1,218 research outputs found

    Line emission from gamma-ray burst environments

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    The time and angle dependent line and continuum emission from a dense torus around a cosmological gamma-ray burst source is simulated, taking into account photoionization, collisional ionization, recombination, and electron heating and cooling due to various processes. The importance of the hydrodynamical interaction between the torus and the expanding blast wave is stressed. Due to the rapid deceleration of the blast wave as it interacts with the dense torus, the material in the torus will be illuminated by a drastically different photon spectrum than observable through a low-column-density line of sight, and will be heated by the hydrodynamical interaction between the blast wave and the torus. A model calculation to reproduce the Fe K-alpha line emission observed in the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970508 is presented. The results indicate that ~ 10^{-4} solar masses of iron must be concentrated in a region of less than 10^{-3} pc. The illumination of the torus material due to the hydrodynamic interaction of the blast wave with the torus is the dominant heating and ionization mechanism leading to the formation of the iron line. These results suggest that misaligned GRBs may be detectable as X-ray flashes with pronounced iron emission line features.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Updated recombination rate data; discussion on element abundances added; references update

    X-ray spectral features from GRBs: Predictions of progenitor models

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    We investigate the potentially observable prompt or delayed X-ray spectral features from the currently popular gamma-ray burst (GRB) models. During the evolution of many GRB progenitors, a disk around the central GRB source is produced. Shock heating as the GRB ejecta collide with the disk may produce observable X-ray features. We first summarize predictions deduced from previous calculations which invoke photoionization and relativistic blast waves. We then calculate the quasi-thermal X-ray line features produced assuming the ejecta are nonrelativistic (which is more likely for the disk interactions of many GRB models). In the framework of the Hypernova/Collapsar model, delayed (a few days - several months after the GRB) bursts of line-dominated, thermal X-ray emission may be expected. The He-merger scenario predicts similar X-ray emission line bursts <~ a few days after the GRB. These X-ray signatures should be observable with Chandra and XMM-Newton out to at least z ~ 1. Weak emission line features <~ a few days after the GRB may also result from the supranova GRB scenario. In all three cases, significant X-ray absorption features, in particular during the prompt GRB phase, are expected. No significant X-ray spectral features might result from compact-object binary mergers.Comment: 20 pages, including 8 figures and 3 tables. Uses epsf.sty, rotate.sty. Final version, accepted for publication in to ApJ. Revised analytical estimate of maximum emission line luminosity. Numerical results and conclusions unchange

    Monte-Carlo simulations of thermal/nonthermal radiation from a neutron-star magnetospheric accretion shell

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    We discuss the space-and-time-dependent Monte Carlo code we have developed to simulate the relativistic radiation output from compact astrophysical objects, coupled to a Fokker-Planck code to determine the self-consistent lepton populations. We have applied this code to model the emission from a magnetized neutron star accretion shell near the Alfven radius, reprocessing the radiation from the neutron sar surface. We explore the parameter space defined by the accretion rate, stellar surface field and the level of wave turbulence in the shell. Our results are relevant to the emission from atoll sources, soft-X-ray transient X-ray binaries containing weakly magnetized neutron stars, and to recently suggested models of accretion-powered emission from anomalous X-ray pulsars.Comment: 24 pages, including 7 figures; uses epsf.sty. final version, accepted for publication in ApJ. Extended introduction and discussio

    Lamination And Microstructuring Technology for a Bio-Cell Multiwell array

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    Microtechnology becomes a versatile tool for biological and biomedical applications. Microwells have been established long but remained non-intelligent up to now. Merging new fabrication techniques and handling concepts with microelectronics enables to realize intelligent microwells suitable for future improved cancer treatment. The described technology depicts the basis for the fabrication of a elecronically enhanced microwell. Thin aluminium sheets are structured by laser micro machining and laminated successively to obtain registration tolerances of the respective layers of 5..10\^Aμ\mum. The microwells lasermachined into the laminate are with 50..80\^Aμ\mum diameter, allowing to hold individual cells within the well. The individual process steps are described and results on the microstructuring are given.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Fireballs Loading and the Blast Wave Model of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    A simple function for the spectral power P(ϵ,t)νL(ν)P(\epsilon,t) \equiv \nu L(\nu) is proposed to model, with 9 parameters, the spectral and temporal evolution of the observed nonthermal synchrotron power flux from GRBs in the blast wave model. Here ϵ=hν/\epsilon = h\nu/me_ec2^2 is the observed dimensionless photon energy and tt is the observing time. Assumptions and an issue of lack of self-consistency are spelled out. The spectra are found to be most sensitive to the baryon loading, expressed in terms of the initial bulk Lorentz factor Γ0\Gamma_0, and an equipartition term qq which is assumed to be constant in time and independent of Γ0\Gamma_0. Expressions are given for the peak spectral power Pp(t)=P(ϵp,t)P_p(t) = P(\epsilon_p,t) at the photon energy ϵ=ϵp(t)\epsilon = \epsilon_p(t) of the spectral power peak. A general rule is that the total fireball particle kinetic energy E0Π0tdE_0 \sim \Pi_0 t_d, where tdΓ08/3t_d \propto \Gamma_0^{-8/3} is the deceleration time scale and Π0P(ϵp,td)Γ08/3\Pi_0 \equiv P(\epsilon_p,t_d) \propto \Gamma_0^{8/3} is the maximum measured bolometric power output in radiation, during which it is carried primarily by photons with energy E0=ϵp(td)qΓ04{\cal E}_0 = \epsilon_p(t_d) \propto q\Gamma_0^4.Comment: 26 pages, including 4 figures, uses epsf.sty, rotate.sty; submitted to ApJ; revised version with extended introduction, redrawn figures, and correction

