474 research outputs found

    Hyaluronan- and RNA-binding deubiquitinating enzymes of USP17 family members associated with cell viability

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    BACKGROUND: Protein degradation by the ubiquitin system plays a crucial role in numerous cellular signaling pathways. Deubiquitination, a reversal of ubiquitination, has been recognized as an important regulatory step in the ubiquitin-dependent degradation pathway. RESULTS: While identifying putative ubiquitin specific protease (USP) enzymes that contain a conserved Asp (I) domain in humans, 4 USP17 subfamily members, highly homologous to DUB-3, have been found (USP17K, USP17L, USP17M, and USP17N), from human chorionic villi. Expression analysis showed that USP17 transcripts are highly expressed in the heart, liver, and pancreas and are expressed moderately in various human cancerous cell lines. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that they contain the highly conserved Cys, His, and Asp domains which are responsible for the deubiquitinating activity. Biochemical enzyme assays indicated that they have deubiquitinating activity. Interestingly, the sequence analysis showed that these proteins, with exception of USP17N, contain the putative hyaluronan/RNA binding motifs, and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC)-precipitation analysis confirmed the association between these proteins and intracellular hyaluronan and RNA. CONCLUSION: Here, we report that the overexpression of these proteins, with exception of USP17N, leads to apoptosis, suggesting that the hyaluronan and RNA binding motifs in these enzymes play an important role in regulating signal transduction involved in cell death

    Production of Transgenic Cloned Miniature Pigs with Membrane-bound Human Fas Ligand (FasL) by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

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    Cell-mediated xenograft rejection, including NK cells and CD8+ CTL, is a major obstacle in successful pig-to-human xenotransplantation. Human CD8+ CTL and NK cells display high cytotoxicity for pig cells, mediated at least in part by the Fas/FasL pathway. To prevent cell-mediated xenocytotoxicity, a membrane-bound form of human FasL (mFasL) was generated as an inhibitor for CTL and NK cell cytotoxicity that could not be cleaved by metalloproteinase to produce putative soluble FasL. We produced two healthy transgenic pigs harboring the mFasL gene via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In a cytotoxicity assay using transgenic clonal cell lines and transgenic pig ear cells, the rate of CD8+ CTL-mediated cytotoxicity was significantly reduced in transgenic pig's ear cells compared with that in normal minipig fetal fibroblasts. Our data indicate that grafts of transgenic pigs expressing membrane-bound human FasL control the cellular immune response to xenografts, creating a window of opportunity to facilitate xenograft survival

    Increased pulsatility index of the basilar artery is a risk factor for neurological deterioration after stroke: a case control study

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    Background : Higher pulsatility of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) is known to be associated with stroke progression. We investigated whether pulsatility index (PI) of the basilar artery (BA) can predict neurological deterioration (ND) after acute cerebral infarction. Methods : A total of 708 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke who had undergone transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography were included. ND was defined as an increase in the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores by two or more points after admission. The patients were categorized into quartiles according to BA PI. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to examine whether BA PI is independently associated with ND. Results : BA PI was well correlated with the right (n = 474, r2 = 0.573, P < 0.001) by Pearson correlation analysis although MCA PI could not be measured from right MCA (n = 234, 33.05%) and left MCA (n = 252, 35.59%) by TCD owing to insufficient temporal bone window. Multivariable logistic regression analysis including age, sex, cerebral atherosclerosis burden, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale at admission, and the proportion of patients with current smoking status, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation revealed that the higher BA PI (odds ratio, 3.28; confidence interval, 1.07–10.17; P = 0.038) was independently associated with ND. Conclusions : BA PI, which would be identified regardless of temporal window, could predict ND among acute stroke patients.The work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2017R1D1A1B03029909, NRF-2019R1F1A1059455) and by the Korean Society of Hypertension (2019). The funding has no role in design, collection, analysis, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; and in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication

    The evolution of electrocardiographic changes in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophies

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    PurposeMyocardial dysfunction and dysrhythmias are inevitable consequences of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We aimed to evaluate specific trends of electrocardiographic changes that reflect the progress of cardiomyopathy in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.MethodsFifty electrocardiograms (ECGs) of 30 patients (ages 1 to 27 years) who had not been prescribed medications for heart failure treatment at the time of examination were retrospectively analyzed and compared with 116 ECGs of age-matched healthy 116 controls. Heart rate, leads with fragmented QRS (fQRS), corrected QT, Tpeak-to-Tend, and Tpeak-to-Tend/QT were analyzed.ResultsThe patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy failed to show a normal age-related decline in heart rate but showed an increasing trend in the prevalence of fQRS, corrected QT, corrected Tpeak-to-Tend, and Tpeak-to-Tend/QT over time. In the ≤10-year-old patient group, a significant difference was found only in the prevalence of fQRS between the patients and the controls. The prevalence of fQRS, heart rate, Tpeak-to-Tend/QT, and corrected Tpeak-to-Tend demonstrated significant differences between the patients and the controls in the middle age group (11 to 15 years old). All the indexes were statistically significantly different in the ≥16-year-old patient group.ConclusionThe prevalence of lead with fQRS representing regional wall motion abnormalities was higher in the young patients than in the young healthy controls, and this might be one of the first signs of myocardial change in the patients. Markers of depolarization and repolarization abnormalities were gradually prominent in the patients aged >10 years. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings

