8 research outputs found

    Virkistyskalastuskohteiden audiovisuaalinen markkinointi : mallina Metsähallituksen kohde-esittelyvideoiden tuottaminen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on mallintaa virkistyskalastuskohteiden markkinointivideoiden tuotantoprosessi ja helpottaa Metsähallituksen seuraavaa audiovisuaalisen materiaalin tuotantoa. Tarkoituksena on havainnollistaa lukijalle, mitä audiovisuaalisen markkinointimateriaalin tuottamiseen kalastuskohteista tarvitaan ja miten se toteutetaan. Työssä käydään läpi taustatietoa digitaalisesta ja audiovisuaalisesta markkinoinnista, jonka jälkeen esitellään lyhyesti Metsähallituksen luontopalvelut. Työssä esitellään myös Metsähallituksen internetmarkkinoinnin uudistus sekä Metsähallituksen virkistyskalastuskohteet, joista audiovisuaalinen markkinointimateriaali kuvattiin. Ennen varsinaista videoiden tuotantoprosessista kertovaa osiota työn loppupuolelta löytyy pohdiskeleva vertailu perinteisten paperisten kohde-esitteiden ja sähköisen markkinointimateriaalin välillä. Tätä opinnäytetyötä koskevien Metsähallituksen kohde-esittelyvideoiden tehokkuudesta ei vielä ole varsinaista näyttöä, koska kohteiden toivottu kävijämäärien ja ostettujen kalastuslupien kasvu on nähtävissä vasta muutaman kalastuskauden jälkeen. Nähtävissä olevat eräluvat.fi-sivuston kohde-esittelyvideot ovat kuitenkin muutamassa kuukaudessa keränneet useiden satojen katsojaluvut jo ennen kiivainta kalastuskautta.The purpose of this thesis was to model the production process of marketing videos of recreational fishing destinations to ease the next possible production of audiovisual material for Metsähallitus. The purpose was to determine the requirements for producing audiovisual material of fishing destinations and the ways to achieve the requirements. The thesis gives an overview of digital and audiovisual marketing and presents Metsähallitus luontopalvelut briefly. The reformation of Metsähallitus Internet marketing and destinations where audiovisual material was filmed were also presented. Before the actual production process of videos a speculative comparison between traditional paper brochures and electronic marketing material was conducted

    Sonar counting of the River Neidenelva salmon in 2022

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    Biological reference points in a form of spawning targets have been estimated and established for the whole Neidenelva system in 2022. These spawning targets give now a biological goal, number of female salmon, that should be annually reached to ensure the long-term viability of the Neidenelva salmon populations. For estimating the spawning target attainment, information on the salmon run size together with salmon catches are needed. To estimate the salmon run size, all fish ascending to the River Neidenelva were monitored during the summer 2022, for the first time ever, by using an ARIS-sonar close to the river mouth. Sonar monitoring was a joint Finnish-Norwegian project and was executed by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). Underwater video cameras were used in parallel with the sonar for species determination. The total salmon run estimate in 2022 was c. 6900 individuals. Proportion of small (50–65cm), medium (65–90 cm) and large salmon (≥90 cm) were 49 %, 47 % and 4 %, respectively. Salmon migration was most active from mid-June to mid-July, whereafter the migration activity decreased significantly. In addition to salmon c. 300 sea trout ≥45 cm was estimated to ascend to Neidenelva. Significant numbers of large whitefish were also detected at the monitoring site, but their numbers were not estimated because of frequent back-and-forth movements. Based on long-term catch statistics and salmon counts at the Skoltefossen fishway, the salmon season 2022 was estimated to be poor. If the current relationship between the sonar count and catch/fishway data was used as a predictor, the salmon run sizes could have been c. 3 times higher (c. 20 000 salmon) in the best years during the period 2006–2022. Overall, the salmon run estimate contains some significant uncertainty. First, high incidence of back-and forth swimming complicated the counting process. Secondly, it was estimated that proportionally more downstream migrating fish are undetected compared to upstream migrating fish, i.e., the total run estimate is most probably an overestimate. Thirdly, sonar length measurement results indicate that especially smaller fish may have been measured too large, affecting the estimated salmon size distribution. The use on video cameras considerably decreased the above-mentioned problems. When considering the challenges observed in the sonar monitoring in 2022, it would be reasonable to re-evaluate the location of the sonar site for future studies. An obvious choice would be a site shortly above the Skoltefossen waterfall. This location would basically exclude other species (e.g., whitefish) than salmon and sea trout. It would also most probably reduce the number of back-and-forth movements of salmon and sea trout clarifying and quickening the sonar data analysis

