694 research outputs found

    BPS D-branes from an Unstable D-brane in a Curved Background

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    We find exact tachyon kink solutions of DBI type effective action describing an unstable D5-brane with worldvolume gauge field turned on in a curved background. The background of interest is the ten-dimensional lift of the Salam-Sezgin vacuum and, in the asymptotic limit, it approaches R1,4×T2×S3{\rm R}^{1,4}\times {\rm T}^2\times {\rm S}^3. The solutions are identified as composites of lower-dimensional D-branes and fundamental strings, and, in the BPS limit, they become a D4D2F1 composite wrapped on R1,2×T2{\rm R}^{1,2}\times {\rm T}^2 where T2{\rm T}^2 is inside S3{\rm S}^3. In one class of solutions we find an infinite degeneracy with respect to a constant magnetic field along the direction of NS-NS field on S3{\rm S}^3.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, a footnote added, typos corrected and a reference adde

    BPS D-branes from an Unstable D-brane

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    We search for exact tachyon kink solutions of DBI type effective action describing an unstable D-brane with worldvolume gauge field turned in both the flat and a curved background. There are various kinds of solutions in the presence of electromagnetic fields in the flat space, such as periodic arrays, topological tachyon kinks, half kinks, and bounces. We identify a BPS object, D(pp-1)F1 bound state, which describes a thick brane with string flux density. The curved background of interest is the ten-dimensional lift of the Salam-Sezgin vacuum and, in the asymptotic limit, it approaches R1,4×T2×S3{\rm R}^{1,4}\times {\rm T}^2\times {\rm S}^3. The solutions in the curved background are identified as composites of lower-dimensional D-branes and fundamental strings, and, in the BPS limit, they become a D4D2F1 composite wrapped on R1,2×T2{\rm R}^{1,2}\times {\rm T}^2 where T2{\rm T}^2 is inside S3{\rm S}^3.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceeding of PASCOS 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, May 30-June 4, 200

    Evolution of the Industrial Wage Structure in China Since 1980

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    Industry mean wages in China have exhibited sharply increased dispersion since the early 1990s. The upward trend in differences of average wages among major industry groups parallels increases in wage and income inequality not only between rural and urban sectors but within the urban economy as well. Research on the trend has focused on (1) how market forces have led to a better match between worker pay and worker skills; on (2a) how the growing share of employment in the private sector has “caused” growing wage inequality; and (2b) how residual government control in a few industrial sectors has contributed to wage inequality due monopoly rent sharing. We show that the industrial wage dispersion in China has evolved to match long-recognized international patterns of industrial wage dispersion and that an increasing proportion of industrial wage dispersion can be explained as returns to observed worker characteristics.inequality, China, industry-wage structure

    Spectrum of Eleven-dimensional Supergravity on a PP-wave Background

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    We calculate the spectrum of the linearized supergravity around the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave background in eleven dimensions. The resulting spectrum agrees with that of zero-mode Hamiltonian of a supermembrane theory on the pp-wave background. We also discuss the connection with the Kaluza-Klein zero modes of AdS_4 x S^7 background.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e, typos correcte

    On Classical Equivalence Between Noncritical and Einstein Gravity : The AdS/CFT Perspectives

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    We find that noncritical gravity, a special class of higher derivative gravity, is classically equivalent to Einstein gravity at the full nonlinear level. We obtain the viscosity-to-entropy ratio and the second order transport coefficients of the dual fluid of noncritical gravity to all orders in the coupling of higher derivative terms. We also compute the holographic entanglement entropy in the dual CFT of noncritical gravity. All these results confirm the nonlinear equivalence between noncritical gravity and Einstein gravity at the classical level.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    The effect of the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif of the human laminin α2 chain on implant osseointegration

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    Considerable effort has been directed towards replacing lost teeth using tissue-engineering methods such as titanium implants. A number of studies have tried to modify bioinert titanium surfaces by coating them with functionally bioactive molecules for faster and stronger osseointegration than pure titanium surfaces. Recently, peptides have been recognized as valuable scientific tools in the field of tissue-engineering. The DLTIDDSYWYRI motif of the human laminin-2 α2 chain has been previously reported to promote the attachment of various cell types; however, the in vivo effects of the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif on new bone formation have not yet been studied. To examine whether a laminin-2-derived peptide can promote osseointegration by accelerating new bone formation in vivo, we applied titanium implants coated with the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif in a rabbit tibia model. The application of the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif-treated implant to tibia wounds enhanced collagen deposition and alkaline phosphatase expression. It significantly promoted implant osseointegration compared with treatment with scrambled peptide-treated implants by increasing the bone-to-implant contact ratio and bone area. These findings support the hypothesis that the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif acts as an effective osseointegration accelerator by enhancing new bone formation.Considerable effort has been directed towards replacing lost teeth using tissue-engineering methods such as titanium implants. A number of studies have tried to modify bioinert titanium surfaces by coating them with functionally bioactive molecules for faster and stronger osseointegration than pure titanium surfaces. Recently, peptides have been recognized as valuable scientific tools in the field of tissue-engineering. The DLTIDDSYWYRI motif of the human laminin-2 α2 chain has been previously reported to promote the attachment of various cell types; however, the in vivo effects of the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif on new bone formation have not yet been studied. To examine whether a laminin-2-derived peptide can promote osseointegration by accelerating new bone formation in vivo, we applied titanium implants coated with the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif in a rabbit tibia model. The application of the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif-treated implant to tibia wounds enhanced collagen deposition and alkaline phosphatase expression. It significantly promoted implant osseointegration compared with treatment with scrambled peptide-treated implants by increasing the bone-to-implant contact ratio and bone area. These findings support the hypothesis that the DLTIDDSYWYRI motif acts as an effective osseointegration accelerator by enhancing new bone formation.Tissue-engineeringThis work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by MEST (Grant No. 2011-0007662) and the Mid-career Researcher Program through NRF, funded by MEST (Grant No. 2010-0014662).OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/2008003883/1SEQ:1PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:2008003883ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A078517DEPT_CD:861CITE_RATE:7.404FILENAME:Biomaterials 201305 34(16) 4027-37.pdfDEPT_NM:치의학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    AdS/BCFT Correspondence for Higher Curvature Gravity: An Example

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    We consider the effects of higher curvature terms on a holographic dual description of boundary conformal field theory. Specifically, we consider three-dimensional gravity with a specific combination of Ricci tensor square and curvature scalar square, so called, new massive gravity. We show that a boundary entropy and an entanglement entropy are given by similar expression with those of the Einstein gravity case when we introduce an {\it effective} Newton's constant and an {\it effective} cosmological constant. We also show that the holographic g-theorem still holds in this extension, and we give some comments about the central charge dependence of boundary entropy in the holographic construction. In the same way, we consider new type black holes and comment on the boundary profile. Moreover, we reproduce these results through auxiliary field formalism in this specific higher curvature gravity.Comment: 27pages, minor corrections, accepted in JHE