    Impacts of coexisting bronchial asthma on severe exacerbations in mild-to-moderate COPD : results from a national database

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Kyungjoo Kim for the confident statistical analyses in this work. This study was supported by a grant (2014P3300300) from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The abstract of this paper was presented at the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology 20th Congress as an oral presentation with interim findings. The poster’s abstract was published in “Poster Abstracts” in Respirology.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Magnolin targeting of ERK1/2 inhibits cell proliferation and colony growth by induction of cellular senescence in ovarian cancer cells

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    Ras/Raf/MEKs/ERKs and PI3 K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways have key roles in cancer development and growth processes, as well as in cancer malignance and chemoresistance. In this study, we screened the therapeutic potential of magnolin using 15 human cancer cell lines and combined magnolin sensitivity with the CCLE mutaome analysis for relevant mutation information. The results showed that magnolin efficacy on cell proliferation inhibition were lower in TOV‐112D ovarian cancer cells than that in SKOV3 cells by G1 and G2/M cell cycle phase accumulation. Notably, magnolin suppressed colony growth of TOV‐112D cells in soft agar, whereas colony growth of SKOV3 cells in soft agar was not affected by magnolin treatment. Interestingly, phospho‐protein profiles in the MAPK and PI3 K signaling pathways indicated that SKOV3 cells showed marked increase of Akt phosphorylation at Thr308 and Ser473 and very weak ERK1/2 phosphorylation levels by EGF stimulation. The phospho‐protein profiles in TOV‐112D cells were the opposite of those of SKOV3 cells. Importantly, magnolin treatment suppressed phosphorylation of RSKs in TOV‐112D, but not in SKOV3 cells. Moreover, magnolin increased SA‐β‐galactosidase‐positive cells in a dose‐dependent manner in TOV‐112D cells, but not in SKOV3 cells. Notably, oral administration of Shin‐Yi fraction 1, which contained magnolin approximately 53%, suppressed TOV‐112D cell growth in athymic nude mice by induction of p16Ink4a and p27Kip1. Taken together, targeting of ERK1 and ERK2 is suitable for the treatment of ovarian cancer cells that do not harbor the constitutive active P13 K mutation and the loss‐of‐function mutations of the p16 and/or p53 tumor suppressor proteins

    Induction of transforming growth factor-beta 1 by androgen is mediated by reactive oxygen species in hair follicle dermal papilla cells

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    The progression of androgenetic alopecia is closely related toandrogen-inducible transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 secretionby hair follicle dermal papilla cells (DPCs) in bald scalp.Physiological levels of androgen exposure were reported toincrease reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. In thisstudy, rat vibrissae dermal papilla cells (DP-6) transfected withandrogen receptor showed increased ROS production followingandrogen treatment. We confirmed that TGF-β1 secretion isincreased by androgen treatment in DP-6, whereas androgeninducibleTGF-β1 was significantly suppressed by the ROSscavenger,N-acetyl cysteine. Therefore, we suggest that inductionof TGF-β1 by androgen is mediated by ROS in hair follicleDPCs.This study was supported by a grant from the Korea Healthcare Technology R&D Project, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (Grant No. A103017) and partially by a research agreement with AmorePacific Corporation, Republic of Korea.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/0000045457/8SEQ:8PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000045457ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A079130DEPT_CD:801CITE_RATE:1.634FILENAME:(460-464)bmb 12-228.pdfDEPT_NM:의학과EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonia in a 14-month-old girl

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    Idiopathic acute eosinophilic pneumonia (IAEP), characterized by acute febrile respiratory failure associated with diffuse radiographic infiltrates and pulmonary eosinophilia, is rarely reported in children. Diagnosis is based on an association of characteristic features including acute respiratory failure with fever, bilateral infiltrates on the chest X-ray, severe hypoxemia and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid >25% eosinophils or a predominant eosinophilic infiltrate in lung biopsies in the absence of any identifiable etiology. We present a 14-month-old girl who was admitted to our pediatric intensive care unit because of acute respiratory distress. She had a fever, dry cough, and progressive dyspnea for 1 day. Chest X-ray showed multifocal consolidations, increased interstitial markings, parenchymal emphysema and pneumothorax. IAEP was confirmed by marked pulmonary infiltrates of eosinophils in the lung biopsy specimen. Most known causes of acute eosinophilic pneumonia, such as exposure to causative drugs, toxins, second-hand smoking and infections were excluded. Her symptoms were resolved quickly after corticosteroid therapy