    Näätämöjoen lohikannan tila : Nousulohimäärät, lohisaaliit ja poikastiheydet

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    Näätämöjoki on yksi Suomen harvoista jäljellä olevista luonnonlohijoista, ja Tenojoen ohella toinen Jäämereen laskeva lohijokemme. Osa Näätämöjoesta virtaa Norjan puolella, mutta valtaosa valuma-alueesta sijaitsee Suomen puolella, Inarin kunnassa. Lohen levinneisyysalue jatkuu Suomen puolella Iijärveen asti sekä sivujoista ainakin Silis-, Harri- ja Kallojokeen. Näätämöjoen lohikantojen tilaa ja kehityssuuntia on seurattu aktiivisesti 1970-luvulta lähtien erilaisin menetelmin Luonnonvarakeskuksen (aiemmin Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos) toimesta yhteistyössä mm. Metsähallituksen sekä norjalaisten organisaatioiden kanssa. Tässä raportissa esitetään yhteenveto Näätämöjoen vesistön keskeisimmistä lohiseurannoista ja niiden tuloksista vuoteen 2023 saakka. Raportissa käydään läpi nousulohiseurantojen, sähkökalastusseurantojen sekä saalistilastoinnin menetelmät ja tulokset. Lohen suomunäytteistä kerätystä laajasta aineistosta esitellään lisäksi lohisaaliiden ikä- ja kokorakenteita sekä niiden muutoksia. Näätämöjokeen nousevien lohien määrä on merkittävästi pienentynyt vuodesta 2019 lähtien. Vähentynyt nousulohien määrä näkyy selvästi myös vesistön lohisaaliissa, jotka ovat heikentyneet samassa tahdissa ja ovat viime vuosina olleet seurantahistorian heikoimmalla tasolla. Heikoista lohivuosista huolimatta lohen poikasmäärissä ei kuitenkaan ole toistaiseksi havaittu merkittävää laskua. Laajalla alueella Näätämöjoen pääuoman latvoilla, Opukasjärven ja Iijärven välillä lohen poikastiheydet ovat kuitenkin jo pitkään olleet pieniä, mikä viittaa liian pieneen kutupopulaatioon. Näätämöjoen lohisaalis painottuu joen Norjan puoleiselle alaosalle ja keskimäärin kolme neljäsosaa kokonaissaaliista kalastetaan tältä noin 30 kilometrin mittaiselta jokiosuudelta. Todellisuudessa Norjan saalisosuus on vielä huomattavasti suurempi (jopa 80–90 %), kun huomioidaan Norjan rannikkokalastuksen saaliiksi jäävät Näätämöjoen kantaa olevat lohet. Saalisnäytteiden perusteella Näätämöjokeen kutemaan nousevista lohista keskimäärin reilu puolet on yhden merivuoden (1SW) pikkulohia, neljännes kahden merivuoden (2SW) ja loput useamman merivuoden (MSW) lohia ja uudelleenkutijoita. Vapapyynnillä saadaan keskimäärin selvästi muita kalastustapoja enemmän pieniä yhden merivuoden lohia. Isojen lohien osuus saaliissa on suurin käpäläverkkopyynnissä. Näätämöjoen vesistön lohikantojen tilan nopea heikentyminen sekä ongelmat vesistön latva-alueilla vaativat muutoksia lohikantojen hoitoon. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa uusia toimenpiteitä kalastuksen säätelyyn ja lohen kuolleisuuden vähentämistä

