117 research outputs found

    Feasible Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates with Alumina Waste in Road Construction

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    The management of different industrial by-products, such as recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste and alumina by-products, as well as the reduction of landfill deposits by incorporating these products in a second life cycle, were the focus of this work. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the technical viability of using these waste and by-product as a material for road pavement base layers. For this purpose, a real-scale application was carried out, and the behavior of three types of materials, applied on a section of an experimental road under real vehicle traffic conditions, was studied and compared. Three materials were used in these sections applied in the road sub-bases. First, a control material composed of a type of artificial gravel was used to be compared with the rest of materials; the second material was composed of recycled aggregates, and the third was composed of a mix of recycled aggregates and alumina waste. The results concluded that the effectiveness of the sections built using recycled aggregates and alumina waste was very positive and similar those constructed using natural aggregates

    Improvement of Bearing Capacity in Recycled Aggregates Suitable for Use as Unbound Road Sub-Base

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    Recycled concrete aggregates and mixed recycled aggregates are specified as types of aggregates with lower densities, higher water absorption capacities, and lower mechanical strength than natural aggregates. In this paper, the mechanical behaviour and microstructural properties of natural aggregates, recycled concrete aggregates and mixed recycled aggregates were compared. Different specimens of unbound recycled mixtures demonstrated increased resistance properties. The formation of new cement hydrated particles was observed, and pozzolanic reactions were discovered by electronon microscopy in these novel materials. The properties of recycled concrete aggregates and mixed recycled aggregates suggest that these recycled materials can be used in unbound road layers to improve their mechanical behaviour in the long ter

    Feasible Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates with Alumina Waste in Road Construction

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    The management of different industrial by-products, such as recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste and alumina by-products, as well as the reduction of landfill deposits by incorporating these products in a second life cycle, were the focus of this work. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the technical viability of using these waste and by-product as a material for road pavement base layers. For this purpose, a real-scale application was carried out, and the behavior of three types of materials, applied on a section of an experimental road under real vehicle traffic conditions, was studied and compared. Three materials were used in these sections applied in the road sub-bases. First, a control material composed of a type of artificial gravel was used to be compared with the rest of materials; the second material was composed of recycled aggregates, and the third was composed of a mix of recycled aggregates and alumina waste. The results concluded that the effectiveness of the sections built using recycled aggregates and alumina waste was very positive and similar those constructed using natural aggregates.Isolux-Corsan Constructio

    Síntesis de una piridin-2,6-bisoxazolina con quiralidad axial y su utilización como ligando en catálisis enantioselectiva

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    Durante los últimos años, la demanda de productos quirales sintéticos por parte de diversas industrias como la agroquímica, la de los aromas o la farmacéutica ha crecido extraordinariamente. En este contexto, la catálisis asimétrica que emplea complejos metálicos quirales (formados por un metal y un ligando enantiopuro) a modo de catalizador, es uno de los principales campos de investigación en química orgánica. Uno de los ligandos quirales mas estudiados son las bis(oxazolinas) con simetría C2 puesto que inducen muy buenas selectividades y presentan un amplio rango de aplicación en distintos tipos de reacciones. En este TFG se ha sintetizado una piridin-2,6-bisoxazolina (pybox) enantioméricamente pura derivada de un aminoalcohol con eje quiral, para estudiar el efecto del tetraedro alargado en una reacción típica de Diels-Alder. Para ello primero se obtuvo el (1-amino-4-bencilidenciclohexil)metanol siguiendo una ruta que parte del éster metílico de la DL-serina. Posteriormente se sintetizó la pybox como mezcla de estereoisómeros, mediante reacción directa entre el aminoalcohol racémico y el piridin-2,6-dicarbonitrilo usando como catalizador triflato de zinc, y se separó uno de los enantiómeros por HPLC quiral. Finalmente se estudió la pybox en la reacción de Diels-Alder entre el ciclopentadieno y la N-acriloil-1,3-oxazolidin-2-ona utilizando diferentes centros metálicos. Los resultados de la catálisis enantioselectiva muestran que la presencia del eje quiral no ejerce una buena influencia, ya que la enantioselectividad inducida por el ligando objeto de estudio es insignificante

    Magnetic nanoparticles coated with carboxylate-terminated carbosilane dendrons as a reusable and green approach to extract/purify proteins

