3 research outputs found

    Study of the activity of sunflower honey against a mixed microbial association isolated from bees with signs of dyspepsia in laboratory conditions

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    Beekeeping is one of the essential branches of agriculture in Ukraine, the main activity of which is aimed at breeding bees and obtaining honey and other products beneficial for human health. Maintaining the physiological state of bee colonies at the proper level is one of the essential tasks of veterinary medicine doctors and beekeepers. Compliance with veterinary and sanitary requirements at bee farms is the basis of preventing infectious pathologies in bee colonies. Since the body of insects has a fast metabolism, any infectious pathology quickly acquires a massive manifestation. One indicative symptom of infectious damage to the “gut” of bees is dyspepsia. Diarrhea, anorexia, and loss of productivity are observed in bees in this condition. The market of means to prevent such pathological manifestations in beekeeping is relatively narrow. The healing and favorable properties of honey, manifested in pain-relieving, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, have been known since ancient times. Sunflower honey differs from other types in a wide range of components, particularly phytoncides, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the main goal of the experiment was a laboratory study of the effect of different concentrations of sunflower honey sieve on the mixed microbial association isolated from bees with signs of dyspepsia. The activity of sunflower honey in laboratory conditions was studied by the disco-diffusion method in Petri dishes on MPA medium (meat-peptone agar). To obtain syrup from sunflower honey, sunflower honey was diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:1, working solutions were prepared from sunflower honey syrup in dilutions of 1:2, 1:4, 1:10, 1:100. The data analysis indicates the bacteriostatic activity of the syrup from sunflower honey in all studied concentrations concerning the mixed microbial association. Moreover, the largest diameter of the growth inhibition zone of the studied microorganisms was noted when the syrup from sunflower honey was diluted in a ratio of 1:10 (19.2 ± 0.42 mm). In turn, the antagonistic effect of the syrup from sunflower honey was observed in all dilutions concerning the mixed microbial association, where the largest diameter of the antagonism was 19.6 ± 0.27 mm when the disc was impregnated with the native working solution. Thus, it is promising to accumulate and identify a pure culture antagonist concerning a mixed culture of bacteria isolated during bee diarrhea to further create a pharmacological agent for preventing infectious pathologies of bees in unhealthy apiaries

    Ecology of zoophilic flies in livestock biocenoses of Ukraine

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    In modern animal husbandry of Ukraine, there are still some unresolved issues related to the high number of zoophilic flies in the territories of facilities and the spread of animal infectious and parasitic diseases. A detailed study of bioecological peculiarities of the dominant zoophilic fly species contributes to improving the effectiveness of measures to control ectoparasites. 27 zoophilic fly species have been found in animal breeding complexes. The maximum number of parasitic Diptera species was recorded on cattle-keeping premises. The biological properties of Neomyia cornicina (Fabricius, 1781) (size, shape, colour, duration of preimaginal phase development) were studied. Also, we studied the dynamics of the number and daily activity of dominant fly species (Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758, M. autumnalis De Geer, 1776, Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus, 1758)). When studying the intraspecies competition, a high-degree survival of M. domestica and M. autumnalis was determined in the conditions of critical nutritional deficiency (0.5 g of nutrient medium per larva) and increased density of individuals (the imago emergence was 38.6% and 34.0%, respectively). In similar maintenance conditions, the emergence of N. cornicina imago was low (14.6%). With a two-fold increase in the insectarium volume and in the amount of nutrient medium (1 g per larva), the imago emergence of M. domestica, M. autumnalis and N. cornicina increased to 64.0%, 39.2%, and 24.0%, respectively. With an even greater increase in the amount of nutrient medium (2 g per larva), the maximum emergence of imagoes of all the studied fly species was observed (M. domestica, M. autumnalis, and N. cornicina: 96.6%, 91.2% and 72.6%, respectively). In the conditions of interspecific competition, M. autumnalis suppressed N. cornicina even in conditions of a sufficient amount of nutrient substrate. In the competition between M. domestica and M. autumnalis, house fly dominated. Increasing the nutrient medium volume narrowed the gap between the competing species

    State epizootic monitoring of contagious diseases of bees in the territory of the Volyn region

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    The well-being of apiaries is a priority in the state's economic, social, and environmental aspects. There is a state monitoring system to ensure proper control over the prevalence of infectious, invasive, and viral diseases. This system systematically monitors the spread of diseases that cause significant economic problems. Solving these problems will further shape the state's favorability to ensure the export of beekeeping products to European countries. Data on the spread of infectious and invasive diseases of bees from official departments of the State Production and Consumer Services of particular regions. In work, such data were processed in the Volyn region from 2017 to 2022, including a plan for determining the incidence and incidence rates in this region. The results show that nosemosis and varroosis were the most common diseases in the Volyn region during the studied period. It was established that the indicator of bee colonies with the Varroa destructor mite in all analyzed years exceeds the incidence of nosemosis by 8.03 % (2020) – 24.49 % (2021). Moreover, the highest incidence of both diseases during the studied period was registered in 2021. In 2017, American foulbrood (AFB), created by a bacterium, was recorded in this region. The spread of bacterial diseases in bees is given. From the analyzed data, it is possible to note the imperfection of the monitoring system, as the research plans include a wide range of invasive diseases, but a small share is allocated to bacterial infections. Unplanned beekeeping studies include invasive and infectious diseases: bee bacteriosis and viral pathologies. The main problem is the low percentage of certified private farms. As a result, it is challenging to analyze damage to apiaries by contagious bee diseases. Thus, it is necessary to improve the state monitoring system, owing to which it will be possible to diagnose planned not only infectious and invasive diseases but also other diseases of bees that cause massive destruction of hives in apiaries of our state