    Downstream migration success of Atlantic salmon smolts in River Tana, 2021

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    Gjelland, K.Ø., Johansen, N.S., Orell, P., Kytokörpi, M., Grønmo, S. & Holter, T. 2024. Downstream migration success of Atlantic salmon smolts in River Tana, 2021. NINA Report 2396. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Several of the salmon stocks in the Tana watercourse have had a severe decline over the last two decades. The status of the stocks in the upper headwaters are currently very low. This has caused the Finnish and Norwegian management to agree on closing all Atlantic salmon fishery in the Tana watercourse and the Tana fjord from 2021. There is a concern that that predation on out-migrating smolt may have a much stronger impact on population growth when the population is small as compared to when the population is large. This may hinder the expected salmon population recovery during the fishing moratorium. There is a pressure to have predator culling on smolt eaters such as the northern pike and the sea trout. The effect of such potential measure is not known, as the effect of predation itself on Atlantic salmon population growth is not known. The pattern and survival of the freshwater phase of the smolt migration have not yet been studied. The aim of this study was to investigate migration pattern and survival of radio tagged smolts, and to identify bottle necks on the 240 km long route from the tagging site to the ocean. To achieve this, we planned to tag 100 smolts, and track them on a network of 22 fixed radio receivers as they migrate down the watercourse. The smolt migration is normally at its peak between mid-June and mid-July in the Tana watercourse. The smolt trap was initially placed in the small tributary Geaimmejohka on 22nd of June. No salmon smolts were caught there until the 28th of June, and the trap was then moved to the much larger tributary Kárášjohka. From 3rd – 7th of July the trap was fishing successfully, and a total of 65 salmon parr/smolts were caught, and 27 smolts (14.3 cm length, standard deviation ± 8.2 cm) were tagged and released. During the first days of July there was a heat wave in Finnmark, and water temperature rose above 20°C already the 4th of July. The water temperature led to high stress, and mortality during smolt catch and handling. The tagging was therefore ended long before we reached the goal of 100 tagged smolts. Only 3 of 27 tagged smolts reached the sea. 18 of the 21 smolts that migrated at least 3 km, became stationary later and were categorized as dead by predation based on the detection pattern in the tracking history. There was no clear relationship between smolt length and survival. Neither was there a clear relationship between smolt length and observed migration distance, although there was a weak tendency for larger individuals to make it farther. Smolt migration speed as measured by travel time and distance between fixed radiologgers varied between 3.7 and 75 km/day. The migration speed varied consistently over the different parts of the migration route, although there was considerable individual variation. Moreover, there was a clear relationship between migration speed in the headwaters and how far the individuals made it along the migration route. All three individuals that made it to the sea had among the highest early migration speed. The mortality rate in the headwater/tributary Kárášjohka was much higher than in the Tana River. The predation risk may truly be higher in this area if predator density is higher. To some extent this may also be a result of smolts being more vulnerable just after release, as the handling stress may lead to reduced avoidance capabilities. In conclusion, the Atlantic smolt survival during migration from the Kárášjohka / Iešjohka confluence towards the sea was low. The low survival can at least partly be attributed to predation, but stress associated with high water temperatures during catching and tagging of the smolts caused some direct and indirect mortality. The survival rates found in this study are therefore underestimates or minimum estimates for out-migrating smolts in the watercourse. On the other hand, if we consider smolts that were able to migrate more than 30 km as healthy, the survival was still very low (25 %).Gjelland, K.