13 research outputs found

    Preparation of pickering-emulsion-based capsules with shells composed of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and polyelectrolyte layers

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    A procedure has been proposed for the preparation of capsules with shells composed of titanium dioxide nanoparticles and polymers via the formation of Pickering emulsions (colloidosomes) followed by layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolytes. The feasibility of stabilizing oil droplets of emulsions by spontaneous adsorption of partly hydrophobized nanoparticles of anatase-form titanium dioxide at the oil/water interface has been studied. Conditions have been determined for the formation of stable colloidosomes and the subsequent layer-by-layer deposition of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes onto their surfaces. It has been shown that hydrophobic dyes may be encapsulated using the procedure developed for the preparation of the capsules. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 particles occurring in the shell has been demonstrated by the example of degradation of Nile red which is incorporated in the oil core of a capsule

    Annealing-Induced Structural Behavior of Mn Dopant Ions in Calcium Orthovanadate Ca3(VO4)2Single Crystals

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    The crystal and local structures of Czochralski-grown calcium orthovanadate (Ca3(VO4)2) single crystals doped with over-stoichiometric 0.05 wt % Mn2O3 (CVO:0.05Mn) and annealed under different conditions are studied by single-crystal conventional and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and electron paramagnetic resonance for the first time. Bottom (annealing in air) and top (annealing in air and in vacuum) parts of the CVO:0.05Mn crystal differ in the manganese content (higher in the bottom part), formal charge (Mn4+ and Mn(3+)+, respectively), and color (orange bottom part; light orange and yellow top parts annealed in air and vacuum, respectively). Manganese ions are located in one (Ca3, distorted two-capped trigonal prism) of five crystallographic Ca sites and have octahedral coordination, which is consistent with crystal-chemical properties of transition-metal ions. The presence of vacancies in one of three V sites is revealed. Formal charge 5+ for vanadium ions is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Different colors of CVO:Mn crystals and different formal charges of manganese are explained depending on the growth and post-growth treatment conditions. © 2022 American Chemical Society

    Titanosilicalites (MFI-type): Composition, statistical and local structure, catalytic properties

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    This article presents the results of a study of three commercial titanosilicalites (TS-1, TS-1N, TS-1G) with general formula [(TixSi12-x)O24] × wH2O (MFI-type) using the X-ray study (XRPD), IR spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS/XANES), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method (BET), UV-VIS spectroscopy. It was established that the samples contain amorphous oxygenous titanium-containing formations, which does not allow the use of quantitative elemental methods of analysis to determine the content of titanium ions in the framework. The full-profile Rietveld method was used to determine the silicate modules (Si/Ti = 53 for TS-1, Si/Ti~47 for TS-1N and TS-1G) and the coordination numbers of titanium: CNTi~5.0, CNTi = 4.5, CNTi>5.0, respectively in the structures of TS-1, TS-1N, TS-1G. The distribution of Ti4+ ions over the sites of the MFI-type structure with the orthorhombic symmetry (space group Pnma, z = 8) were found: T2, T6, T10 for TS-1, T8, T10, T5 (unlikely) for TS-1N (Т10 double positions in sinusoidal channels) and Т2, Т10, Т12, Т9 (unlikely) for TS-1G (Т10 and Т12 double positions in sinusoidal channels). The best indicators of the allyl chloride epoxidation in the epichlorohydrin process at 30 °C were achieved for TS-1N and TS-1G. A higher yield of acetaldehyde was found on the TS-1(75) sample (TS-1 sample annealed at 75 °C for 2 h) at 290 °C (non-oxidative ethanol conversion), and ethylene - on the TS-1G(500) sample (TS-1G annealed at 500 °C for 2 h) at 700 °C (propane conversion). The revealed correlations between the catalytic parameters and the characteristics of the samples studied were discussed. © 202