19 research outputs found

    Identification of Exonic Copy Number Variations in Dystrophin Gene Using Mlpa / Identificarea Variaţiilor Numărului de Copii în Gena Distrofinei Folosind Metoda Mlpa

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    Distrofiile musculare Duchenne şi Becker (DMD/BMD) sunt boli musculare progresive legate de X determinate de mutaţii în gena distrofinei (DMD). Multiplex Ligation - Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) este o metodă simplă, necostisitoare şi precisă pentru diagnosticul molecular al mutaţiilor genei DMD. Ea identifică variaţiile numărului de copii în gena distrofinei, dar trebuie completată cu secvenţierea genei în cazul identificării deleţiilor/duplicaţiilor unui singur exon. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a evalua eficienţa MLPA ca test de screening al mutaţiilor în gena DMD la indivizii afectaţi şi femeile purtătoare, dar şi de a aprecia frecvenţa diferitelor tipuri de mutaţii şi de a verifica valabilitatea “regulii cadrului de lectură. Am folosit MLPA pentru detectarea deleţiilor/ duplicaţiilor în gena DMD la 53 indivizi (30 băieţi afectaţi şi 23 rude asimptomatice de sex feminin) trimişi pentru evaluare şi sfat genetic datorită suspiciunii clinice de DMD/BMD. La băieţii afectaţi (21 DMD şi 9 BMD) MLPA a avut o rată de detecţie de 63,5% (53,5% deleţii şi 10% duplicaţii). Cel mai frecvent deletat exon a fost exonul 45 şi cea mai frecventă duplicaţie a implicat exonii 3-5, confirmând prezenţa celor două regiuni critice mutaţionale raportate în literatură. Mutaţiile detectate în studiul nostru au avut o localizare uşor diferită comparativ cu datele din literatură. Regula cadrului de lectură a fost valabilă în 84% din cazuri

    An Up-to-Date Narrative Review on Congenital Heart Disease Percutaneous Treatment in Children Using Contemporary Devices

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    Background: Congenital heart pathology has a significant burden regarding morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population. Several transcatheter interventions and devices have been designed as an alternative to surgical repair. Percutaneous interventions have been proven to yield good results in most cases but with less stress and trauma than that attributed to surgical treatment, especially in frail pediatric patients. We aimed to review the literature and to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of transcatheter interventions and implantable devices for congenital heart disease management in children. Methods: We performed a search in Scopus and MEDLINE databases using prespecified keywords to retrieve clinical studies published between 2000 and 2021. Results: This article provides an up-to-date review regarding the applicability of interventional techniques in simple inter-atrial or inter-ventricular defects, and in challenging congenital defects, such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, tetralogy of Fallot, or coronary artery fistula. Furthermore, we reviewed recent indications for defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy, and new and promising devices currently being tested. Conclusion: Transcatheter treatment represents a feasible and efficient alternative to surgical repair of congenital heart defects. Novel devices could extend the indications and possibilities of percutaneous interventions in pediatric patients with congenital heart diseases

    Etiologic Puzzle of Coronary Artery Disease: How Important Is Genetic Component?

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    In the modern era, coronary artery disease (CAD) has become the most common form of heart disease and, due to the severity of its clinical manifestations and its acute complications, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The phenotypic variability of CAD is correlated with the complex etiology, multifactorial (caused by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors) but also monogenic. The purpose of this review is to present the genetic factors involved in the etiology of CAD and their relationship to the pathogenic mechanisms of the disease. Method: we analyzed data from the literature, starting with candidate gene-based association studies, then continuing with extensive association studies such as Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and Whole Exome Sequencing (WES). The results of these studies revealed that the number of genetic factors involved in CAD etiology is impressive. The identification of new genetic factors through GWASs offers new perspectives on understanding the complex pathophysiological mechanisms that determine CAD. In conclusion, deciphering the genetic architecture of CAD by extended genomic analysis (GWAS/WES) will establish new therapeutic targets and lead to the development of new treatments. The identification of individuals at high risk for CAD using polygenic risk scores (PRS) will allow early prophylactic measures and personalized therapy to improve their prognosis

    Different Types of Deletions Created by Low-Copy Repeats Sequences Location in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: Genotype–Phenotype Correlation