Ø., Johansen, N.S., Orell, P., Kytokörpi, M., Grønmo, S. & Holter, T. 2024. Downstream migration success of Atlantic salmon smolts in River Tana, 2021. NINA Rapport 2396. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Over de siste to tiårene har flere av laksebestandene i Tanavassdraget hatt en negativ utvikling, og statusen for bestandene i de store tilløpselvene har de siste årene vært ned mot 20 % av gytebestandsmålet. Fra 2021 har norske og finske forvaltningsmyndigheter derfor stengt laksefisket i vassdraget. Det er en bekymring for at predasjon på utvandrende smolt har mye større effekt på bestanden når bestandsstørrelsen er liten, og det er fryktet at predasjonspresset skal hindre den forventede veksten i bestanden som følge av fredningen. Det er derfor et lokalt press på å drive predasjonskontroll, med målrettet uttak av fiskespisere som gjedde og (sjø-) ørret. Utvandringsmønster og overlevelse til utvandrende smolt gjennom ferskvannsfasen i vassdraget er ikke tidligere studert. Målet med dette studiet var å undersøke overlevelse og vandringshastighet til radiomerket smolt, samt å vurdere om det finnes flaskehalser langs den 240 km lange utvandringsruta hvor smolten er spesielt sårbar for predasjon. For å gjøre dette var målet å merke 100 smolt, samt å følge de ved hjelp av manuell peiling og et nett med 20 faste loggestasjoner. Smoltutgangen fra Tanavassdraget foregår grovt sett fra midt i juni til midt i juli, men med flere ukers forskyvning mellom år. Smoltfella ble først rigget opp i den lille sideelva Geaimmejohka 22. juni, og var aktiv der frem til 28. juni. Ettersom det ikke lyktes å fange smolt der ble fella flyttet til en ny lokalitet like nedstrøms samløpet av de to store tilløpselvene Iešjohka og Kárášjohka 3. juli. Frem til 7. juli ble 65 laksesmolt/parr fanget, og 27 smolt (14.3 cm, standardavvik ± 8.2 cm) ble gjenutsatt med radiomerke operert inn i bukhulen. I løpet av merkeperioden kom det en varmebølge til Karasjok, og vanntemperaturen økte til over 20 °C allerede 4. juli. Varmen førte til at fangst og merking ble avsluttet før målet om 100 merka smolt var nådd. Kun tre av 27 merka smolt nådde sjøen. Skjebnen til den merka smolten ble delt i 5 kategorier, ettersom noen forble i området etter utsetting, eller radiosignalene forsvant. 21 smolt migrerte minimum 3 km før merkene ble stasjonære, og 18 av disse ble senere vurdert som død ved predasjon. Det var ingen klar sammenheng mellom smoltstørrelse og overlevelse, men en tendens til at større smolt nådde lenger ned i vassdraget. Vandringshastigheten varierte betydelig mellom individene og på ulike elvestrekninger (3.7 - 75 km/dag). Smolten som holdt høyest hastighet øverst på undersøkt strekning hadde større sjanse for å nå havet. Dødeligheten var mye høyere innledningsvis, i den nedre del av Kárášjohka, enn i Tanaelva. Strekningen i Karasjohka kan være spesielt utsatt på grunn av høyere tetthet av predatorer, men lav overlevelse på denne strekningen skyldes i noen grad kombinasjonen av merkeeffekter kombinert med stress som følge av høy vanntemperatur. Vi konkluderer med at det var lav smoltoverlevelse fra samløpet mellom Iešjohka og Kárášjohka til Tanafjorden (240 km) i 2021. Predasjon er trolig en viktig faktor for å redusere overlevelsen til laksesmolten langs denne elvestrekningen. Men stress som følge av høy vanntemperatur vanntemperaturen under fangst og merking resulterte også i merkeeffekter som økte dødeligheten både direkte og indirekte. Overlevelsesestimatene fra dette studiet må derfor anses for å være underestimat eller minimumsestimat for utvandrende smolt i Tana. Imidlertid hadde selv smolt som overlevde de første 30 km, og derfor må ansees som lite påvirket av håndteringen, svært lav overlevelse (25 %).Norwegian Environmental Agency - M-2747|202

    Downstream migration success of Atlantic salmon smolts in River Tana, 2021

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    Rapporten publiseres 2. april

