189 research outputs found

    Analysis of elemental eomposition of atmospheric aerosol in Indonesia

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    Összefoglalás - Makra László indonéziai terepi műszeres expedíciója során, 1996-ban 7 db aeroszol mintát gyűjtött Jáva és Bali szigetén, részben tengerparti, részben nagyvárosi, sűrűn lakott környezetben. A mintákat PIXE-módszerrel analizáltuk. Ismertetjük az aeroszol minták elemi összetételét és feldúsulásukat. A minták a klór, a kén. a réz, a cink és a neodímium szignifikáns földúsulását mutatják mind Jáván, mind Bálin. Míg a klór tengeri eredetű, a ken részben antropogén, jelentős része viszont az óceánból származik, s biogén eredetű. Summary - During a Hungarian expedition in 1996, seven aerosol samples were collected by László Makra in Indonesia, partly in the polluted air of overpopulated Javanese towns, partly in the clean air of Javanese and Balinese seashores,. The samples collected were analysed by the PIXE-method. Elemental composition and enrichment of the elements are shown in this study. As a conclusion, chlorine, sulphur, copper zinc and ncodymium are highly concentrated all over the country. While chlorine can be considered of marine origin, sulphur is partly of anthropogenic partly of biogenic origin and this latter comes from the sea

    Pixe analysis of atmosheric aerosol particles in north-western China

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    Összefoglalás - Makra László második kínai terepi műszeres expedíciója során, 1994-ben 21 db aeroszol mintát gyűjtött Északnyugat-Kína arid és rendkívül ritkán lakott térségeiben. A mintákat PIXE-módszerre! analizáltuk. A tanulmány legfontosabb eredménye annak kimutatása, hogy a kén, a klór, a króm, a réz és a cink szignifikánsan földúsul az Eszaknyugat-Kína fölötti légköri aeroszolban. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy a kén és a klór talaj eredetű. A króm, a réz és a cink koncentrációi nem ismeretesek a helyi talajban. Mégis valószínűsítjük, hogy földúsulásuk a légköri aeroszolban, anomalikusan magas talajkoncentrációjukra vezethető vissza. A kén és a klór eredete Északnyugat-Kínában eltérő a Föld egyéb, hasonlóan száraz és gyéren lakott régióihoz képest. Summary - Twenty-one aerosol samples were collected by László Makra in the air over arid regions of Northwestern China during a Hungarian expedition in 1994. the The samples collected were analysed by PIE-method. The most important result of the study is, revealing highly enriched sulphur, chlorine, chromium, copper and zinc in the atmospheric aerosol over North-western China. It is clearly proved that sulphur and chlorine come from local soil. Concentration data of chromium, copper and zinc in local soil of North-western China are not available. However it is supposed that these elements come from local soil, as well. The origin of sulphur and chlorine here shows a difference from that of other similar lands of the Earth

    Analysis of air quality parameters in Csongrád county

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    The aim of the study is to determine partly spatial and temporal characteristics, partly statistical interrelationships concerning contaminating parameters at the town of Szeged and in Csongrád county. We also fit extreme-value models to the N0 2 and S02 concentrations observed at some stations and calculate return levels, which are about to be exceeded once in a given period, based on these models. Monthly averages for N0 2 and S0 2 concentrations and monthly totals for deposited particulates at given sites are analysed in this paper. Data have been available, depending on the pollutants, since at least 1985. Local trend analysis does not show a clear spatial structure among the sites since signs of significant periods are different and significant periods of the same sign are not similar among the sites. A special case of the two-sample t-test developed by Makra is also applied. This test makes it possible to determine whether or not averages of non-independent variables differ significantly. By using this test we made a so called tear analysis, according to which it was found that monthly totals of deposited dust tore considerably with negative signs at the end of the data sets. Spatial relations are analysed by factor analysis with the intention to determine objective subregions by applying data sets of N0 2 , S0 2 and deposited dust. Ratios of pollutants refer definitely to the role of motor vehicle traffic. Variation of traffic contributes mostly to the change in daily air quality

    Evaluation of the air quality of Szeged with some assessment methods

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    Methods of human-biometeorology have to be applied for the assessment of atmospheric impacts on human beings. Among the human-biometeorological effective complexes two are of great importance in the regional scale: the thermal effective complex and the air quality effective complex. With respect to the air quality effective complex, standards for the assessment of single air pollutants exist worldwide. In addition, approaches for statistical air stress indices and impact-related air quality indices were developed. In this study, based on a fiveyear air pollutant data set from the downtown of a middle-sized Hungarian city, Szeged, the frequency distribution of the air stress index ASIsz is compared with the frequency distribution of the new air quality index DAQx. Both indices were developed by German researchers and are on a daily basis. The varying forms of both frequency distributions are mainly caused by the impact-related concentration ranges of single air pollutants, which are typical of air quality indices. Especially carbon-monoxide and PMio have a stronger influence on the determination of values of air quality indices
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