 E3 ubiquitin ligase promotes skeletal myogenesis through degradation of EZH2 upon p38α activation

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    Polycomb proteins are critical chromatin modifiers that regulate stem cell differentiation via transcriptional repression. In skeletal muscle progenitors Enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2), the catalytic subunit of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2), contributes to maintain the chromatin of muscle genes in a repressive conformation, whereas its down-regulation allows the progression through the myogenic programme. Here, we show that p38α kinase promotes EZH2 degradation in differentiating muscle cells through phosphorylation of threonine 372. Biochemical and genetic evidence demonstrates that the MYOD-induced E3 ubiquitin ligase Praja1 (PJA1) is involved in regulating EZH2 levels upon p38α activation. EZH2 premature degradation in proliferating myoblasts is prevented by low levels of PJA1, its cytoplasmic localization and the lower activity towards unphosphorylated EZH2. Our results indicate that signal-dependent degradation of EZH2 is a prerequisite for satellite cells differentiation and identify PJA1 as a new player in the epigenetic control of muscle gene expression
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