830 research outputs found

    Effect of Steam Environment on Creep Behavior of Nextel720/Alumina-Mullite Ceramic Matrix Composite at Elevated Temperature

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    The tensile creep behavior of an oxide-oxide ceramic matrix composite (CMC) was investigated at 1000 and 1100° C in laboratory air and steam. The oxide-oxide CMC studied in this research was Nextel™ 720/alumina-mullite (N720/AM). The composite consists of N720/fibers with 0°/90° fiber orientation and a porous alumina-mullite matrix. Tensile-strain behavior was investigated and tensile properties measured at 900, 1000 and 1100° C. The effect of loading rate on tensile properties of N720/AM ceramic matrix composite at 1100° C in steam was also examined. Creep-rupture tests were performed at 1100° C in laboratory air and steam, and at 1000° C only in steam

    The Effects of the Changing of Urban Identity on Historic Towns

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    Urban identity is one of the important factors, which affects the formation of the city. It also plays important role in shaping and changing the form of city. Each city has its own identity that is shaped by its characteristics. The concept of identity is felt much more in historic towns, but historic towns are being oppressed by new functions with a danger of losing their identity.In this study, the city identity is briefly explained; and several factors will be studied to make up the identity of the city. Physical, socio-economic, socio-cultural structures and historical factors will be listed. The effects of topography, climatic factors and the effects of identity will be discussed. The effects of socio- cultural and historical structures on urban identity will be discussed in relations with the way of living and historical evolutions. The study will also present the effects of the economic changes on the urban identity in historical towns.Furthermore, this study will examine the effects of urban identity changes in Istanbul historical towns, and it will also describe and explain, with examples, the changing urban identity as changing form and function in historic towns.Finally, the changing of lifestyle with changing in urban identity, the changing meaning of the historic towns, and changes in the perception and meaning of the city (understand by citizens) will be studied in historical Yedikule district of Istanbul.In the conclusion part, the results of this study are explained and the concepts, which are discussed during the study period, are evaluated in their entirety

    Technical options for the treatment of anomalous origins of right or left coronary arteries associated with aortopulmonary windows

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    How national regulatory agencies are integrated within multi-level European governance

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    The last few decades have seen a dramatic increase in both the number of national regulatory agencies operating across Europe and the number of European agencies operating under the framework of the EU. But how do these two groups of agencies interact? Drawing on a new study, Jacint Jordana and Kutsal Yesilkagit demonstrate how national regulatory agencies and European agencies have become entangled within multi-level European governance

    Patomorfološka procjena hepatobilijarnih lezija u pasa i mačaka uzgojenih na području grada Ankare