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    The most frequent microdeletion, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS), has a wide and variable phenotype that causes difficulties in diagnosis. 22q11.2DS is a contiguous gene syndrome, but due to the existence of several low-copy-number repeat sequences (LCR) it displays a high variety of deletion types: typical deletions LCR A–D—the most common (~90%), proximal deletions LCR A–B, central deletions (LCR B, C–D) and distal deletions (LCR D–E, F). Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of 59 22q11.2SD cases, with the aim of highlighting phenotype–genotype correlations. All cases were tested using MLPA combined kits: SALSA MLPA KIT P245 and P250 (MRC Holland). Results: most cases (76%) presented classic deletion LCR A–D with various severity and phenotypic findings. A total of 14 atypical new deletions were identified: 2 proximal deletions LCR A–B, 1 CES (Cat Eye Syndrome region) to LCR B deletion, 4 nested deletions LCR B–D and 1 LCR C–D, 3 LCR A–E deletions, 1 LCR D–E, and 2 small single gene deletions: delDGCR8 and delTOP3B. Conclusions: This study emphasizes the wide phenotypic variety and incomplete penetrance of 22q11.2DS. Our findings contribute to the genotype–phenotype data regarding different types of 22q11.2 deletions and illustrate the usefulness of MLPA combined kits in 22q11.2DS diagnosis

    Genetic Modifying Factors of Cystic Fibrosis Phenotype: A Challenge for Modern Medicine

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a monogenic autosomal recessive disease caused by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutations. CF is characterized by a high phenotypic variability present even in patients with the same genotype. This is due to the intervention of modifier genes that interact with both the CFTR gene and environmental factors. The purpose of this review is to highlight the role of non-CFTR genetic factors (modifier genes) that contribute to phenotypic variability in CF. We analyzed literature data starting with candidate gene studies and continuing with extensive studies, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and whole exome sequencing (WES). The results of both types of studies revealed that the number of modifier genes in CF patients is impressive. Their identification offers a new perspective on the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease, paving the way for the understanding of other genetic disorders. In conclusion, in the future, genetic analysis, such as GWAS and WES, should be performed routinely. A challenge for future research is to integrate their results in the process of developing new classes of drugs, with a goal to improve the prognosis, increase life expectancy, and enhance quality of life among CF patients

    Current Challenges in the Treatment of the Omphalocele—Experience of a Tertiary Center from Romania

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    Omphalocele is a congenital abdominal wall defect with a constant incidence in recent decades, sometimes representing a real burden for neonatal intensive care units due to prolonged hospitalization and the evolution to death. In our study, we aimed to detect the main risk factors of an unfavorable evolution in the case of omphalocele. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of all neonates with omphalocele treated in our tertiary pediatric hospital during the last three decades; from 158 patients, 139 patients were eligible for the study. We tried to determine the risk of death using logistic regression model. Results: If the neonate develops sepsis, then there is an increased risk (13.03 times) of evolution to death. Similarly, the risk of death is 10.82 times higher in the case of developing acute renal failure, 6.28 times higher in the case of associated abnormalities, 5.54 in the case of developing hemorrhagic disease, and 3.78 in the case of conservative treatment (applied for giant omphalocele or severe chromosomal abnormalities). Prematurity increases by 3.62 times the risk of death. All six independent variables contributed 61.0% to the risk of death. The area under the ROC curve is 0.91, meaning that the diagnostic accuracy of our logistic regression model is very good for predicting the contribution of the six independent variables to the risk of death. Conclusion: Although in the past 30 years we witnessed several improvements in the antenatal diagnosis and management of omphalocele, survival rate remained constant, 47.5% overall. Much effort is still needed to eliminate the risk factors for death in this condition

    Multiple Faces of Cervical Lesions in Children

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    Pediatric sialolithiasis is a rare condition causing tumefaction, induration, redness, and pain of the affected gland. When the submandibular gland is involved, the lesion can be mistaken for an adenopathy. As there are few studies to elucidate this condition in children, we present a rare case of a 16-year-old female with suggestive symptoms, in which initial clinical examination and two ultrasound examinations mistook the lesion for an adenopathy. A computed tomography examination was performed and the correct diagnosis was established. The patient was sent for oro-maxilo-facial examination and sialolithotomy was performed. A 10-mm yellow calculus was extracted and postoperative case evolution was favorable under wide spectrum antibiotherapy, oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory therapy and silagog alimentation. Although submandibular adenopathies are much more frequent in the pediatric age group, when faced with a firm, immobile submandibular lesion, the pediatrician should consider the sialolithiasis diagnosis

