7 research outputs found

    Quoting the Confucian Analects in Defense of Indian Buddhism: An Exegetical Study of Confucius’ Utterances in the Mouzi li huo lun

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    I first encountered the Mouzi 牟歐 while working on a Confucian text attributed to Lu Jia é™žèłˆ (d. c. 170 BCE), the New Discourses (Xinyu 新èȘž), and more particularly on the problems raised by its authenticity. Lu Jia, as an ambassador for two emperors of the Han dynasty, Gaozu 高焖 (r. 202-195 BCE) and Wendi æ–‡ćž (r. 179-157 BCE), led two expeditions to the remote area of Jiaozhi äș€è¶Ÿ, then an independent kingdom (Nan Yue ć—è¶Š) at the extreme south of the Chinese space. The New Discourses, despite the imp..

    India-China: Intersecting Universalities

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    This collection of articles is mainly the result of an international conference organised by the Chair of Chinese Intellectual History at the Collùge de France in June 2017. Entitled “India-China: Intersecting Universalities”, it brought together scholars from Asia, America and Europe who have been interested in one aspect or other of the cultural interactions between India and China. The diversity of the topics testifies to the lively interest raised by the intersection of two heavyweights of area and cultural studies. What makes the relationship between “China” and “India” so remarkably interesting is that one can hardly imagine two civilisational worlds as radically different from each other, which yet managed somehow to come into contact and to interact. The aim of the present volume is to look at various aspects of the cultural exchanges between India and China at different points of history. It is to try and remedy a certain indifference and mutual ignorance in our day and age that we bring forward this collective venture with the hope of offering to our readers alternative approaches to the connections between these two “giants of Asia”, other than the merely geopolitical ones that fill our media today

    Histoire des Han postérieurs (Hou Hanshu)

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    L’Histoire des Han postĂ©rieurs de Fan Ye, Ă©crite environ trois siĂšcles aprĂšs les Ă©vĂ©nements qu’elle rapporte, prĂ©sente la particularitĂ© de s’appuyer sur de nombreux ouvrages historiques prĂ©existants, mais, les dĂ©passant par sa qualitĂ©, elle s’est rapidement imposĂ©e comme la seule histoire des Han postĂ©rieurs sous la forme « annale‑biographie ».The History of the Later Han by Fan Ye was written some three hundred years after the events it narrates and unusually relies on pre-existing historical writings. Nonetheless, its superiority was soon to be recognized and it became the only history of the Later Han of the “annals-biography” form

    Histoire des Han (Hanshu)

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    L’Histoire des Han, composĂ©e prĂšs de deux siĂšcles aprĂšs les MĂ©moires historiques de Sima Qian dont elle tire une grande part de son inspiration tout en s’en Ă©cartant sur le plan de la structure et des valeurs, est la premiĂšre histoire dynastique dans la tradition historiographique chinoise. Elle propose en effet un rĂ©cit des Ă©vĂ©nements menant de la fondation de l’Empire des Han antĂ©rieurs jusqu’à sa chute, supplantĂ© par une nouvelle dynastie, et rassemble de nombreux textes et documents de cette pĂ©riode.The History of the Han, written almost two centuries after the Grand Scribe’s Records, from which it draws inspiration and at the same time departs regarding structure and values, is the first dynastic history in the Chinese historiographical tradition. Indeed, it provides a narrative of the events beginning with the foundation of the Western Han dynasty to its end when it was replaced by a new dynasty. It also contains a collection of a great number of texts and documents from this period

    Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies

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    Quels rapports les sociĂ©tĂ©s humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passĂ© et quels rĂ©cits font-elles du temps rĂ©volu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’EncyclopĂ©die des historiographies. Afriques, AmĂ©riques, Asies, 157 spĂ©cialistes reprĂ©sentant 88 institutions acadĂ©miques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l’historien et dĂ©chiffrent les nombreuses modalitĂ©s (« scientifiques », littĂ©raires, artistiques, monumentales
) de l’écriture du passĂ©. Évoquant tour Ă  tour l’Afrique, l’AmĂ©rique latine, l’Asie, l’OcĂ©anie, les 216 notices de l’ouvrage prĂ©sentent des matĂ©riaux historiques de toute nature, issus de toutes les Ă©poques, souvent mĂ©connus, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs usages. L’entreprise collective qu’est l’EncyclopĂ©die se veut novatrice : il s’agit de susciter une rĂ©flexion historiographique rĂ©solument non-occidentalo-centrĂ©e qui complĂšte utilement les dĂ©marches Ă©pistĂ©mologiques traditionnelles. Nouvel outil de connaissance historique forgĂ© Ă  l’heure de la mondialisation, l’EncyclopĂ©die des historiographies est aussi une vĂ©ritable invitation au voyage.What are the different types of relations that non-Western societies upkeep with their past and how are narratives about the past produced by them? In this first volume of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography: Africa, America, Asia, 157 specialists from 88 international academic institutions explore the wealth of evidence that constitutes source material for historians. They also examine the immensely diverse modes or genres of narrated history: “scientific”, literary, artistic, architectural, etc. 216 entries dealing with Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, cover a large variety of sources, including many which are unfamiliar to the Western or non-Western reader, along with the history of how they have been exploited. By bringing together for the first time such an abundance of material the reader is offered the possibility of exploring continents and building meaningful connections across space and time. In addition to being a new tool for historical enquiry in an era of globalization, this encyclopaedia is also an invitation to travel the world