2 research outputs found

    The Educational Intelligent Economy – Lifelong Learning – A vision for the future

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    Almost every detail of our lives, where we go, what we do, and with whom is captured as digital data. Technological advancements in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data analytics offer the education sector new ways not only to improve policy and processes but also to personalize learning and teaching practice. However, these changes raise fundamental questions around who owns the data, how it might be used, and the consequences of use. The application of Big Data in education can be directed toward a wide range of stakeholders, such as educators, students, policy-makers, institutions, or researchers. It may also have different objectives, such as monitoring, student support, prediction, assessment, feedback, and personalization. This chapter presents the nuances and recent research trends spurred by technological advancements that ave influenced the education sector and highlights the need to look beyond the technical boundaries using a socio-semiotic lens. With the explosion of available information and digital technologies pervading cultural, social, political as well as economic spaces, being a lifelong learner is pivotal for success. However, technology on its own is not sufficient to drive this change. For technology to be successful, it should complement individual learning cultures and education systems. This chapter is broadly divided into two main sections. In the first section, we contemplate a vision for the future, which is deemed possible based on ongoing digital and computing advancements. The second section elaborates the technological, pedagogical, cultural, and political requirements to attain that vision

    Learn on the Planet: Open online courses from Kyoto University

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    Edited by KyotoUx京都大学は、2013年5月に世界の主要なMOOCプロバイダの1つであるedXに参加しました。それ以来、世界を牽引する大学のコミュニティとともに、edXを通じて世界中で質の高いオンライン講義を積極的に提供しています。2014年に「The Chemistry of Life (生命の化学)」を開講して以来、京都大学はさまざまな研究分野で13の講義を提供し、世界中の多くの国や地域から185, 000人以上の学習者を集めました(2018年12月現在)。京都大学は、多様な研究分野で世界を牽引する大学として、国際的にも教育の普及に貢献していきます。“Learn on the Planet”は、京都大学が提供する魅力的なオンライン講義に関する情報と、MOOCプロジェクトに関する記事を紹介します。Kyoto University joined edX, one of the major global MOOC providers in May 2013. Since then, with the community of the world’s leading universities, we have been actively providing high-quality online courses all over the world through edX. Since the rst course “The Chemistry of Life” was provided in 2014, Kyoto University has provided 13 courses of our various research elds and attracted over 185, 000 learners from many countries and regions around the world (as of December, 2018). Kyoto University, as a globally leading university in diverse research fields, will also keep contributing internationally to the education. “Learn on the Planet” gives you brief information about our fascinating online courses as well as some articles on the MOOC initiatives.Introduction [03]Course Offerings [05]Evolution of the Human Sociality/ President Juichi Yamagiwa [07]The Chemistry of Life/ Professor Motonari Uesugi [09]The Extremes of Life/ Professor Haruyuki Atomi [11]Introduction to Statistical Methods for Gene Mapping/ Professor Ryo Yamada [13]Ethics in Life Sciences and Healthcare/ Associate Professor Satoshi Kodama [15]Origins of the Human Mind/ Distinguished Professor Tetsuro Matsuzawa [17]Culture of Services/ Associate Professor Yutaka Yamauchi [19]Stochastic Processes/ Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto [21]Introduction to Animal Ethics/ Associate Professor Tetsuji Iseda [23]More Fun with Prime Numbers/ Associate Professor Tetsushi Ito [25]Media [27]Impact on Education at Kyoto University: Case Studies and Voices [29]Messages from Instructors [31]Report [32]Learning at Kyoto University [33