    Evaluation of fish trap and guiding fence efficiency in the River Tana in 2023

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    Domaas, S., Orell, P., Kytökorpi, M., Myklebost, M.R., Erkinaro, J., Gjelland, K.Ø. 2024. Evaluation of fish trap and guiding fence efficiency in the River Tana in 2023. NINA Report 2387. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) is an anadromous species which spawns in rivers and whose fry migrate to sea shortly after emergence from the gravel. It is native to the Pacific Ocean but was repeatedly translocated to the White Sea during the latter half of the 20th century. Pink salmon has a strict 2-year life cycle, and odd-year populations have in recent years become invasive in the Eastern Atlantic. In the River Tana/Teno, a large Norwegian-Finnish watercourse and one of the world’s most important rivers for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), the spawning run was estimated at more than 50 000 pink salmon in 2021.The Norwegian Environmental Agency therefore decided to install a large trap-fence system in the river in 2023 to remove as much pink salmon as possible whilst letting native salmonids through. The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) in co-operation with Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) was given the task to monitor how the ascending and descending fish responded to the trap and guiding fences. A suite of sonars, camera systems with and without artificial intelligence (AI) capable of recognising fish, snorkelling, and drones were used for the fish monitoring. The results were compared to sonar counts of migrating fish further upstream in the watercourse. A rapid build-up in fish numbers and activity was seen in the area immediately downstream to the trap following the trap installation. However, after a short dip, increasing numbers of fish passing the Polmak fish counting station (about 20 km upstream the trap) indicated that the guiding fences were “leaking” fish. Daily numbers of migrating fish observed in the western channel at Seidaholmen corresponded well to daily numbers observed at Polmak, indicating that this was the main route for fish bypassing the trap. During the trap operation period, at least 108 700 fish migrated past Polmak, most of these pink salmon. Whilst there was such a large trap bypass migration, the trap catch numbers were moderate 7 666 (6.6% catch efficiency). This large discrepancy made it clear that: 1) both pink salmon and native migratory fish species showed a low willingness to enter the trap, and 2) the flexible fences used in both channels were not capable of stopping the pink salmon from migrating further up the River Tana. However, it was evident that native salmonids were held back from their normal upstream migration for some time, and it is not known to what extent this may have had negative consequences for the following migration and spawning period. Better entrance positioning and more trap entrances is needed to improve the willingness to enter the trap and bypass solutions. Some kelts were observed holding positions on the upstream side of the fences, but none used the downstream migration openings. Smolt schools swam back and forth along the upstream side of the fence and only used the downstream migration solutions to a limited extent. It is not known for how long kelts and smolts were held back. The Tana/Teno Atlantic salmon populations are considered as vulnerable populations. Successful return of native anadromous spawners as well as good smolt and kelt survival are all critical to population recovery. It is not known if these factors were negatively influenced by the trap with flexible fences in 2023, but future solutions with fixed fences have potential for significant negative effects. In the case of future use of in-river fish traps aimed to eliminate pink salmon, uttermost care must be taken to reduce the impact on the native salmonids. There is a large knowledge gap about realized trap effects on native salmonids. Further studies are thus needed to investigate trap and guiding fence effects on e.g. individual holding times and mortality risk, as well as migration behaviour and spawning success.Domaas, S., Orell, P., Kytökorpi, M., Myklebost, M.R., Erkinaro, J., Gjelland, K.