7 research outputs found

    Improving a nonlinear Gompertz growth model using bird-specific random coefficients in two heritage chicken lines

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    Growth models describe body weight (BW) changes over time, allowing information from longitudinal measurements to be combined into a few parameters with biological interpretation. Nonlinear mixed models (NLMM) allow for the inclusion of random factors. Random factors can account for a relatively large subset of the total variance explained by bird-specific measurement correlation. The aim of this study was to evaluate different NLMM using birds from 2 heritage chicken lines; New Hampshire (NH) and Brown Leghorn (BL). A total of 32 birds (16 mixed sex birds from each strain) were raised to 17 wk of age. After 12 wk, half were continued on ad libitum (AL) feed intake, and half were pair-fed, using a precision feeding system; they were given 95% of the AL intake of a paired bird closest in BW. Residual feed intake (RFI) of birds, as an indicator of production efficiency, was increased in pair-fed BL birds as a result of minor feed restriction. Growth data of the birds were fit to a mixed Gompertz model with a variety of different bird-specific random coefficients. The model had the form: BW=Wm×exp−exp−b(t−tinf); where Wm was the mature BW, b was the rate of maturing, t was age (d), tinf was the inflection point (d). This fixed-effects model was compared with NLMM using model evaluation criteria to evaluate relative model suitability. Random coefficients, Wmu ∼ N(0,VWm) and bu ∼ N(0,Vb), were tested separately and together and their differences, for strains, sex, and feeding treatments, were reported as different where P ≤ 0.05. The model with both random coefficients was determined to be the most parsimonious model, based on an assessment of serial correlation of the residuals. NLMM coefficients allow stochastic prediction of the mean age and its variation that birds need to achieve a certain BW, allowing for unique new decision support modeling applications; these could be used in stochastic modeling to evaluate the economic impact of management decisions.</p

    Reflux of 15N-labeled uric acid after intracloacal infusion in broiler chickens fed low- or high-protein diets

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    Reflux of urine from the cloaca into the ceca provides chickens with a mechanism for recycling of urinary-Nitrogen (N) in a way analogous to urea recycling in mammals. However, it is unknown if reflux has substantial relevance in current poultry husbandry, where birds are fed ad libitum and have high protein intake. To evaluate the fate of urinary-N in ad libitum-fed broiler chickens, 15-day-old broilers were assigned to a high (21.9% CP, n = 22) or low (10.2 % CP, n = 22) protein diet. At 25 d of age, 20 broilers per dietary treatment were infused into the cloaca with a pulse dose of 107 mg [1,3-15N]-uric acid. N-contents and 15N-enrichment in digesta, blood plasma, and body tissues were measured at 5, 30, 60, 90, 150, 300, 450, 600, 1,200, or 1,800 min after administration (n = 2 /time-point /diet). Two broilers per dietary treatment were infused with saline and served as control to analyze background 15N-enrichment. The average total recovery (% of infused (w/w)) of 15N from infused uric acid in all body tissues was low (2.9 ± 0.62 %), of which the largest proportion was found in carcass tissue (2.5 ± 0.60%). 15N-enrichment was greatest in intestinal tissues. Even at 1,200 min, 15N-enrichment of ceca (0.46 ± 0.169 APE) and colon (0.13 ± 0.159 APE) digesta was considerably exceeding background enrichment. 15N-enrichment in excess of background enrichment in cecum and colon digesta (10-fold, P < 0.05), and 15N recovery in intestinal tissues (4-fold, P < 0.01) were greater in birds fed the low protein diet compared with the high protein diet, speculatively pointing out differences in the occurrence of reflux, incorporation of uric acid-N derivatives in intestinal tissues by first-pass metabolism, and a prolonged digesta retention time in protein deficient birds. In conclusion, these data confirm that uric acid-N infused in the cloaca can be refluxed and used for body N-deposition, but its contribution to whole body protein metabolism in broilers is probably limited

    Over-toasting dehulled rapeseed meal and soybean meal, but not sunflower seed meal, increases prececal nitrogen and amino acid digesta flows in broilers

