21 research outputs found

    Second-Hand Smoke–Induced Cardiac Fibrosis Is Related to the Fas Death Receptor Apoptotic Pathway without Mitochondria-Dependent Pathway Involvement in Rats

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    Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke has been epidemiologically linked to heart disease among nonsmokers. However, the molecular mechanism behind the pathogenesis of cardiac disease is unknown. In this study, we found that Wistar rats, exposed to tobacco cigarette smoke at doses of 5, 10, or 15 cigarettes for 30 min twice a day for 1 month, had a dose-dependently reduced heart weight to body weight ratio and enhanced interstitial fibrosis as identified by histopathologic analysis. The mRNA and activity of matrix metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2), representing the progress of cardiac remodeling, were also elevated in the heart. In addition, we used reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting to demonstrate significantly increased levels of the apoptotic effecter caspase-3 in treated animal hearts. Dose-dependently elevated mRNA and protein levels of Fas, and promoted apoptotic initiator caspase-8 (active form), a molecule of a death-receptor–dependent pathway, coupled with unaltered or decreased levels of cytosolic cytochrome c and the apoptotic initiator caspase-9 (active form), molecules of mitochondria-dependent pathways, may be indicative of cardiac apoptosis, which is Fas death-receptor apoptotic-signaling dependent, but not mitochondria pathway dependent in rats exposed to second-hand smoke (SHS). With regard to the regulation of survival pathway, using dot blotting, we found cardiac insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF-1 receptor mRNA levels to be significantly increased, indicating that compensative effects of IGF-1 survival signaling could occur. In conclusion, we found that the effects of SHS on cardiomyocyte are mediated by the Fas death-receptor–dependent apoptotic pathway and might be related to the epidemiologic incidence of cardiac disease of SHS-exposed non-smokers

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-2α and iron absorptive gene expression in Belgrade rat intestine

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    The divalent metal transporter (DMT1, Slc11a2) is an important molecule for intestinal iron absorption. In the Belgrade (b/b) rat, the DMT1 G185R mutation markedly decreases intestinal iron absorption. We used b/b rats as a model to examine the genes that could be compensatory for decreased iron absorption. When tissue hypoxia was assayed by detecting pimonidazole HCl adducts, the b/b liver and intestine exhibited more adducts than the +/+ rats, suggesting that hypoxia might signal altered gene expression. Total RNA in the crypt-villus bottom (C-pole) and villus top (V-pole) of +/+, b/b, and iron-fed b/b rats was isolated for gene array analyses. In addition, hepatic hepcidin and intestinal hypoxia-inducible factor-α (Hifα) expression were examined. The results showed that expression of hepatic hepcidin was significantly decreased and intestinal Hif2α was significantly increased in b/b and iron-fed b/b than +/+ rats. In b/b rats, the expression of Tfrc mRNA in the C-pole and of DMT1, Dcytb, FPN1, Heph, Hmox1, and ZIP14 mRNAs in the V-pole were markedly enhanced with increases occurring even in the C-pole. After iron feeding, the increased expression found in b/b rats persisted, except for Heph and ZIP14, which returned to normal levels. Thus in b/b rats depressed liver hepcidin production and activated intestinal Hif2α starting at the C-pole resulted in increasing expression of iron transport genes, including DMT1 G185R, in an attempt to compensate for the anemia in Belgrade rats