    X-ray Spectral Signatures of the Photon Bubble Model for Ultraluminous X-ray Sources

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    The nature of ultraluminous X-ray sources in nearby galaxies is one of the major open questions in modern X-ray astrophysics. One possible explanation for these objects is an inhomogeneous, radiation dominated accretion disk around a 10M\sim 10 M_{\odot} black hole -- the so-called ``photon bubble'' model. While previous studies of this model have focused primarily on its radiation-hydrodynamics aspects, in this paper, we provide an analysis of its X-ray spectral (continuum and possible edge and line) characteristics. Compton reflection between high and low density regions in the disk may provide the key to distinguishing this model from others, such as accretion onto an intermediate mass black hole. We couple a Monte Carlo/Fokker-Planck radiation transport code with the XSTAR code for reflection to simulate the photon spectra produced in a photon bubble model for ULXs. We find that reflection components tend to be very weak and in most cases not observable, and make predictions for the shape of the high-energy Comptonizing spectra. In many cases the Comptonization dominates the spectra even down to \sim a few keV. In one simulation, a \sim 9 \kev feature was found, which may be considered a signature of photon bubbles in ULXs; furthermore, we make predictions of high energy power-laws which may be observed by future instruments.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Effects of geometric anisotropy on local field distribution: Ewald-Kornfeld formulation

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    We have applied the Ewald-Kornfeld formulation to a tetragonal lattice of point dipoles, in an attempt to examine the effects of geometric anisotropy on the local field distribution. The various problems encountered in the computation of the conditionally convergent summation of the near field are addressed and the methods of overcoming them are discussed. The results show that the geometric anisotropy has a significant impact on the local field distribution. The change in the local field can lead to a generalized Clausius-Mossotti equation for the anisotropic case.Comment: Accepted for publications, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    H_2 Absorption and Fluorescence for Gamma Ray Bursts in Molecular Clouds

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    If a gamma ray burst with strong UV emission occurs in a molecular cloud, there will be observable consequences resulting from excitation of the surrounding H2. The UV pulse from the GRB will pump H2 into vibrationally-excited levels which produce strong absorption at wavelengths < 1650 A. As a result, both the prompt flash and later afterglow will exhibit strong absorption shortward of 1650 A, with specific spectroscopic features. Such a cutoff in the emission from GRB 980329 may already have been observed by Fruchter et al.; if so, GRB 980329 was at redshift 3.0 < z < 4.4 . BVRI photometry of GRB 990510 could also be explained by H2 absorption if GRB 990510 is at redshift 1.6 < z < 2.3. The fluorescence accompanying the UV pumping of the H2 will result in UV emission from the GRB which can extend over days or months, depending on parameters of the ambient medium and beaming of the GRB flash. The 7.5-13.6 eV fluorescent luminosity is \sim 10^{41.7} erg/s for standard estimates of the parameters of the GRB and the ambient medium. Spectroscopy can distinguish this fluorescent emission from other possible sources of transient optical emission, such as a supernova.Comment: 13 pages, including 4 figures. submitted to Ap.J.(Letters

    Redshift determination in the X-ray band of gamma-ray bursts

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    If gamma-ray bursts originate in dense stellar forming regions, the interstellar material can imprint detectable absorption features on the observed X-ray spectrum. Such features can be detected by existing and planned X-ray satellites, as long as the X-ray afterglow is observed after a few minutes from the burst. If the column density of the interstellar material exceeds ~10^{23} cm^{-2} there exists the possibility to detect the K_alpha fluorescent iron line, which should be visible for more than one year, long after the X-ray afterglow continuum has faded away. Detection of these X-ray features will make possible the determination of the redshift of gamma-ray bursts even when their optical afterglow is severely dimmed by extinction.Comment: 15 pages with 5 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Broadband Spectral Analysis of PKS 0528+134: A Report on Six Years of EGRET Observations

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    The multiwavelength spectra of PKS 0528+134 during six years of observations by EGRET have been analyzed using synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) and external radiation Compton (ERC) models. We find that a two-component model, in which the target photons are produced externally to the gamma-ray emitting region, but also including an SSC component, is required to suitably reproduce the spectral energy distributions of the source. Our analysis indicates that there is a trend in the observed properties of PKS 0528+134, as the source goes from a gamma-ray low state to a flaring state. We observe that during the higher gamma-ray states, the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet increases and the ERC component dominates the high-energy emission. Our model calculations indicate the trend that the energies of the electrons giving rise to the synchrotron peak decreases, and the power-ratio of the gamma-ray and low energy spectral components increases, as the source goes from a low to a high gamma-ray state.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures, final version accepted for publication in ApJ; includes minor modification