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    The objective of this study was to investigate pathological disorders of the hepatobiliary system in dogs and cats in Ankara using pathomorphological methods, and to determine the types and frequency of the observed lesions. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate hepatic reparation as a reaction of the liver to injury with different hepatobiliary lesions using immunohistochemical methods. Livers obtained from 56 cats and 74 dogs submitted for post-mortem investigation were examined macroscopically and microscopically. Samples with hepatic fibrosis were stained immunohistochemically with an α-SMA antibody. Lesions were found in 98% of the livers of the examined dogs and cats. The most common histopathological diagnoses were hepatitis (39.28%), hepatocellular lipidosis (16.07%), and cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis (14.28%) in cats. In dogs they were hepatitis (28.38%), passive congestion (25.68%) and proliferative lesions (21.62%). For some hepatobiliary lesions, breed, age and gender predispositions were observed. Immunohistochemically, the α-SMA antibody positively stained parenchymal, portal and septal myofibroblasts. A positive correlation was verified between immunohistochemical α-SMA scores and histochemical fibrosis scores. This is the first study in Turkey documenting both the incidence of hepatobiliary lesions among feline and canine species, and their pathomorphological features. In terms of reparation, the major role of the hepatic myofibroblasts in liver fibrosis was observed. There were variations in the intensity and location of positively stained cells according to the type of lesion. The conclusion of this research indicates the need to pay attention to certain hepatic lesions in dogs and cats, and provides a reference standard for further clinical and histopathological studies.cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti patološke poremećaje hepatobilijarnog sustava u pasa i mačaka uzgajanih na području grada Ankare, te odrediti vrstu i učestalost promatranih lezija. Osim toga cilj je bio utvrditi regeneraciju jetre kao reakciju na ozljedu u različitim hepatobilijarnim lezijama primjenom imunohistokemijskih metoda. Makroskopski i mikroskopski su pretraženo jetre od 56 mačaka i 74 psa nakon postmortalne analize. Uzorci s jetrenom fibrozom imunohistokemijski su obojeni protutijelima α-SMA. Lezije su nađene u 98 % jetara pretraženih pasa i mačaka. U mačaka je najčešća histopatološka dijagnoza bio hepatitis (39,28 %), hepatocelularna lipidoza (16,07 %) i kolangitis/ kolangiohepatitis (14,28 %). U pasa je najčešći bio hepatitis (28,38 %), zatim pasivna kongestija (25,68 %) i proliferativne lezije (21,62 %). za neke su hepatobilijarne lezije promatrani pasminska, dobna i spolna predispozicija. Imunohistokemijski α-SMA protutijela pozitivno su obojila parenhimske, portalne i septalne miofibroblaste. Dokazana je pozitivna korelacija među rezultatima imunohistokemije pomoću α-SMA i histokemijske fibroze. Ovo je prvo istraživanje u Turskoj koje donosi i incidenciju hepatobilijarnih lezija u mačaka i pasa i njihova patomorfološka svojstva. Kad je riječ o regeneraciji, promatrana je važna uloga jetrenih miofibroblasta u jetrenoj fibrozi. Pronađena je varijacija u intenzitetu i lokaciji pozitivno objenih stanica s obzirom na vrstu lezije. zaključak ovog istraživanja jest da treba obratiti pozornost na određene jetrene lezije u pasa i mačaka što pruža referentnu normu za daljnja klinička i histopatološka istraživanja

    Use of Some Bacteria and Mycorrhizae as Biofertilizers in Vegetable Growing and Beneficial Effects in Salinity and Drought Stress Conditions

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    Industrialization and rapid population growth, especially after the second half of the twentieth century, have also revealed significant environmental problems in the world. The consistent and alarming increase in the human population has again threatened the world’s food security. It is becoming increasingly clear that conventional agricultural practices cannot sustain the production base, a healthy plant-soil system, for too long. There is a growing worldwide demand for compatible environmentally friendly techniques in agriculture, capable of providing adequate nourishment for the increasing human population and of improving the quality and quantity of certain agricultural products. For these reasons, the application of beneficial microorganisms is an important alternative to some of the traditional agricultural techniques which very often severely alter the agro-ecosystem balance and cause serious damage to health. Beneficial microorganisms can play a key role in this major challenge, as they fulfill important ecosystem functions for plants and soil. Utilization of these microorganisms affects plant’s growth and yield in a positive way. Besides, their favorable effects on root growth help plants to deal with both biotic and abiotic stress factors. PGPR and mycorrhizae can influence higher plants response to abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity through different mechanisms

    An Economic and Operational Analysis of the Market for Content Distribution Services

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    We develop an economic and operational model to examine the conditions for the viable provision of content distribution services by a monopolistic firm. Each user firm (the content provider or CP) has the option of buying content distribution services from the content distribution service provider (CDP) or going on its own to arrange for its content to be distributed at a set of chosen sites operated by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The CDP enjoys operational benefits in terms of both the fixed and variable cost of replicating content. However, we find that for certain market situations (concentrated CP and ISP demand), not all CPs will find it attractive to buy services from the CDP. The best case for the CDP is when the various content providers have similar demand that is uniformly distributed across ISP sites