85 research outputs found

    Nuclear Factor Erythroid-Derived 2-Like 2-Induced Reductive Stress Favors Self-Renewal of Breast Cancer Stem-Like Cells via the FoxO3a-Bmi-1 Axis

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    Aims: A subpopulation of cancer cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs), has stemness properties, such as self-renewal and differentiation, which drive cancer recurrence and tumor resistance. CSCs possess enhanced protection capabilities to maintain reduced intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared with nonstem-like cancer cells. This study investigated whether reductive stress could regulate self-renewal activity in breast CSCs. Results: We found that manifestation of stemness in breast cancer stem-like cells was associated with an elevated production of reduced glutathione (GSH) maintained by upregulation of glutamate cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC) and consequently, lowered ROS levels. This was accompanied by upregulation of phospho-AMP-activated protein kinase, FoxO3a, and Bmi-1. Notably, expression of nuclear factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 (Nrf2) protein was substantially increased in cells undergoing sphere formation. We noticed that expression of Bmi-1 was inhibited after introduction of Nrf2 short interfering RNA into MCF-7 mammosphere cells. Silencing of Nrf2 expression suppressed the xenograft growth of subcutaneously or orthotopically injected human breast cancer cells. Innovation: Association between Nrf2 and self-renewal signaling in CSCs has been reported, but the underlying molecular mechanism remains largely unresolved. This study demonstrates the Nrf2-mediated signaling pathway in maintenance of reductive stress in breast CSCs. Conclusion: Nrf2 overactivation in breast CSCs upregulates GCLC expression and consequently enhances GSH biosynthesis with concurrent reduction in intracellular ROS accumulation, thereby provoking the reductive stress. The consequent upregulation of nuclear FoxO3a and its binding to the promoter of the gene encoding Bmi-1 account for the self-renewal activity of breast cancer stem-like cells and their growth in a xenograft mouse model.

    A Case of Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis

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    Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis (PAM) is a rare disease with unknown etiology and pathogenesis. It is characterized by diffuse, innumerable, and minute calculi, called microlithiasis in the alveoli. More than half of reported cases are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. We describe the first case of PAM in Korea. A 19-yr-old man without respiratory symptoms presented with interstitial thickening on the chest radiograph. His chest high resolution CT scan showed diffusely scattered, ill defined tiny micronodules and interstitial thickening. Open lung biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of PAM. He was followed up for 6 months without treatment, and no progression was noticed

    Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis of YM155 for Inducing Selective Cell Death of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Despite great potential for regenerative medicine, the high tumorigenic potential of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to form undesirable teratoma is an important technical hurdle preventing safe cell therapy. Various small molecules that induce the complete elimination of undifferentiated hPSCs, referred to as “stemotoxics,” have been developed to facilitate tumor-free cell therapy, including the Survivin inhibitor YM155. In the present work, based on the chemical structure of YM155, total 26 analogs were synthesized and tested for stemotoxic activity toward human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced PSCs (iPSCs). We found that a hydrogen bond acceptor in the pyrazine ring of YM155 derivatives is critical for stemotoxic activity, which is completely lost in hESCs lacking SLC35F2, which encodes a solute carrier protein. These results suggest that hydrogen bonding interactions between the nitrogens of the pyrazine ring and the SLC35F2 protein are critical for entry of YM155 into hPSCs, and hence stemotoxic activity

    ERK Dephosphorylation through MKP1 Deacetylation by SIRT1 Attenuates RAS-Driven Tumorigenesis

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    The role of Situin 1 (SIRT1) in tumorigenesis is still controversial due to its wide range of substrates, including both oncoproteins and tumor suppressors. A recent study has demonstrated that SIRT1 interferes in the Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS)-driven activation of the Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) kinase (MEK)-ERK pathway, thereby inhibiting tumorigenesis. However, the molecular mechanism of SIRT1 as a tumor suppressor in RAS-driven tumorigenesis has been less clearly determined. This study presents evidence that the ectopic expression of SIRT1 attenuates RAS- or MEK-driven ERK activation and reduces cellular proliferation and transformation in vitro. The attenuation of ERK activation by SIRT1 results from prompt dephosphorylation of ERK, while MEK activity remains unchanged. We identified that MKP1, a dual specific phosphatase for MAPK, was deacetylated by SIRT1. Deacetylation of MKP1 by direct interaction with SIRT1 increased the binding affinity to ERK which in turn facilitated inactivation of ERK. Taken together, these results suggest that SIRT1 would act as a tumor suppressor by modulating RAS-driven ERK activity through MKP1 deacetylation

