105 research outputs found
Napsugárzást koncentráló nem hagyományos optikai gyűjtőelemek geometriai és energetikai jellemzőinek meghatározása = Determination of geometrical and energetical parameters of non-conventional optical collector elements
A kutatás abbĂłl a feltĂ©telezĂ©sbĹ‘l indult ki, hogy alkalmasan kikĂ©pezett, optikai vezetĹ‘kbĹ‘l kĂ©szĂĽlt prizmatestekkel lehetsĂ©ges a napsugárzás jelentĹ‘s mĂ©rtĂ©kű koncentráciĂłja. A számos lehetsĂ©ges geometria közĂĽl a kĂşp alakĂş prizmákat vizsgáltuk, amelyek PMMA anyagbĂłl kĂ©szĂĽltek. A vizsgálatok bizonyĂtották a hipotĂ©zis helyessĂ©gĂ©t. A mĂ©rĂ©sek során 20 Ă©s 40 fok kĂşpszögű prizmatesteket vizsgáltunk. A lĂ©zerfĂ©nnyel vĂ©gzett fĂ©nymenet-vizsgálatok alapján a 20 fokos kĂşpszögű prizmák voltak a legmegfelelĹ‘bbek, amelyeknĂ©l a számĂtott elmĂ©leti koncentráciĂł mĂ©rtĂ©ke 17-szeres volt. A termĂ©szetes (nap) fĂ©nyben vĂ©gzett tartĂłs kĂsĂ©rletek azzal az eredmĂ©nnyel zárultak, hogy az elĂ©rhetĹ‘ maximális fĂ©nykoncentráciĂł a vizsgált elemekkel kb. hatszoros. Ez azt jelenti, hogy pl. 800 W/m2 fĂ©nyáram a prizmatestekkel merĹ‘leges beesĂ©snĂ©l mintegy 4800 W/m2 Ă©rtĂ©kre növelhetĹ‘. A tĂ©nyleges koncentráciĂł a beesĂ©si szög fĂĽggvĂ©nye, mĂ©rĂ©sek alapján pontosan megadhatĂł. Az alkalmazások szempontjábĂłl fontos látĂłszöge a prizmáknak 60 fok, az Ă©vszakoktĂłl fĂĽggĹ‘en kis mĂ©rtĂ©kben változik. A prizmákkal koncentrált sugárzási energia optikai szálban vezethetĹ‘, azonban jellemzĹ‘en a szálhosszal arányos vesztesĂ©gek lĂ©pnek fel. Az eredmĂ©nyeket felhasználva napkollektorokhoz olyan gyűjtĹ‘felĂĽlet (speciális szolár ĂĽveg) alakĂthatĂł ki, amely az imissziĂłt (visszasugárzást) jelentĹ‘sen csökkenti, Ăgy javĂtja a kollektor hatásfokát. | The premise of the research work was that suitable formed, made of optical fiber prisms are applicable for concentrate the solar radiation considerably. Some of geometry of prism were theoretically tested, but only the conical prisms were tested in laser and sunlight. The material of prisms was PMMA (poly-metil-metacrilat). The tests showed that the hipothesys was right. The conic angle was 20deg and 40deg at the tested prisms. After laser testing the 20deg conic angle was choosen, where the theoretical concentration of the radiation was approximately 17. The maximum of the measured concentration of sunlight was only 6, what means for example, that an 800 W/m2 incline radiation increased to 4800 W/m2 by the optical prisms. The real concentration is depending on the angle of incidence, of course, which was determine with an all year long test at fixed installation angle prism. The so called operating angle of the prism was 60deg. This parameter is changing during a year in a small measure. The concentrated solar radiation energy can be transmitted in optical waveguides, of course, with losses depending on the lenght of the guide. Based ont he results of the research work, can be made a special collector surface for solar collectors (solar glass with high number of prisms), which may reduces the imission light and so increases the efficiency of the collectors
GabonafĂ©lĂ©k Ă©s olajosmagvak szárĂtásának műszaki, technolĂłgiai Ă©s minĹ‘sĂ©gi összefĂĽggĂ©sei = Technical, technological and quality connections of drying cereals and oleaginous seeds
Az elĂ©rt eredmĂ©nyek rövid ismertetĂ©se: 2006 Ă©s 2007-ben elvĂ©geztĂĽk, a repce, a szĹ‘lĹ‘- Ă©s mustármag szárĂtástechnikai vizsgálatát Ă©s kĂsĂ©rlet sorozatot indĂtottunk t = 55; 70 Ă©s 75 oC-os közeghĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet, valamint v = 0,23 m/s állandĂł lĂ©gsebessĂ©g mellett a szemes kukorica szárĂtási alapjellemzĹ‘inek megállapĂtására. Vizsgáltuk továbbá a desszikálás hatását a napraforgĂł szárĂtási idĹ‘tartamára. 