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    Poorly digestible proteins may lead to increased protein fermentation in the ceca of broilers and hence, the production of potentially harmful metabolites. To evaluate effects of protein fermentation on gut health, an experimental contrast in ileal nitrogen (N) and amino acid (AA) flow is required. Therefore, our objective was to develop a model that creates a contrast in protein fermentation by increasing the prececal flow of protein within ingredients. To this end, we used additional toasting of protein sources and evaluated the effect on prececal N and AA flows. One-day-old Ross 308 male broilers (n = 480) were divided over 6 dietary treatments, with 8 replicate pens with 10 broilers each. Diets contained 20% of a regular soybean meal (SBM), high protein sunflower seed meal (SFM) or a dehulled rapeseed meal (dRSM) as is, or heat damaged by secondary toasting at 136°C for 20 min (tSBM, tSFM, or tdRSM). Ileal and total tract digesta flows of N and AA were determined with 5 birds per pen in their third week of life using an inert marker (TiO2) in the feed. Additional toasting increased the feed conversion ratio (FCR) only in birds fed dRSM (1.39 vs. 1.31), but not SBM and SFM (interaction P = 0.047). In SBM, additional toasting increased the flow of histidine, lysine, and aspartate through the distal ileum and excreted, while in SFM it had no effect on flows of N and AA. Toasting dRSM increased the prececal flows and excretion of N (862 vs 665 and 999 vs 761 mg/d, respectively) and of the AA. Of the ingredients tested, toasting dRSM is a suitable model to increase protein flows into the hind-gut, permitting the assessment of effects of protein fermentation

    Architecture of broiler breeder energy partitioning models

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    A robust model that estimates the ME intake over broiler breeder lifetime is essential for formulating diets with optimum nutrient levels. The experiment was conducted as a randomized controlled trial with 40 Ross 708 broiler breeder pullets reared on 1 of 10 target growth trajectories, which were designed with 2 levels of cumulative BW gain in prepubertal growth phase and 5 levels of timing of growth around puberty. This study investigated the effect of growth pattern on energy efficiency of birds and tested the effects of dividing data into daily, 4-d, weekly, 2-wk, and 3-wk periods and the inclusion of random terms associated with individual maintenance ME and ADG requirements, and age on ME partitioning model fit and predictive performance. Model [I] was: MEId = a × BWb + c × ADGp + d × ADGn + e × EM + ε, where MEId was daily ME intake (kcal/d); BW in kg; ADGp was positive ADG; ADGn was negative ADG (g/d); EM was egg mass (g/d); ε was the model residual. Models [II to IV] were nonlinear mixed models based on the model [I] with inclusion of a random term for individual maintenance requirement, age, and ADG, respectively. Model [II] – 3 wk was chosen as the most parsimonious based on lower autocorrelation bias, closer fit of the estimates to the actual data (lower model MSE and closer R2 to 1), and greater predictive performance among the models. Estimated ME partitioned to maintenance in model [II] – 3 wk was 100.47 ± 7.43 kcal/kg0.56, and the ME requirement for ADGp, ADGn, and EM were 3.49 ± 0.37; 3.16 ± 3.91; and 2.96 ± 0.13 kcal/g, respectively. Standard treatment had lower residual heat production (RHP; -0.68 kcal/kg BW0.56) than high early growth treatment (0.79 kcal/kg BW0.56), indicating greater efficiency in utilizing the ME consumed. Including random term associated with individual maintenance ME in a 3-wk chunk size provided a robust, biologically sound life-time energy partitioning model for breeders

    Comfort of two shoulder actuation mechanisms for arm therapy exoskeletons: a comparative study in healthy subjects

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    Robotic exoskeletons can be used to study and treat patients with neurological impairments. They can guide and support the human limb over a large range of motion, which requires that the movement trajectory of the exoskeleton coincide with the one of the human arm. This is straightforward to achieve for rather simple joints like the elbow, but very challenging for complex joints like the human shoulder, which is comprised by several bones and can exhibit a movement with multiple rotational and translational degrees of freedom. Thus, several research groups have developed different shoulder actuation mechanism. However, there are no experimental studies that directly compare the comfort of two different shoulder actuation mechanisms. In this study, the comfort and the naturalness of the new shoulder actuation mechanism of the ARMin III exoskeleton are compared to a ball-and-socket-type shoulder actuation. The study was conducted in 20 healthy subjects using questionnaires and 3D-motion records to assess comfort and naturalness. The results indicate that the new shoulder actuation is slightly better than a ball-and-socket-type actuation. However, the differences are small, and under the tested conditions, the comfort and the naturalness of the two tested shoulder actuations do not differ a lot