4,666 research outputs found

    Non-Markovian Dynamics of Charge Carriers in Quantum Dots

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    We have investigated the dynamics of bound particles in multilevel current-carrying quantum dots. We look specifically in the regime of resonant tunnelling transport, where several channels are available for transport. Through a non-Markovian formalism under the Born approximation, we investigate the real-time evolution of the confined particles including transport-induced decoherence and relaxation. In the case of a coherent superposition between states with different particle number, we find that a Fock-space coherence may be preserved even in the presence of tunneling into and out of the dot. Real-time results are presented for various asymmetries of tunneling rates into different orbitals.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, International Workshop on Physics-Based Mathematical Models for Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures. BIRS, November 18-23, 200

    Reflection and Transmission at the Apparent Horizon during Gravitational Collapse

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    We examine the wave-functionals describing the collapse of a self-gravitating dust ball in an exact quantization of the gravity-dust system. We show that ingoing (collapsing) dust shell modes outside the apparent horizon must necessarily be accompanied by outgoing modes inside the apparent horizon, whose amplitude is suppressed by the square root of the Boltzmann factor at the Hawking temperature. Likewise, ingoing modes in the interior must be accompanied by outgoing modes in the exterior, again with an amplitude suppressed by the same factor. A suitable superposition of the two solutions is necessary to conserve the dust probability flux across the apparent horizon, thus each region contains both ingoing and outgoing dust modes. If one restricts oneself to considering only the modes outside the apparent horizon then one should think of the apparent horizon as a partial reflector, the probability for a shell to reflect being given by the Boltzmann factor at the Hawking temperature determined by the mass contained within it. However, if one considers the entire wave function, the outgoing wave in the exterior is seen to be the transmission through the horizon of the interior outgoing wave that accompanies the collapsing shells. This transmission could allow information from the interior to be transferred to the exterior.Comment: 19 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Quantum Stress-Tensor in Self-Similar Spherical Dust Collapse

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    We calculate the quantum stress tensor for a massless scalar field in the 2-d self-similar spherical dust collapse model which admits a naked singularity. We find that the outgoing radiation flux diverges on the Cauchy horizon. This may have two consequences. The resultant back reaction may prevent the naked singularity from forming, thus preserving cosmic censorship through quantum effects. The divergent flux may lead to an observable signature differentiating naked singularities from black holes in astrophysical observations.Comment: Latex File, 19 page

    Non-Newtonian Mechanics

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    The classical motion of spinning particles can be described without employing Grassmann variables or Clifford algebras, but simply by generalizing the usual spinless theory. We only assume the invariance with respect to the Poincare' group; and only requiring the conservation of the linear and angular momenta we derive the zitterbewegung: namely the decomposition of the 4-velocity in the newtonian constant term p/m and in a non-newtonian time-oscillating spacelike term. Consequently, free classical particles do not obey, in general, the Principle of Inertia. Superluminal motions are also allowed, without violating Special Relativity, provided that the energy-momentum moves along the worldline of the center-of-mass. Moreover, a non-linear, non-constant relation holds between the time durations measured in different reference frames. Newtonian Mechanics is re-obtained as a particular case of the present theory: namely for spinless systems with no zitterbewegung. Introducing a Lagrangian containing also derivatives of the 4-velocity we get a new equation of the motion, actually a generalization of the Newton Law a=F/m. Requiring the rotational symmetry and the reparametrization invariance we derive the classical spin vector and the conserved scalar Hamiltonian, respectively. We derive also the classical Dirac spin and analyze the general solution of the Eulero-Lagrange equation for Dirac particles. The interesting case of spinning systems with zero intrinsic angular momentum is also studied.Comment: LaTeX; 27 page

    Phase-Dependent Properties of Extrasolar Planet Atmospheres

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    Recently the Spitzer Space Telescope observed the transiting extrasolar planets, TrES-1 and HD209458b. These observations have provided the first estimates of the day side thermal flux from two extrasolar planets orbiting Sun-like stars. In this paper, synthetic spectra from atmospheric models are compared to these observations. The day-night temperature difference is explored and phase-dependent flux densities are predicted for both planets. For HD209458b and TrES-1, models with significant day-to-night energy redistribution are required to reproduce the observations. However, the observational error bars are large and a range of models remains viable.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

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