2008-ban megkezdtĂĽk Ă©s befejeztĂĽk a szĂłjabab Ă©s tovább folytattuk, a napraforgĂł, valamint szemes kukorica laboratĂłriumi szárĂtástechnikai vizsgálatát, kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ közeghĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kletek Ă©s eltĂ©rĹ‘ lĂ©gsebessĂ©gek mellett. A szĂłjánál 17 % kezdeti nedvessĂ©gtartalomrĂłl 9 %-ra törtĂ©nt a szárĂtás t = 60 oC közeghĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet Ă©s v = 0,23 ill. v = 0,43 m/s lĂ©gsebessĂ©gek mellett. A napraforgĂł vizsgálatát 13,5 % Ă©s 7,5 % közötti nedvessĂ©gtartományban folytattuk le t = 60 oC-os közeghĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet Ă©s v = 0,23 Ă©s 0,43 m/s lĂ©gsebessĂ©gek mellett. A szemes kukorica esetĂ©ben további három t= 80; 110; 130 oC-os hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©klet Ă©s v = 0,13; 0,23 Ă©s 0,41 m/s lĂ©gsebessĂ©g Ă©rtĂ©kek mellett folytattuk le a mĂ©rĂ©seket A mĂ©rĂ©si eredmĂ©nyeket diagramba foglaltuk, amelyek az ĂĽzemi szárĂtási gyakorlatban is jĂłl hasznosĂthatĂłk. | Short summary of the achieved results: In 2006 and 2007 we made researches about the drying technique of the rape, the grape seed and the grain of mustard seed. We also started a research series to determine the drying basic characteristic of the grain maize. In these researches we used different medium temperature values ( t = 55; 70; 75oC) and we adjusted a constant airspeed value (V=0,23 m/s). We investigated the effect of the desiccation to the sunflower’s drying period too. In 2008 we started and finished the drying technique examination of the soy bean. On the other hand we continued the drying technique examination of the sunflower and of the grain maize on different medium temperature values besides different airspeed values. In case of soy the original content of moisture was 17%. We could reach a 9% content of moisture after we dried the material on t = 60oC medium temperature value and we also adjusted V = 0,23; V= 0,43 m/s airspeed values. We could reduce the sunflower’s content of moisture from 13,5 % to 7,5% when we used t =60oC medium temperature besides V = 0,23; V= 0,43 m/s airspeed values. In case of grain maize we used three further temperature values ( t = 80; 110; 130 oC) and three another airspeed values. ( V = 0,13; 0,23 ; 0,41 m/s) After the measurements we made diagrams which are also can be useful in the drying practice of industrial using
Comparison of the mechanical fatigue indices of Golden Delicious apples and Packham pears
One of the most significant phenomena in the processing of horticultural crops, leading to the damaging of the fruit, is fatigue due to repeated mechanical stress, which endangers the integrity of the produce, especially during transport. In the event of such damages, the immediate environment of the damaged fruit, or even the entire batch of crops may be in danger, as the biological processes leading to spoilage are not limited to the individual crop damaged. In the case of repeated effects, a force less than the static limit value is sufficient to cause spoilage, but in addition to the load, the material properties of the given crop, as well as the energy balance observed during damage play important roles in determining the mechanical resistance. Accordingly, in our work, a description of the spoilage process is built on the material models most characteristic of the selected crops, on the dissipated energy indicators measured during repeated loads, and on the definition and determination of the spoilage time. In the experiments, the fatigue indices of Golden Delicious apples, making up most of the apple production of the European Union, and of long shelflife Packham pears are compared by setting up linear regression models
A device for testing tractors on fields
A new dynamometer vehicle was developed by the Hungarian Institute of Agricultural Engineering (MGI) to determine the traction performances of agricultural tractors on soft soil (fields) and on hard surfaces. The braking system of the vehicle is a special diesel-hydraulic version with 400 kW of power. Drawbar-force and travel-speed measurement and control and real-time data analysis are realised with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) control unit and Personal Computer (PC) data collection. The dynamometer vehicle developed is not only suited to the determination of the performance data of agricultural tractors on fields, it is also useful for research and development testing of tractors
Boosting the competitiveness of agricultural production in Hungary through an innovation system