    Statistical Analysis of the Main Risk Factors of an Unfavorable Evolution in Gastroschisis

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    Gastroschisis is a congenital abdominal wall defect that presents an increasing occurrence at great cost for the health system. The aim of the study is to detect the main factors of an unfavorable evolution in the case of gastroschisis and to find the best predictors of death. Methods: we conducted a retrospective cohort study of neonates with gastroschisis treated in a tertiary pediatric center during the last 30 years; 159 patients were eligible for the study. Logistic regression was used to determine the risk of death, estimated based on independent variables previously validated by the chi-square test. Results: if the birth weight is below normal, then we find an increased risk (4.908 times) of evolution to death. Similarly, the risk of death is 7.782 times higher in the case of developing abdominal compartment syndrome, about 3 times in the case of sepsis and 7.883 times in the case of bronchopneumonia. All four independent variables contributed 47.6% to the risk of death. Conclusion: although in the past 30 years in our country we have seen transformational improvements in outcome of gastroschisis, survival rates increasing from 26% to 52%, some factors may still be ameliorated for a better outcome

    Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Congenital Hemophilia: A Focus on Hypertension

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    Aging hemophiliacs face cardiovascular disease. Lots of evidence has been gathered that hemophiliacs have a more unfavorable cardiovascular profile than the general population does, especially due to the increased prevalence of hypertension (HTN). Among the existing scattered evidence, our study provides the most comprehensive and systematized analysis of the determinants of HTN in hemophiliacs. We discussed the contribution to the HTN substrate of hemophilia-specific factors, such as type, severity and the presence of inhibitors. The complex mechanism of kidney dysfunction in relation to hematuria and viral infections was meticulously addressed. Furthermore, we highlighted the new pathogenic concepts of endothelial dysfunction and the association between HTN and hemophilic arthropathy. The clustering of cardiovascular risk factors is common in hemophiliacs, and it enhances the negative vascular effect of HTN and aggravates HTN. It usually leads to an increased risk for coronary and cerebrovascular events. Our work provides reliable evidence to guide and improve the management of HTN in hemophiliacs

    Detection of chromosomal imbalances using combined MLPA kits in patients with syndromic intellectual disability

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    Dizabilitatea intelectuală (DI) este o afecțiune frecventă, cu consecințe majore pentru individ, familie și societate. Datorită heterogenității sale clinice și genetice, în aproximativ 50% din cazuri etiologia bolii nu poate fi stabilită. Scopul acestui studiu a fost evaluarea capacității de stabilire a diagnosticului etiologic la 369 pacienți cu DI sindromic și rezultat normal sau incert la cariotip folosind o combinație de kituri MLPA. Toţi pacienţii au fost investigaţi prin metoda MLPA, folosind fie kiturile SALSA MLPA P064 sau P096, dacă fenotipul a fost sugestiv pentru un sindrom cu microdeleţie (subgrupul A - 186 pacienți), fie kiturile subtelomerice P036 și P070, dacă fenotipul nu a fost sugestiv pentru un sindrom cu microdeleţie sau rezultatul la cariotipul standard a fost incert (subgrupul B - 183 pacienți). Rezultatele anormale detectate de aceste kituri au fost caracterizate folosind kiturile MLPA corespunzătoare de urmărire (Telomere Follow-up set, P029-A1, P250-B2, ME028-B1). În subgrupul A am identificat 25 de pacienți cu microdeleții (13,4%). Folosind kiturile de screening subtelomeric și de urmărire la subgrupul B am detectat rearanjări criptice în 7,5% din cazuri și am identificat originea materialului suplimentar observat la cariotipul standard la 10 din 11 pacienți. Sumarizând datele obţinute din cele două loturi, folosirea combinată a seturilor MLPA a dus la stabilirea diagnosticului la 10,6% (38/358) dintre pacienții cu cariotip normal. Folosirea seturilor MLPA de urmărire a permis atât confirmarea prezenţei anomaliei, cât şi determinarea dimensiunii ei, ceea ce a facilitat interpretarea semnificaţiei clinice a rearanjărilor. Pentru laboratoarele care nu au acces la tehnologiile bazate pe microarray, folosirea mai multor kituri MLPA reprezintă o strategie eficientă pentru stabilirea diagnosticului etiologic la pacienţii cu DI