1 research outputs found
Optimization of Enzymatic Pretreatment for the Production of Fermented Ginseng using Leaves, Stems and Roots of Ginseng
Abstract : This study sought to optimize the extraction and enzymatic treatment conditions of Panax ginseng leaves, stems, and roots for the production of fermented ginseng. The optimization enhanced the extraction of total saccharide, a nutrient and growth-activating factor for Lactobacillus bacteria. The hydrolysis of ginseng leaves, stems, and roots was tested with eight enzymes (Pentopan, Promozyme, Celluclast, Ultraflo, Pectinex, Ceremix, Viscozyme, and Tunicase). The enzymatic hydrolysis conditions were statistically optimized by the experimental design. Optimal particle size of ginseng raw material was <0.15 mm, and optimal hydrolysis occurred at a pH of 5.0-5.5, a reaction temperature of 55-60 o C, a Ceremix concentration of 1%, and a reaction time of 2 hr. Ceremix produced the highest dry matter yield and total saccharide extraction. Ginseng leaves were found to be the most suitable raw material for the production of fermented ginseng because they have higher carbohydrate and crude saponin contents than ginseng root