6 research outputs found

    Influence of the sample surface on the chloride ion diffusion coefficient in concrete

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wyznaczania efektywnego współczynnika jonów chlorkowych w betonie o w/c = 0,3. Próbki betonu po 14 miesiącach twardnienia poddano 39-41 dniowemu wnikaniu jonów chlorkowych z 3% roztworu NaCl. Badania przeprowadzono na trzech rodzajach powierzchni: powierzchni górnej, powierzchni bocznej i ciętej. Największy efektywny współczynnik dyfuzji jonów chlorkowych (4,7⋅10-12 m2/s) otrzymano w przypadku wnikania chlorków do betonu od powierzchni formowanej, nieco mniejszy dla powierzchni zacieranej (4,2⋅10-12 m2/s), a najmniejszy (1,2⋅10-12 m2/s) dla powierzchni ciętej.The results of tests for determining the chloride ion effective diffusion coefficient in concrete with w/c = 0.3 were presented. Concrete samples after 14 months of hardening were subjected to 39-41 days ingress of chloride ions from 3% NaCl solution. The tests were carried out on three types of surfaces: top, side and sawn surface. The highest chloride ion effective diffusion coefficient (4,7⋅10-12 m2/s) was obtained in the case of chloride penetration into the concrete from the side surface, slightly smaller for the top surface (4,2⋅10-12 m2/s) and the smallest (1,2⋅10-12 m2/s) for the sawn surface


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    Przygotowanie kruszywa do mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych powoduje powstawanie odpadu w postaci pyłu mineralnego w ilości ok. 5% masy kruszywa. Właściwości pyłu zależą od kruszywa użytego do produkcji MMA. Problem utylizacji tego odpadu został częściowo rozwiązany poprzez wykorzystanie niewielkiej jego części, jako wypełniacza w MMA. Jednak duża ilość odpadu składowana jest na wysypiskach, bądź też używana jest w rekultywacji terenu. Opublikowane wyniki badań wskazują, że odpad ten może stanowić cenny składnik betonów cementowych. Może on być stosowany jako efektywny zamiennik części kruszywa drobnego. Rezultatem takiej modyfikacji jest doszczelnienie struktury betonu, co prowadzi do zwiększenia jego trwałości. Rezultaty badań [4, 5] wskazują, że modyfikacja betonu odpadowym pyłem bazaltowym korzystnie wpływa na wytrzymałość betonu, a cechy technologiczne mieszanki betonowej nie ulegają istotnemu pogorszeniu. W artykule przedstawione zostaną wyniki badań nad głównymi aspektami trwałości betonu modyfikowanego odpadowym pyłem bazaltowym. Zbadany zostanie wpływ takiej modyfikacji na wytrzymałość, mrozoodporność, przebieg karbonatyzacji i dyfuzję jonów chlorkowych. Rezultaty badań wskazują, że zastosowanie pyłu bazaltowego, jako częściowego zamiennika kruszywa drobnego w ilości do 20%, wpływa na zwiększenie trwałości betonu

    The content of chlorides in blast-furnace slag cement as a factor affecting the diffusion of chloride ions in concrete

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    Blast-furnace slag cement (CEM III) has a wide range of acceptable Cl- content according to EN 197-1: 2012. This makes possible to use alternative fuels for the production of cement, which can increase the chlorides content in the clinker. However, it raises several new research problems, among them the problem of increase of the risk of Cl- penetration intensity due to the higher concentration of chlorides in cement, presented in this paper. Studies have shown that after a short hardening time (28 days) the rate of diffusion of chloride ions increases slightly with the increase in the content of chlorides in the cement CEM III, but after full stabilization of concrete properties (1 year), the content of chlorides in cement CEM III practically does not affect the diffusion rate of chloride ions in concrete

    The content of chlorides in blast-furnace slag cement as a factor affecting the diffusion of chloride ions in concrete

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    Blast-furnace slag cement (CEM III) has a wide range of acceptable Cl- content according to EN 197-1: 2012. This makes possible to use alternative fuels for the production of cement, which can increase the chlorides content in the clinker. However, it raises several new research problems, among them the problem of increase of the risk of Cl- penetration intensity due to the higher concentration of chlorides in cement, presented in this paper. Studies have shown that after a short hardening time (28 days) the rate of diffusion of chloride ions increases slightly with the increase in the content of chlorides in the cement CEM III, but after full stabilization of concrete properties (1 year), the content of chlorides in cement CEM III practically does not affect the diffusion rate of chloride ions in concrete

    Influence of the Type of Cement on the Action of the Admixture Containing Aluminum Powder

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    The study of the effect of cement type on the action of an admixture increasing the volume of concrete (containing aluminum powder), used in amounts of 0.5–1.5% of cement mass, was presented. The tests were carried out on cement mortars with Portland (CEM I) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag cement (CEM III). The following tests were carried out for the tested mortars: the air content in fresh mortars, compressive strength, flexural strength, increase in mortar volume, bulk density, pore structure evaluation (by the computer image analysis method) and changes in the concentration of OH− ions during the hydration of used cements. Differences in the action of the tested admixture depending on the cement used were found. To induce the expansion of CEM III mortars, a smaller amount of admixture is required than in the case of CEM I cement. Using the admixture in amounts above 1% of the cement mass causes cracks of mortars with CEM III cement due to slow hydrogen evolution, which occurs after mortar plasticity is lost. The use of an aluminum-containing admixture reduces the strength properties of the cement mortars, the effect being stronger in the case of CEM III cement. The influence of the sample molding time on the admixture action was also found

    The Durability of Concrete Modified by Waste Limestone Powder in the Chemically Aggressive Environment

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    The idea of sustainable development assumes that natural resources must be treated as limited goods and that waste must be managed rationally. This idea and the constant striving to reduce production costs make the use of waste materials as substitutes for traditionally used raw materials from non-renewable sources increasingly popular. In cement concrete technology, there are many possibilities to use waste as components of mortars and concretes. The subject of this paper is a fine-grained material, obtained as a by-product during the preparation of aggregate for mineral-asphalt mixtures. The aim of the research was to test the suitability of the selected type of powder, namely limestone powder, as a component of cement composites. The paper presents an evaluation of the potential of using the limestone powder as a substitute for the fine aggregate, focusing on the impact of such a modification on aspects of durability. The sulfate degradation and chloride ion diffusion in concrete were investigated. The overall desirability function has been determined. It was demonstrated that the satisfactory value of the general desirability can be attributed to most of the investigated concretes. Positive test results support the potential of replacing part of natural fine aggregate with the tested waste limestone dust without a negative impact on the durability of concrete