Ø. 2024. Evaluation of fish trap and guiding fence efficiency in the River Tana in 2023. NINA Rapport 2387. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Pukkellaks (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) er en anadrom fiskeart som gyter i elv mens yngelen drar på beitevandring i havet straks etter at den kommer opp av gytegropen. Opprinnelig utbredelsesområde er i Stillehavet, men den ble gjentatte ganger introdusert til Kvitsjøen i andre halvdel av 1900-tallet. Pukkellaks har en streng toårig livssyklus fra den selv blir lagt som egg til den returnerer fra havet for å gyte. Generasjoner som gyter i oddetallsår har hatt en kraftig økning i Øst-Atlanteren i de senere år og arten er blitt en invasjonsart. I Tanavassdraget, et av verdens viktigste laksevassdrag, ble det i 2021 registrert mer enn 50 000 pukkellaks. Miljødirektoratet bestemte seg derfor for å installere en fiskefelle i Tanaelva i 2023 for å fjerne så mye pukkellaks som mulig mens lokale fiskearter skulle slippes forbi. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) fikk i samarbeid med det Finske Naturressursinstituttet (Luke) i oppdrag å overvåke hvordan oppvandrende og nedvandrende fisk ble påvirket av fella og ledegjerdene. For å gjennomføre dette ble det brukt et arsenal av sonarer, videokameraer med og uten innebygd kunstig intelligens, observasjon ved snorkling og filming med drone. Resultatene fra overvåkingen ble sammenlignet med resultater fra sonarovervåking lenger oppe i vassdraget. En rask økning i fiskemengde og aktivitet ble observert nedstrøms fella og ledegjerdene like etter at disse kom på plass. Fiskeoppgangen forbi Polmak (20 km oppstrøms fella) ble redusert i noen dager, men tok seg deretter kraftig opp. Dette indikerte at ledegjerdene til fella ikke holdt igjen all fisk. Daglige tall fra sonar- og videoovervåking for oppvandring i det vestre elveløpet ved Seidaholmen var i godt samsvar med daglige tall for oppvandring ved Polmak, og indikerte at det var i det vestre elveløpet det meste av fisk passerte fella. I perioden fella var i bruk passerte det minst 108 700 oppvandrende fisk forbi Polmak, de fleste av disse var pukkellaks. I samme perioden ble det kun fanget 7 666 fisk i fella, noe som gir en fangsteffektivitet på 6,6 %. Denne store skjevheten indikerte at 1) pukkellaks og stedegne arter var lite villige til å gå inn i fella, og 2) de fleksible plastikkrørgjerdene som ble brukt i vestre og delvis østre løp ikke hindret pukkellaks fra å vandre videre opp i vassdraget. Det var likevel klart at atlanterhavslaks ble holdt tilbake fra sin naturlige oppvandring i noe tid, men det er ikke kjent i hvor stor grad dette hadde negative konsekvenser for påfølgende gytesuksess. Flere og bedre plasserte felleinnganger er nødvendig for å sikre at oppvandrende laks og andre stedegne fiskearter vil gå inn i fella, og dermed bli sluppet gjennom. Støinger ble observert på oversiden av ledegjerdene, men ingen ble observert i nedvandringsåpningene. Smoltstimer ble observert svømmende fram og tilbake langs ledegjerdet, og disse brukte i noen, men liten grad nedvandringsåpningen. Det er ukjent hvor lenge vinterstøinger og smolt ble holdt tilbake av ledegjerdet. Å sperre en elv med fiskefelle har stort potensiale for negativ påvirkning, men vi vet lite om de faktiske effektene. Oppkonsentrasjon av smolt ovenfor gjerdet kan tiltrekke seg predatorer og dermed øke smoltdødeligheten her. Laksebestandene i Tanavassdraget er sårbare bestander. Suksessfull gyting, samt god overlevelse og vekst hos smolt og støinger er alle sentrale faktorer for å bygge opp igjen laksestammene. Hvorvidt disse faktorene ble negativt påvirket av fella med fleksible ledegjerder i 2023 er ukjent, men fremtidige løsninger basert på faste ledegjerder har vesentlig skadepotensiale. Dersom det igjen skal bygges fiskefelle i Tanavassdraget, må det derfor legges stor vekt på gode løsninger som sikrer minimal påvirkning på vandringen til stedlige arter. Det er en stor kunnskapsmangel om fellepåvirkning på stedegne arter, og studier av felle og ledegjerders påvirkning på blant annet oppholdstid, overlevelse, vandringsadferd og gytesukksess er nødvendig