1 research outputs found

    Conceptual Approaches to Defining the Term “Information Economy”

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    The article determines the key prerequisites for the formation of the concept “information economy” and studies the evolution of its development. It is established that the majority of researchers identify the information economy with such concepts as digital economy, new economy, post-industrial economy, Industry 4.0, virtual economy, network economy, information and network economy, electronic economy, digital intellectual economy, Internet economy, e-economy, web economy, knowledge economy. Scientific approaches to defining terminology relating to the problems of the development of the information economy are conventionally broken down into classification groups: science, new type of economy, section of economic theory, information environment, system of economic relations, type of economic activity, instrument. Based on the result of the generalization of the existing scientific developments associated with the conceptual apparatus and the analysis of its compliance with modern business conditions, the content of the concept “information economy” is clarified. It is defined as a system of economic relations involving modern information technologies as well as the information environment, which is effectively evolving through the use of digital technologies and functioning of information infrastructure facilities. The article determines the priority areas for the development of the information economy in the global digital space, including: creation of a digital platform as a new business model; use of the concept of Industry 4.0 and smart factory as drivers for the digital transformation of industrial development; implementation of a cyber-physical system as a single complex of information resources, systems and physical processes