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    Retailers find themselves up against fierce competition. They must fight for every sale, and work hard to build customer loyalty and protect already slim margins. Today, an increasing number of smaller retailers understand the urgent need to catch up to larger players to remain competitive. They also recognize the important role that IT investments play in organizations� strategic decision-making and operational efficiency in all areas of the business, including point of sale, supply chain management, and inventory. The savvy retailer knows that POS (Point Of Sale) data and functionality has quickly become critical to business rather than a mere convenience. In recent time Ajax based applications have become very popular. Ajax is a new model for web applications to provide more responsive and faster user interfaces resembling more closely to dekstop applications. Typical usage areas are user input validation without page submission, integrating small elements from several servers on a single page, and simulating push-services. Especially the latter are promising for enhancing web applications and for realizing them directly in browsers without plug-ins or additional software. Many frameworks and libraries (open source or comercial) are available which support Ajax development. In this final project, we will integrate some open-source Ajax framework to build low-cost, interactive and integrate POS (Point Of Sale) systems which is accessible to a wide retailer through the Internet. This is we call as iPOS. We hope it�s will become a solution for retailers to run their business more efective and effisien