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5 research outputs found
Nursing diagnoses in trauma victims with fatal outcomes in the emergency scenario
Ana Maria Calil Sallum
Calil AM
+18Â more
Carvalho EC
Cyrillo RMZ
Cyrillo RMZ
FernĂŁo Dias de Lima
Galdeano LE
Garlet ER
Jair LĂcio Ferreira dos Santos
Macfarlane C
Malvestio MAA
Meislin H
Mello Jorge MHP
MĂŒller-Staub M
Nogueira LS
Peduzzi P
Rabe-Hesketh S
Sallum Calil AM
Sallum EA
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Sobrecarga e desconforto emocional em cuidadores de idosos
Aline Cristina Martins Gratao
Aminzadeh F
+24Â more
AmĂȘndola F
Bertolucci PHF
Cassis SVA
Fialho PPA
Folstein MF
Garrido R
Gort AM
Granger CV
Harding TW
HĂ©bert R
Jair LĂcio Ferreira Santos
Leandro Correa Figueiredo
Luana FlĂĄvia da Silva Talmelli
Luzardo AR
Mari JJ
Marques S
Pedrazzi EC
Riberto M
Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues
Scazufca M
Scazufca M
ThaĂs Ramos Pereira VendrĂșscolo
Zarit SH
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Traço e estado de ansiedade de nutrizes com indicadores de hipogalactia e nutrizes com galactia normal
Andrade LHG
BerquĂł ES
+11Â more
Chaves EC
Ilva Marico Mizumoto Aragaki
IsĂlia Aparecida Silva
Jair LĂcio Ferreira dos Santos
Rhoades RA
Roque GP
Shimoda GT
Siegel S
Silva IA
Silva IA
Spielberger C
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Segurança alimentar e nutricional: uma anĂĄlise da situação da descentralização de sua polĂtica pĂșblica nacional
AbrĂșcio FL
Akerman M
+21Â more
Ana Beatriz Pinto de Almeida Vasconcellos
Arretche MT
Arretche MT
Arretche MT
Bandeira L.
Burlandy LA
Faustino TQS
Junqueira LAP
Leides Barroso Azevedo de Moura
LĂcio EC.
Maluf RS
Maluf RSJ
Nascimento RC
Raichelis R
Rigon SA
Segatto CI
Silva RVA
Takagi M.
Vasconcelos FAG
Yasbek MC
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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The pathophysiology of defective proteostasis in the hypothalamus â from obesity to ageing
A Coope
A Coppola
+137Â more
A Salminen
A Satoh
A Satoh
A Visintin
A Yamamoto
AB Goldfine
AC Konner
AH Goris
AL Horwich
AM Cuervo
AP Arruda
AV Everitt
B Coupe
B Ravikumar
B Westermann
BA Benayoun
BJ Moeller
C Lopez-Otin
C Namkoong
C O'Neill
CA Aveleira
CJ Kenyon
ClĂĄudia Cavadas
CM Haynes
CM Pickart
CR Vianna
CS Conn
CT De Souza
CĂ©lia A. Aveleira
D Cota
D Meley
D Nath
D Ron
DE Kelley
DF Swaab
DJ Klionsky
DM Hutt
DR Green
DS Razolli
E Morselli
E Morselli
E Roberts
E Susaki
EB Taylor
EC de Lange
EP Araujo
ET Powers
FU Hartl
G Ashrafi
G Ristic
G Zhang
Gabriela F. P. Souza
GJ Morton
GR Degasperi
GS Hotamisligil
GS Hotamisligil
H Li
H Mori
H Nakatogawa
H Shi
H Wu
HA Tissenbaum
HC Chang
HM Brown-Borg
J Hollien
J Sun
J Yan
JA Nicolazzo
JB Carvalheira
JC Christianson
JC Moraes
JH Lee
JM Carrascosa
JP Thaler
JR Clarke
JT Rodgers
K Nakahira
KA Nordquist
KF Petersen
KW Williams
L Fontana
L Ozcan
LA Velloso
LA Velloso
LM Ignacio-Souza
LĂcio A. Velloso
M Hayashi-Nishino
M Koch
M Komatsu
M Kundu
M Liesa
M Lopez
M Michalkiewicz
M Milanski
M Orosco
M Portovedo
M Schneeberger
M Valette
MJ Baker
MO Dietrich
MS Kim
MW Pellegrino
MY Sherman
N Barzilai
N Hosokawa
N Malhotra
N Takei
P Anderson
PL Clark
PM Quiros
Q Meng
QM Wang
RG Smith
RL Vidal
RM Anderson
S Bi
S Dai
S Imai
S Kalin
S Kaushik
S Kaushik
S Klinge
S Lindquist
S Obici
S Ramachandrappa
S van de Sande-Lee
S Wolff
ST Ferreira
T Chiba
T Saitoh
TB Kirkwood
VM Dilman
WC Miller
X Lin
X Wang
X Zhang
ZB Andrews
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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