23 research outputs found

    Twenty-Five Years of Deregulation: Lessons for Electric Power

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    The New Industrial Organization and Small Business

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    The small business sector is an important part of the American economic landscape, in both absolute and relative terms. Despite its absolute growth, however, the sector accounts for a diminishing share of private sector activity. But its importance, and changes in importance, vary across industrial sectors of the economy. Drawing on the theoretical and empirical insights developed in recent books by John Sutton, we suggest that the presence or absence of endogenous strategic behaviors of the larger firms with respect to advertising, promotion, research and development, and other sunk cost expenditures may well play an important role in explaining the differing levels of small business importance, both cross-sectionally and over time. We conclude the paper with suggestions for research directions that could shed further light on these ideas

    The Effect of Market Growth and Contraction on Industry Price-Cost Margins

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    Economic theory predicts that market growth or contraction may affect the role of industry concentration upon price-cost margins. Existing empirical work, however, has not specified the relationship completely or correctly. This article sets out a model consistent with theory and then tests several hypotheses on manufacturing industry data. It finds that the effect of concentration on industry pricing behavior declines when the overall market either grows or contracts sharply, and declines when the industry is highly capital-intensive. The effect of concentration, however, persists for the vast majority of cases.

    Market Segmentation by Price-Quality Schedules: Some Evidence from Automobiles.

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    Discrimination among heterogeneous buyers of a product is possible through the use of multiple quality variants. This article quantifies various implications of the standard Mussa-Rosen model of price/quality discrimination as applied to the U.S. automobile industry. It demonstrates that the price-quality variants of a major manufacturer indeed segment the market as predicted by the model. Distortions in the range and nature of products offered, in their prices, and in the resulting consumer surplus in the automobile market are measured and shown to be significant. Copyright 1992 by University of Chicago Press.

    The Output and Profit Effects of Horizontal Joint Ventures.

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    The effects of production joint ventures on their parents' profits and total industry output are analyzed. Using a conjectural variations model, joint ventures that represent new producing entities are shown to be more likely--because the profits of parents in the same industry are more likely to increase--under conditions of cooperative as opposed to rivalrous behavior. Under the same circumstances, industry output increases, although a modest rise in cooperation among firms suffices to reverse these effects. The precise results are shown also to depend upon the degree of coordination of the output decisions of the joint venture and its parents. Copyright 1992 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.