3 research outputs found

    Beta glucan degradation during post harvest maturation of malting barley with emphasis on malt quality

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    β-glucans are natural gum polysaccharides occurring in the bran of cereal grains. Their negative effect consists in blocking enzymes entering the cells whereby they negatively influence the speed of grain degradation during process of malting. Aim of this work was to investigate to what extent post-harvest maturation influences β-glucan degradation with regard to malt quality. Results revealed that post-harvest maturation significantly influenced β-glucan degradation in malt. In barley grains that were stored six weeks after harvest, degradation of β-glucan in malt represented 99 % while using barley grains two weeks after harvest, β-glucan degradation represented only 50 %. Statistically significant was the effect of genotype on β-glucan content in grain as well as on β-glucan degradation level in malt

    Relationships among processing and rheologic parameters during wheat dough mixing and their assets for the industrial processing

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    The wheat dough mixing process today, is not perceived only as the blending process of the input materials. During the wheat dough mixing there are many factors which affect the final quality and processiblity of wheat doughs. This study describe the rheologic behaviour of doughs mixed on the Diosna SP12 kneader in particular stages of their development in dependecy from the mixing settings. The processing parameters as mixing energy, temperature increase and spiral rotation was monitored with the causal relationships to the evolving rheologic parameters of processed dough. The basic presumptions about interrealtions among rheologic and processing parameters during dough development for used flours and mixer were adumbrated. The relations among rheological and processing properties towards to product quality were determined by baking tests

    The influence of first wort part and afterworts on saccharification of wort

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    Wort is a basic product of mashing, which forms the first intermediate in beer production and constitute the base of its final value. For qualitative value wort has the greatest impact grist per brew, which is a description of materials, they bring to brew extract and determine its the volume and concentration. The main component grist per brew for light and dark beers is stored pale malt and possibly a smaller proportion of adjuncts. The aim of our work was to assess the qualitative parameters of malt in terms of content extract and its impact on the amount of produced the first wort part and afterwort and their qualitative values expressed in % saccharification and volumes. We measured 3 types of malts with the content of the extract 75.2%, 76.1%, 77.2% in the original sample, which determined mainly reached saccharification of first part wort and other afterwort parts one and two. In terms attained of saccharification it was necessary to use on sparge of spent grains at afterwort number two only the amount of water, which would be not affect the total saccharification of wort and its qualitative parameters