9 research outputs found

    Atomic Resolution Modeling of the Ferredoxin:[FeFe] Hydrogenase Complex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The [FeFe] hydrogenases HydA1 and HydA2 in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii catalyze the final reaction in a remarkable metabolic pathway allowing this photosynthetic organism to produce H2 from water in the chloroplast. A [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin is a critical branch point in electron flow from Photosystem I toward a variety of metabolic fates, including proton reduction by hydrogenases. To better understand the binding determinants involved in ferredoxin:hydrogenase interactions, we have modeled Chlamydomonas PetF1 and HydA2 based on amino-acid sequence homology, and produced two promising electron-transfer model complexes by computational docking. To characterize these models, quantitative free energy calculations at atomic resolution were carried out, and detailed analysis of the interprotein interactions undertaken. The protein complex model we propose for ferredoxin:HydA2 interaction is energetically favored over the alternative candidate by 20 kcal/mol. This proposed model of the electron-transfer complex between PetF1 and HydA2 permits a more detailed view of the molecular events leading up to H2 evolution, and suggests potential mutagenic strategies to modulate electron flow to HydA2

    Brownian Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics Study of the Association between Hydrogenase and Ferredoxin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    The [FeFe] hydrogenase from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can catalyze the reduction of protons to hydrogen gas using electrons supplied from photosystem I and transferred via ferredoxin. To better understand the association of the hydrogenase and the ferredoxin, we have simulated the process over multiple timescales. A Brownian dynamics simulation method gave an initial thorough sampling of the rigid-body translational and rotational phase spaces, and the resulting trajectories were used to compute the occupancy and free-energy landscapes. Several important hydrogenase-ferredoxin encounter complexes were identified from this analysis, which were then individually simulated using atomistic molecular dynamics to provide more details of the hydrogenase and ferredoxin interaction. The ferredoxin appeared to form reasonable complexes with the hydrogenase in multiple orientations, some of which were good candidates for inclusion in a transition state ensemble of configurations for electron transfer

    Electronic structure of InGaAsN/GaAs multiple quantum wells in the dilute-N regime from pressure and k.p studies

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    We report photomodulated reflectance measurements of several intersubband transitions for a series of as-grown InyGa1-yAs1-xNx/GaAs multiple quantum well samples as functions of hydrostatic pressure (at room temperature) and temperature (at ambient pressure). The experimental results provide support for the effects of disorder due to different nearest-neighbor N-cation configurations. The quantum well transition energies obtained from the photomodulated reflectance spectra are fitted as a function of pressure with a realistic 10 band kâ‹…p Hamiltonian, that includes tight-binding-based energies and coupling parameters for the N levels. The quality of match between theory and experiment confirms the theoretical model and predicts some important material parameters for dilute-N InGaAsN alloys