173 research outputs found

    Conformal Invariance, N-extended Supersymmetry and Massless Spinning Particles in Anti-de Sitter Space

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    Starting with a manifestly conformal (O(d,2)O(d,2) invariant) mechanics model in dd space and 2 time dimensions, we derive the action for a massless spinning particle in dd-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. The action obtained possesses both gauge NN-extended worldline supersymmetry and local O(N)O(N) invarince. Thus we improve the old statement by Howe et al. that the spinning particle model with extended worldline supersymmetry admits only flat space-time background for N>2N > 2 (spin greater one). The original (d+2)(d+2)-dimensional model is characterized by rather unusual property that the corresponding supersymmetry transformations do not commute with the conformal ones, in spite of the explicit O(d,2)O(d,2) invariance of the action.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    More on the gauge-fixed D3-brane action with dilaton-axion coupling from N=1 superspace

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    The gauge-fixed action of a `spacetime-filling' D3-brane with dilaton-axion coupling is formulated in N=1 superspace. We investigate its symmetries by paying special attention to a possible non-linearly realized extra (hidden) supersymmetry, and emphasize the need of a linear superfield coupled to an abelian Chern-Simons superfield to represent a dilaton-axion supermultiplet in the off-shell manifestly supersymmetric approach.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, minor improvements in sect.

    On 2D N=(4,4) superspace supergravity

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    We review some recent results obtained in studying superspace formulations of 2D N=(4,4) matter-coupled supergravity. For a superspace geometry described by the minimal supergravity multiplet, we first describe how to reduce to components the chiral integral by using ``ectoplasm'' superform techniques as in arXiv:0907.5264 and then we review the bi-projective superspace formalism introduced in arXiv:0911.2546. After that, we elaborate on the curved bi-projective formalism providing a new result: the solution of the covariant type-I twisted multiplet constraints in terms of a weight-(-1,-1) bi-projective superfield.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, Contribution to the proceedings of the International Workshop "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS'09), Dubna, July 29-August 3 200

    Cellular microenvironment and collagen destruction during periodont inflammation

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    Зв'язок між періодонтитом, пошкодженням колагену з мікрооточенням з імунних клітин залишається акту- альною проблемою в стоматології, якій присвячена дана робота. Нами було виділено п'ять варіантів мікрооточення з імунних клітин: вузловий, дифузний, трабекулярний, змішаний. Вузловий тип мікрооточення спостерігається під кінець хронічного запалення; трабекулярний тип мікрооточення - при загостренні хронічного процесу; дифузний тип - при хронічному запальному процесі. При загостренні хронічного процесу та хронічному пародонтиті спостеріга- ється руйнування колагенових структур, що супроводжується набряком і незначним некрозом.Связь между периодонтитом, повреждением коллагена с микроокружением из иммунных клеток остается актуальной проблемой в стоматологии, которой посвящена данная работа. Нами было выделено пять вариантов микроокружения из иммунных клеток: узловой, диффузный, трабекулярный, смешанный. Узловой тип микроокружения наблюдается на исходе хронического воспаления; трабеку- лярный тип микроокружения – при обострении хронического процесса; диффузный тип - при хрониче- ском воспалительном процессе. При обострении хронического процесса и хроническом пародонтите на- блюдается разрушение коллагеновых структур, что сопровождается отеком и незначительным некрозом.Background. The association between periodontitis and collagen damage with immune cells is an actual problem. Periodontitis is a bacterially induced exacerbation of chronic process and chronic inflammatory disease that destroys teeth supporting connective tissue. Bacteria initiate periodontitis and destruction of the alveolar periodontal connective tissue. Objectives. Immune cells location between damaged collagen fibers remains obscure and this is the purpose of the current study. Results. We have determined five variants of immune cells microenvironment: nodular, trabecular, diffuse, mixed. We have observed five types of collagen structures destruction in exacerbation of chronic process and chronic periodontal inflammation. They are characterized by swelling, pulping and insignificant necrosis. Conclusion. Connective tissue has signs of swelling and destruction during inflammation; edema is observed between collagen fibers. Collagen fiber damage during periodontitis is caused by neutrophils. Widespread edema of collagen fibers increasing of depth cells infiltration during chronic inflammation. Nodular type of immune cells microenvironment is observed during outcome of chronic inflammation. Trabecular type of immune cells microenvironment is observed during exacerbation of chronic process. Diffuse type of immune cells microenvironment is observed during chronic inflammation process

    A Gauge-Gravity Relation in the One-loop Effective Action

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    We identify an unusual new gauge-gravity relation: the one-loop effective action for a massive spinor in 2n dimensional AdS space is expressed in terms of precisely the same function [a certain multiple gamma function] as the one-loop effective action for a massive charged scalar in 4n dimensions in a maximally symmetric background electromagnetic field [one for which the eigenvalues of F_{\mu\nu} are maximally degenerate, corresponding in 4 dimensions to a self-dual field, equivalently to a field of definite helicity], subject to the identification F^2 \Lambda, where \Lambda is the gravitational curvature. Since these effective actions generate the low energy limit of all one-loop multi-leg graviton or gauge amplitudes, this implies a nontrivial gauge-gravity relation at the non-perturbative level and at the amplitude level.Comment: 6 page

    N=2 supergravity and supercurrents

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    We address the problem of classifying all N=2 supercurrent multiplets in four space-time dimensions. For this purpose we consider the minimal formulation of N=2 Poincare supergravity with a tensor compensator, and derive its linearized action in terms of three N=2 off-shell multiplets: an unconstrained scalar superfield, a vector multiplet, and a tensor multiplet. Such an action was ruled out to exist in the past. Using the action constructed, one can derive other models for linearized N=2 supergravity by applying N=2 superfield duality transformations. The action depends parametrically on a constant non-vanishing real isotriplet g^{ij}=g^{ji} which originates as an expectation value of the tensor compensator. Upon reduction to N=1 superfields, we show that the model describes two dually equivalent formulations for the massless multiplet (1,3/2)+(3/2,2) depending on a choice of g^{ij}. In the case g^{11}=g^{22}=0, the action describes (i) new minimal N=1 supergravity; and (ii) the Fradkin-Vasiliev-de Wit-van Holten gravitino multiplet. In the case g^{12}=0, on the other hand, the action describes (i) old minimal N=1 supergravity; and (ii) the Ogievetsky-Sokatchev gravitino multiplet.Comment: 40 pages; v2: added references, some comments, new appendi