6 research outputs found

    Roadmap for User-Performance Drive Lighting Management Logic

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    Smart control systems, especially lighting ones, have become essential in energy-saving fields. However, these technologies can be implemented in buildings with other objectives such as ensuring human health. Unsuitable light exposure can seriously endanger human health due to the circadian rhythm disruption. Considering all lighting parameters, a suitable Circadian Stimulus (CS) can be achieved. Thus, the regulation of this variables by control systems to promote a good circadian rhythm and to benefit human health and well-being is crucial. The main aim of this research is to set up the keys to develop a novel control scheme that include CS levels as the main factor to consider. From the study of already developed methodologies this research concludes with a diagram proposal to be considered in the development of the new algorithm of lighting control systems

    Dynamic analysis of office lighting smart controls management based on user requirements

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    Daylight dynamic metrics provide an alternative approach for the assessment of the energy savings promoted by lighting control systems. This research aims to quantify the energy savings allowed by lighting smart controls using continuous and overcast daylight autonomy, novel metrics tested monitoring a mesh of illuminance-meters in test cells over a one-year period. Three types of smart controls are proposed, based on switches and dimmers, some of which were managed by illuminance-meters and irradiance detectors. Energy savings are assessed according to weather data, room dimensions, inner reflectances, window size and user requirements—illuminance needs and working hours. The results show a reduction in the average energy consumption of electric lighting of up to 23%, suggesting the suitability of the smart controls proposed. Smart controls without illuminance-meter feedback are only recommended for shallow rooms with low requirements, while dark deep rooms demand a complex dimming system managed by external illuminance-meters

    Guided reflection in preparation for the teaching of facilities in Architecture

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    The significance of facilities in Architecture is quite unknown in the society in which we live, even for future architecture students. Relegating the facilities to the background is habitual and it causes operation problems, visually pollution and it affects inhabitants’ comfort. Furthermore, basic aspects for users’ health such as indoor air quality are not usually included in the architectural process. Can this be avoided by making the students aware of the importance of integrating the facilities and the aspects they cover? Is the root of the problem in the way of teaching these subjects? To give an answer to these questions, the Architecture Zero Course has been used to force a first critical reflection on these issues, using gamification and ICT. This experience results are key to focus teaching in the facilities subjects of the degree.El alcance de las Instalaciones en la Arquitectura es bastante desconocido en la sociedad en la que nos encontramos, incluso para los futuros estudiantes de Arquitectura. Lo habitual es relegar las instalaciones a un segundo plano causando problemas de funcionamiento, contaminando visualmente y afectando al confort de los habitantes. Además, aspectos fundamentales para la salud del usuario como la calidad del aire no suelen incluirse en el proceso arquitectónico. ¿Se puede evitar esto concienciando previamente a los estudiantes de la importancia de la integración de las instalaciones y de los aspectos que abarcan? ¿Está la raíz del problema en la docencia de estas asignaturas? Para responder a estas preguntas se ha utilizado el Curso Cero de Arquitectura para forzar una primera reflexión crítica sobre estos temas, usando la gamificación y las TIC. Los resultados de esta experiencia son claves para enfocar la docencia en las asignaturas de Instalaciones del Grado.Peer Reviewe

