89 research outputs found

    Neural Fourier Shift for Binaural Speech Rendering

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    We present a neural network for rendering binaural speech from given monaural audio, position, and orientation of the source. Most of the previous works have focused on synthesizing binaural speeches by conditioning the positions and orientations in the feature space of convolutional neural networks. These synthesis approaches are powerful in estimating the target binaural speeches even for in-the-wild data but are difficult to generalize for rendering the audio from out-of-distribution domains. To alleviate this, we propose Neural Fourier Shift (NFS), a novel network architecture that enables binaural speech rendering in the Fourier space. Specifically, utilizing a geometric time delay based on the distance between the source and the receiver, NFS is trained to predict the delays and scales of various early reflections. NFS is efficient in both memory and computational cost, is interpretable, and operates independently of the source domain by its design. With up to 25 times lighter memory and 6 times fewer calculations, the experimental results show that NFS outperforms the previous studies on the benchmark dataset.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Pop2Piano : Pop Audio-based Piano Cover Generation

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    The piano cover of pop music is widely enjoyed by people. However, the generation task of the pop piano cover is still understudied. This is partly due to the lack of synchronized {Pop, Piano Cover} data pairs, which made it challenging to apply the latest data-intensive deep learning-based methods. To leverage the power of the data-driven approach, we make a large amount of paired and synchronized {pop, piano cover} data using an automated pipeline. In this paper, we present Pop2Piano, a Transformer network that generates piano covers given waveforms of pop music. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first model to directly generate a piano cover from pop audio without melody and chord extraction modules. We show that Pop2Piano trained with our dataset can generate plausible piano covers

    Global HRTF Interpolation via Learned Affine Transformation of Hyper-conditioned Features

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    Estimating Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) of arbitrary source points is essential in immersive binaural audio rendering. Computing each individual's HRTFs is challenging, as traditional approaches require expensive time and computational resources, while modern data-driven approaches are data-hungry. Especially for the data-driven approaches, existing HRTF datasets differ in spatial sampling distributions of source positions, posing a major problem when generalizing the method across multiple datasets. To alleviate this, we propose a deep learning method based on a novel conditioning architecture. The proposed method can predict an HRTF of any position by interpolating the HRTFs of known distributions. Experimental results show that the proposed architecture improves the model's generalizability across datasets with various coordinate systems. Additional demonstrations using coarsened HRTFs demonstrate that the model robustly reconstructs the target HRTFs from the coarsened data.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Removing Speaker Information from Speech Representation using Variable-Length Soft Pooling

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    Recently, there have been efforts to encode the linguistic information of speech using a self-supervised framework for speech synthesis. However, predicting representations from surrounding representations can inadvertently entangle speaker information in the speech representation. This paper aims to remove speaker information by exploiting the structured nature of speech, composed of discrete units like phonemes with clear boundaries. A neural network predicts these boundaries, enabling variable-length pooling for event-based representation extraction instead of fixed-rate methods. The boundary predictor outputs a probability for the boundary between 0 and 1, making pooling soft. The model is trained to minimize the difference with the pooled representation of the data augmented by time-stretch and pitch-shift. To confirm that the learned representation includes contents information but is independent of speaker information, the model was evaluated with libri-light's phonetic ABX task and SUPERB's speaker identification task
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