    Sensitivity Analysis of Surface Energy Budget to Albedo Parameters in Seoul Metropolitan Area Using the Unified Model

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    The large population growth has significantly altered the thermal characteristics of the atmosphere, including decreased albedo and increased heat capacity; thus, urban areas experience unique climatic phenomena. We conducted sensitivity experiments using Unified Model Local Data Assimilation and Prediction-Met-Office-Reading Urban Surface Exchange Scheme (LDAPS-MORUSES) to investigate the response of surface energy budget to albedo changes in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. We compared 1.5-m temperature at 56 automatic weather station (AWS) sites and showed underestimations of approximately 0.5–2 K, but the diurnal cycle was well simulated. We changed the wall and road albedo parameters by ±50% from the default values for sensitivity experiments. With increasing albedo, 1.5-m temperature decreased by approximately 0.06 °C and 0.01 °C in urban and suburban areas, respectively. These changes are responses to decreased net radiation and sensible heat during daytime, whereas sensible heat mainly contributes to the surface cooling during nighttime. Furthermore, the decrease in albedo leads to altered vertical structure of potential temperature and atmospheric circulations at altitudes of 300–1000 m. Results show that albedo modification can affect not only surface temperature but also the entire urban boundary layer

    Connectivity map-based drug repositioning of bortezomib to reverse the metastatic effect of GALNT14 in lung cancer

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    Despite the continual discovery of promising new cancer targets, drug discovery is often hampered by the poor druggability of these targets. As such, repurposing FDA-approved drugs based on cancer signatures is a useful alternative to cancer precision medicine. Here, we adopted an in silico approach based on large-scale gene expression signatures to identify drug candidates for lung cancer metastasis. Our clinicogenomic analysis identified GALNT14 as a putative driver of lung cancer metastasis, leading to poor survival. To overcome the poor druggability of GALNT14 in the control of metastasis, we utilized the Connectivity Map and identified bortezomib (BTZ) as a potent metastatic inhibitor, bypassing the direct inhibition of the enzymatic activity of GALNT14. The antimetastatic effect of BTZ was verified both in vitro and in vivo. Notably, both BTZ treatment and GALNT14 knockdown attenuated TGF beta-mediated gene expression and suppressed TGF beta-dependent metastatic genes. These results demonstrate that our in silico approach is a viable strategy for the use of undruggable targets in cancer therapies and for revealing the underlying mechanisms of these targets.N

    Chronic TGF beta stimulation promotes the metastatic potential of lung cancer cells by Snail protein stabilization through integrin beta 3-Akt-GSK3 beta signaling

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    Chronic exposure to TGFβ, a frequent occurrence for tumor cells in the tumor microenvironment, confers more aggressive phenotypes on cancer cells by promoting their invasion and migration while at the same time increasing their resistance to the growth-inhibitory effect of TGFβ. In this study, a transdifferentiated (TD) A549 cell model, established by chronically exposing A549 cells to TGFβ, showed highly invasive phenotypes in conjunction with attenuation of Smad-dependent signaling. We show that Snail protein, the mRNA expression of which strongly correlates with a poor prognosis in lung cancer patients, was highly stable in TD cells after TGFβ stimulation. The increased protein stability of Snail in TD cells correlated with elevated inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3β, resulting from the high Akt activity. Notably, integrin β3, whose expression was markedly increased upon sustained exposure to TGFβ, was responsible for the high Akt activity as well as the increased Snail protein stability in TD cells. Consistently, clinical database analysis on lung cancer patients revealed a negative correlation between overall survival and integrin β3 mRNA levels. Therefore, we suggest that the integrin β3-Akt-GSK3β signaling axis plays an important role in non-canonical TGFβ signaling, determining the invasive properties of tumor cells chronically exposed to TGFβ.