    Guided reflection in preparation for the teaching of facilities in Architecture

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    The significance of facilities in Architecture is quite unknown in the society in which we live, even for future architecture students. Relegating the facilities to the background is habitual and it causes operation problems, visually pollution and it affects inhabitants’ comfort. Furthermore, basic aspects for users’ health such as indoor air quality are not usually included in the architectural process. Can this be avoided by making the students aware of the importance of integrating the facilities and the aspects they cover? Is the root of the problem in the way of teaching these subjects? To give an answer to these questions, the Architecture Zero Course has been used to force a first critical reflection on these issues, using gamification and ICT. This experience results are key to focus teaching in the facilities subjects of the degree.El alcance de las Instalaciones en la Arquitectura es bastante desconocido en la sociedad en la que nos encontramos, incluso para los futuros estudiantes de Arquitectura. Lo habitual es relegar las instalaciones a un segundo plano causando problemas de funcionamiento, contaminando visualmente y afectando al confort de los habitantes. Además, aspectos fundamentales para la salud del usuario como la calidad del aire no suelen incluirse en el proceso arquitectónico. ¿Se puede evitar esto concienciando previamente a los estudiantes de la importancia de la integración de las instalaciones y de los aspectos que abarcan? ¿Está la raíz del problema en la docencia de estas asignaturas? Para responder a estas preguntas se ha utilizado el Curso Cero de Arquitectura para forzar una primera reflexión crítica sobre estos temas, usando la gamificación y las TIC. Los resultados de esta experiencia son claves para enfocar la docencia en las asignaturas de Instalaciones del Grado

    The architecture role in the efficient urban design: a first step to the guided reflection

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    The role of architects in urban design is quite unknown in society and the significance of architecture is relegated, in most cases, to the building. Fundamental aspects such as the width of the streets, the vegetation, the height of the buildings or the pavement seem alien to architecture. Even its impact on energy efficiency and user comfort, not only on public roads but also inside buildings, is often ignored. This idea of separation between architecture and efficient urban design is also that of those who start the degree in Architecture. Therefore, the objective of this teaching experience is to provoke a critical reflection of the students on these issues prior to the start of the degree, carrying out a workshop in the Zero Course in Architecture in which the active participation of the student is encouraged.El papel de arquitectos y arquitectas en el diseño urbano es bastante desconocido en la sociedad y el alcance de la arquitectura queda relegado, en la mayoría de los casos, al edificio. Aspectos fundamentales como el ancho de las calles, la vegetación, la altura de los edificios o el pavimento parecen ajenos a la arquitectura. Incluso su repercusión en la eficiencia energética y el confort de los usuarios, no solo en la vía pública sino también en el interior de edificios, es ignorada en muchas ocasiones. Esta idea de separación entra arquitectura y diseño urbano eficiente es también la de aquellos que inician el grado en Arquitectura. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta experiencia docente es provocar una reflexión crítica del alumnado sobre estos temas previa al inicio del grado, realizando para ello un taller en el Curso Cero en Arquitectura en el que se fomenta una participación activa del estudiantado.Peer Reviewe

    Energy optimization: bringing professional practice closer to different educational levels

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    This study addresses the concerning disconnect between academic training in architecture and the growing need to incorporate sustainability and energy efficiency into professional practice. Given the increasing importance of energy efficiency and building certification, this disconnect has become a significant challenge. The article proposes an educational methodology that simulates the professional experience, addressing energy efficiency in an interdisciplinary manner from initial design to certification. This methodology has been implemented at various educational levels and has proven effective in equipping students with an understanding of energy efficiency concepts and their practical application. The results indicate that this innovative methodology can help bridge the gap between education and professional practice in architecture, preparing future architects to effectively address sustainability and energy efficiency in their projects and careers.Este estudio aborda la preocupante desconexión entre la formación académica en arquitectura y la creciente necesidad de integrar la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia energética en la práctica profesional. Dada la importancia cada vez mayor de la eficiencia energética y la certificación en edificios, esta desconexión se ha convertido en un desafío significativo. El artículo propone una metodología educativa que simula la experiencia profesional, abordando la eficiencia energética, de forma interdisciplinar, desde el diseño inicial hasta la certificación. Esta metodología se aplicó en varios niveles educativos y demostró ser efectiva para capacitar a los estudiantes en la comprensión de conceptos de eficiencia energética y su aplicación práctica. Los resultados indican que esta innovadora metodología puede ayudar a cerrar la brecha entre la educación y la práctica profesional en arquitectura y preparar a los futuros arquitectos para abordar la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia energética de manera efectiva en sus proyectos y carreras.Peer Reviewe