The final versions of the European Union’s (EU) support schemes and funding instruments for the 2014-2020 budgeting period have not yet been prepared. What is final, though, is that the ten-year Lisbon Strategy which aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the EU ended in 2010. In addition to three priorities (smart, sustainable and inclusive growth), the recently launched Europe 2020 Strategy has set five headline targets to be reached, one of them being an increased investment in research and development. This is evidently a difficult challenge owing to the limited economic capacity of individual EU Member States. A considerable share of agricultural production activities are performed by small- and medium-sized enterprises and farmers who face difficulty in reaching the level of concentration need to gain market advantage. Consequently, it is imperative to establish a system that can maintain close connections with producers and improve innovation activities. Without such a system, a significant growth of added value cannot be foreseen in Hungarian agriculture. This paper describes a technology development system that incorporates three elements (measurement of inputs in space and time, market-focused technology development and a self-teaching information system for farmers) and that could be used in rural development, primarily in the area of agricultural production. While developing the system, we relied on experience gained from the operation of previous agricultural production systems and also considered the specific local conditions with the aim of offering a potential solution to meeting the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy
Mezőgazdasági anyagok rheológiája és felületi jellemzői = Rheological and surface properties of Agricultural materials
A kutatási program cĂ©lja a növĂ©nyek, termĂ©nyek Ă©s a termesztĂ©sben használt mezĹ‘gazdasági fĂłliák mechanikai, fizikai felĂĽleti jellemzĹ‘inek meghatározása volt. A kutatás eredmĂ©nyekĂ©nt tisztáztuk a rheolĂłgiai tulajdonságokkal rendelkezĹ‘ növĂ©nyek felĂĽletĂ©nek szilárdsági viselkedĂ©sĂ©t a kĂĽlönbözĹ‘ terhelĂ©sek (statikus, dinamikus, ismĂ©tlĹ‘dĹ‘) Ă©s a biolĂłgiai állapotok fĂĽggvĂ©nyĂ©ben. A mĂ©rĂ©sekhez berendezĂ©st Ă©pĂtettĂĽnk. Modellt állĂtottunk fel a mezĹ‘gazdasági fĂłliák mechanikai jellemzĂ©sĂ©re, a környezeti hĹ‘mĂ©rsĂ©kleti, öregedĂ©si hatások figyelembevĂ©telĂ©vel. A sĂ©rĂĽlt növĂ©nyek gyĂłgyulási folyamatának jellemzĂ©sĂ©hez mĂ©rĹ‘berendezĂ©st Ă©s mĂłdszert fejlesztettĂĽnk. A növĂ©nyek alakjának felismerĂ©sĂ©re Ă©s jellemzĂ©sĂ©re matematikai modellt állĂtottunk fel. A növĂ©ny felszĂni reflexiĂłs jellemzĹ‘i Ă©s a biolĂłgiai tulajdonságok között kapcsolatokat tártunk fel. Az eredmĂ©nyeket a hiperspektrális távĂ©rzĂ©kelĂ©sben hasznosĂtottuk. A program keretĂ©ben egy DSc dolgozat több fejezete, Ă©s egy PhD dolgozat kĂ©szĂĽlt. | The goal of our research was to determine mechanical and physical attributes of plants?, crops? and agricultural foils? surface. As a result, rheological properties of the test plants have been clarified and static features of their surface have been determined in dependence of different stress conditions (static, dynamic and repeating) and their biological stage. Equipment has been developed for the experiments. A new model has been established for mechanical characterization of agricultural foils with respect on ambient temperature and aging. Technological improvement has been carried out to monitor damaged plants healing processes. A new mathematical model has been set to recognize and characterize plants? shape. Relations between surface reflection and biological properties have been revealed. Results have been exploited in the hyperspectral remote sensing researches. In the frame of the project several chapters of a D.Sc. dissertation and a Ph.D. thesis have been made
Suitability of textural parameters for characterization of Trappist cheese ripening
The objectives of this study were to monitor the changes in textural parameters of Trappist cheese during ripening and shelf-life, and to find correlation between the changes in instrumental texture parameters and the age or sensory properties of the product. The textural parameters of Trappist samples of 5 different manufacturing processes were determined with a QTS 25 Texture Profile Analyser. In addition to the mechanical tests, composition analyses and sensory tests were also conducted. The empirical values from the mechanical tests were evaluated with statistical methods (single-valued and multivariate analysis). The age and the quality of the product can be estimated from the textural parameters despite the inhomogeneity of the samples that is due to the manufacturing processes
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