361 research outputs found

    Distributed coherent radars enabled by fiber networks

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    In the last few years, we have been proposing the use of photonics to bring new functionalities in radar systems, exploiting its precision and tunability to give radars improved performance and reconfigurability. This paper will present the most recent evolution of the original idea of photonics-based radars, which considers the exploitation of the increasingly available fiber connections to implement a network of widely distributed radars. The centralized photonic approach allows driving several separated radars simultaneously, enabling the novel class of distributed coherent radar systems. Through the implementation of specific multi-input multi-output (MIMO) processing, the photonics-enabled radar network is capable to push the radar detection resolution far beyond the limits usually set by the signal bandwidth alone

    Widely distributed photonics-based dual-band MIMO radar for harbour surveillance

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    A new architecture for a widely distributed dual-band coherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system is illustrated, and its implementation and testing are reported. The system consists in a central unit where radar signals are coherently generated and detected, which serves multiple remote sensors connected over transparent WDM optical network. Every remote node operates coherently both in the S- and X-band, and is displaced over distances of several kilometers, allowing to monitor a scene under different angles of view. All the remote sensors share the same oscillator and digital signal processing unit, both located in the central office, allowing to perform centralized raw data fusion on the acquired signals. By virtue of the system coherence, the system takes advantage of the coherent MIMO processing strategy to offer a superior spatial resolution, which is even magnified by the dual-band approach

    Modeling meander morphodynamics over self-formed heterogeneous floodplains

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    This work addresses the signatures embedded in the planform geometry of meandering rivers consequent to the formation of floodplain heterogeneities as the river bends migrate. Two geomorphic features are specifically considered: scroll bars produced by lateral accretion of point bars at convex banks and oxbow lake fills consequent to neck cutoffs. The sedimentary architecture of these geomorphic units depends on the type and amount of sediment, and controls bank erodibility as the river impinges on them, favoring or contrasting the river migration. The geometry of numerically generated planforms obtained for different scenarios of floodplain heterogeneity is compared to that of natural meandering paths. Half meander metrics and spatial distribution of channel curvatures are used to disclose the complexity embedded in meandering geometry. Fourier Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Singular Spectrum Analysis and Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis are used to emphasize the subtle but crucial differences which may emerge between apparently similar configurations. A closer similarity between observed and simulated planforms is attained when fully coupling flow and sediment dynamics (fully-coupled models) and when considering self-formed heterogeneities that are less erodible than the surrounding floodplain

    In-Field Demonstration of a Photonic Coherent MIMO Distributed Radar Network

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    This paper reports an in-field experiment of a photonics-based coherent MIMO radar network. The use of photonics guarantees the coherence of the transmitted and received RF signals, and allows remoting the antennas exploiting deployed optical fibers, thus a MIMO approach can be applied on a network of widely distributed coherent radars. In the in-field experiment, a photonics-based radar core connects two transmitters and two receivers, with 100-MHz bandwidth signals in X-band, observing a collaborative target. The results demonstrate an improvement in radar precision, and envisage real applications wherever fiber is available for deploying the radar network

    Coherent dual-band 2x4 MIMO radar experiment exploiting photonics

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    In this paper the first coherent dual-band 2x4 MIMO radar experiment is presented. Range/cross-range maps demonstrate the higher cross-range resolution due to the coherence and the enhanced performance introduced by dual-band operatio

    Photonics for Coherent MIMO Radar: an Experimental Multi-Target Surveillance Scenario

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    This paper investigates the target detection and localization capabilities of a coherent multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar network designed and implemented using photonic technology. The benefit offered by photonics is twofold: it guarantees long-time phase stability and frequency/phase coherence between the transmitted and received radio frequency signals; secondly, it allows remoting the antennas by exploiting optical fibers. The proposed radar network demonstrator, which is composed of two transmitting and two receiving antennas in the X-band with 100 MHz signal bandwidth, operates in a real down-scaled outdoor scenario for detecting two collaborative closely-spaced moving targets. The preliminary results demonstrate the effective impact of photonics applied to coherent centralized radar networks and provide some guidelines for the development of more complex and application-tailored radar networks

    Photonic Combinatorial Network for Contention Management in 160 Gb/s Interconnection Networks based on All-Optical 2x2 Switching Elements

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    A modular photonic interconnection network based on a combination of basic 2×2 all-optical nodes including a photonic combinatorial network for the packet contention management is presented. The proposed architecture is synchronous, can handle optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) packets up to 160 Gb/s, exhibits self-routing capability, and very low switching latency. In such a scenario, OTDM has to be preferred to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) because in the former case, the instantaneous packet power carries the information related to only one bit, making the signal processing based on instantaneous nonlinear interactions between packets and control signals more efficient. Moreover, OTDM can be used in interconnection networks without caring about the propagation impairments because of the very short length (< 100 m) of the links in these networks. For such short-range networks, the packet synchronization can be solved at the network boundary in the electronic domain without the need of complex optical synchronizers. In this paper, we focus on a photonic combinatorial network able to detect the contentions, and to optically drive the contention resolution block and the switching control block. The implementation of the photonic combinatorial network is based on semiconductor devices, which makes the solution very promising in terms of compactness, stability, and power consumption. This implementation represents the first example of complex photonic combinatorial network for ultrafast digital processing. The network performance has been investigated for bit streams at 10 Gb/s in terms of bit error rate (BER) and contrast ratio. Moreover, the suitability of the 2×2 photonic node architecture exploiting the earlier mentioned combinatorial network has been verified at a bit rate up to 160 Gb/s. In this way, the potential of photonic digital processing for the next generation broad band and flexible interconnection networks has been demonstrated

    Evaluation, recommendation and implementation of the local hospital catering system

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    According to the literature the prevalence of the risk of malnutrition o hospitalized people exceeds 25% of patients, this evidence is also related to low meal satisfaction. To reduce hospital malnutrition it is also important to improve the consumption of meals by implementing organoleptic and nutritional quality (O&amp;NQ). The Local Health Agency of Trieste (ASUITS) has conducted surveys to find out how to evaluate and improve the procurement qualifications of hospital catering systems (HCS) and how to implement O&amp;NQ. The production processes of meals served in two clinics using Cook Chill (CC) and Cook/Fresh - Hot Hold (CFHH) production process, respectively, were evaluated from 2017 - 2019. The Nutrient Analysis Critical Control Point process was applied for the evaluation of two catering systems. In addition, the antiradicalic power (ARP) of 120 samples of meals by the University of Trieste was analysed. In 2019 an investigation was conducted to compare the satisfaction and ARP content of meals served to patients in two hospital wards (N = 60). The meals to patients of two wards respectively with CC Cold Plating Retherm (PR) and CC Hot PR were served. Meals produced by the CC production process highlight the average loss of 50% of ARP compared to the CFHH. Meals produced by the CC Cold PR method limit the loss of ARP by 15-40% less compared to the CC Hot PR method. The satisfaction of patients who have consumed meals produced by the CC Cold PR method is double compared to that of patients who have consumed meals produced by the CC Hot PR method. The surveys have produced significant evidence to evaluate hospital meal production processes and to improve O&amp;NQ. The results were used to develop recommendations for the drafting of tender specifications capable of also protecting nutritional variables. The evaluation of the O&amp;NQ of HCS represents a central determinant of food safety and nutrition security and must be taken into consideration in the procurements procedure