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    Extraction/purification of proteins, at both analytical and industrial levels, is a limiting step that usually requires the use of organic solvents and involves tedious work and a high cost. This work proposes a more sustainable alternative based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) coated with carboxylate-terminated carbosilane dendrons. MNPs coated with first- and second-generation carbosilane dendrons and bare MNPs were employed for the extraction of proteins with different molecular weights and charges. Interaction of proteins with MNPs significantly varied with the pH, the protein, and the dendron generation (different sizes and number of charges in the periphery). Optimal dendron:protein molar ratios and suitable conditions for disrupting interactions after protein extraction were also researched. Second-generation dendron-coated MNPs showed 100% retention capability for all proteins when using acidic conditions. They were reused without losing magnetism or interaction capacity after a disruption of protein-dendron interactions with 0.2% SDS at 100 degrees C for 10 min. The capacity of dendron-coated MNPs was successfully applied to the recovery/purification of proteins from two food byproducts, olive seeds and cheese whey

    Gold nanoparticles coated with carbosilane dendrons in protein sample preparation

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    The feasibility of using carbosilane dendronized gold nanoparticles (GNPs) for protein sample preparation was evaluated. Three different dendrons with three different generations (1G, 2G, and 3G) were employed to modify the GNPs, viz. sulfonate terminated (STC-GNPs), carboxylate terminated (CTC-GNPs), and trimethylammonium terminated (ATC-GNPs)dendrons. The synthesis of the CTC-GNP is described. The other dendronized GNPs were synthesized using previously described routes. Bovine serum albumin, lysozyme, and myoglobin were employed to study the potential of GNPs to interact with proteins. The interaction between the GNPs and the proteins was evaluated using fluorescence spectroscopy and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The CTC-GNPs and STC-GNPs under acidic and neutral conditions, respectively, promoted the establishment of electrostatic interactions with positively charged proteins. Proteins from 10 to 75kDa molecular weights interacted with GNPs at protein: nanoparticle ratios of 1:0.25. The GNPs were applied to the extraction of proteins from a peach seed. In the authors' perception, the method is a clean alternative to established extraction methods based on the use of organic or polluting chemicals.Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y EmpresaUniversidad de AlcaláCentro de investigación Biomédica en Red. Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicin

    Algorithms hardware implementation for ultrasonic data processing in SHM system

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    Nowadays, devices that monitor the health of structures consume a lot of power and need a lot of time to acquire, process, and send the information about the structure to the main processing unit. To decrease this time, fast electronic devices are starting to be used to accelerate this processing. In this paper some hardware algorithms implemented in an electronic logic programming device are described. The goal of this implementation is accelerate the process and diminish the information that has to be send. By reaching this goal, the time the processor needs for treating all the information is reduced and so the power consumption is reduced too

    Factors affecting interactions between sulphonate-terminated dendrimers and proteins: A three case study

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    This work proposes a deep study on the interactions between sulphonate-terminated carbosilane dendrimers and proteins. Three different proteins with different molecular weights and isoelectric points were employed and different pHs, dendrimer concentrations and generations were tested. Variations in fluorescence intensity and emission wavelength were used as protein-dendrimer interaction probes. Interaction between dendrimers and proteins greatly depended on the protein itself and pH. Other important issues were the dendrimer concentration and generation. Protein-dendrimer interactions were favored under acidic working conditions when proteins were positively charged. Moreover, in general, high dendrimer generations promoted these interactions. Modeling of protein-dendrimer interactions allowed to understand the different behaviors observed for every protein. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Exploratory Metabolomic Analysis Based on Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Study an In Vitro Model of Hypoxia-Induced Metabolic Alterations in HK-2 Cells

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    Oxygen deficiency in cells, tissues, and organs can not only prevent the proper development of biological functions but it can also lead to several diseases and disorders. In this sense, the kidney deserves special attention since hypoxia can be considered an important factor in the pathophysiology of both acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease. To provide better knowledge to unveil the molecular mechanisms involved, new studies are necessary. In this sense, this work aims to study, for the first time, an in vitro model of hypoxia-induced metabolic alterations in human proximal tubular HK-2 cells because renal proximal tubules are particularly susceptible to hypoxia. Different groups of cells, cultivated under control and hypoxia conditions at 0.5, 5, 24, and 48 h, were investigated using untargeted metabolomic approaches based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Both intracellular and extracellular fluids were studied to obtain a large metabolite coverage. On the other hand, multivariate and univariate analyses were carried out to find the differences among the cell groups and to select the most relevant variables. The molecular features identified as affected metabolites were mainly amino acids and Amadori compounds. Insights about their biological relevance are also provided