277 research outputs found

    The Yellow Excitonic Series of Cu2O Revisited by Lyman Spectroscopy

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    We report on the observation of the yellow exciton Lyman series up to the fourth term in Cu2O by time-resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy. The dependence of the oscillator strength on the principal quantum number n can be well reproduced using the hydrogenic model including an AC dielectric constant, and precise information on the electronic structure of the 1s exciton state can be obtained. A Bohr radius a_{1s}=7.9 A and a 1s-2p transition dipole moment \mu_{1s-2p}= 4.2 eA were found

    Study of ortho-to-paraexciton conversion in Cu2_2O by excitonic Lyman spectroscopy

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    Using time-resolved 1s1s-2p2p excitonic Lyman spectroscopy, we study the orthoexciton-to-paraexcitons transfer, following the creation of a high density population of ultracold 1s1s orthoexcitons by resonant two-photon excitation with femtosecond pulses. An observed fast exciton-density dependent conversion rate is attributed to spin exchange between pairs of orthoexcitons. Implication of these results on the feasibility of BEC of paraexcitons in Cu2_2O is discussed
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