16 research outputs found

    SHARCS: Efficient Transformers through Routing with Dynamic Width Sub-networks

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    We introduce SHARCS for adaptive inference that takes into account the hardness of input samples. SHARCS can train a router on any transformer network, enabling the model to direct different samples to sub-networks with varying widths. Our experiments demonstrate that: (1) SHARCS outperforms or complements existing per-sample adaptive inference methods across various classification tasks in terms of accuracy vs. FLOPs; (2) SHARCS generalizes across different architectures and can be even applied to compressed and efficient transformer encoders to further improve their efficiency; (3) SHARCS can provide a 2 times inference speed up at an insignificant drop in accuracy

    EHI: End-to-end Learning of Hierarchical Index for Efficient Dense Retrieval

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    Dense embedding-based retrieval is now the industry standard for semantic search and ranking problems, like obtaining relevant web documents for a given query. Such techniques use a two-stage process: (a) contrastive learning to train a dual encoder to embed both the query and documents and (b) approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) for finding similar documents for a given query. These two stages are disjoint; the learned embeddings might be ill-suited for the ANNS method and vice-versa, leading to suboptimal performance. In this work, we propose End-to-end Hierarchical Indexing -- EHI -- that jointly learns both the embeddings and the ANNS structure to optimize retrieval performance. EHI uses a standard dual encoder model for embedding queries and documents while learning an inverted file index (IVF) style tree structure for efficient ANNS. To ensure stable and efficient learning of discrete tree-based ANNS structure, EHI introduces the notion of dense path embedding that captures the position of a query/document in the tree. We demonstrate the effectiveness of EHI on several benchmarks, including de-facto industry standard MS MARCO (Dev set and TREC DL19) datasets. For example, with the same compute budget, EHI outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) in by 0.6% (MRR@10) on MS MARCO dev set and by 4.2% (nDCG@10) on TREC DL19 benchmarks

    FLUID: A Unified Evaluation Framework for Flexible Sequential Data

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    Modern ML methods excel when training data is IID, large-scale, and well labeled. Learning in less ideal conditions remains an open challenge. The sub-fields of few-shot, continual, transfer, and representation learning have made substantial strides in learning under adverse conditions; each affording distinct advantages through methods and insights. These methods address different challenges such as data arriving sequentially or scarce training examples, however often the difficult conditions an ML system will face over its lifetime cannot be anticipated prior to deployment. Therefore, general ML systems which can handle the many challenges of learning in practical settings are needed. To foster research towards the goal of general ML methods, we introduce a new unified evaluation framework - FLUID (Flexible Sequential Data). FLUID integrates the objectives of few-shot, continual, transfer, and representation learning while enabling comparison and integration of techniques across these subfields. In FLUID, a learner faces a stream of data and must make sequential predictions while choosing how to update itself, adapt quickly to novel classes, and deal with changing data distributions; while accounting for the total amount of compute. We conduct experiments on a broad set of methods which shed new insight on the advantages and limitations of current solutions and indicate new research problems to solve. As a starting point towards more general methods, we present two new baselines which outperform other evaluated methods on FLUID. Project page: https://raivn.cs.washington.edu/projects/FLUID/.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. Project page: https://raivn.cs.washington.edu/projects/FLUID

    Neural Priming for Sample-Efficient Adaptation

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    We propose Neural Priming, a technique for adapting large pretrained models to distribution shifts and downstream tasks given few or no labeled examples. Presented with class names or unlabeled test samples, Neural Priming enables the model to recall and conditions its parameters on relevant data seen throughout pretraining, thereby priming it for the test distribution. Neural Priming can be performed at test time in even for pretraining datasets as large as LAION-2B. Performing lightweight updates on the recalled data significantly improves accuracy across a variety of distribution shift and transfer learning benchmarks. Concretely, in the zero-shot setting, we see a 2.45 improvement in accuracy on ImageNet and 3.81 accuracy improvement on average across standard transfer learning benchmarks. Further, using our test time inference scheme, we see a 1.41 accuracy improvement on ImageNetV2. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of Neural Priming in addressing the common challenge of limited labeled data and changing distributions. Code is available at github.com/RAIVNLab/neural-priming.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 9 table

    Matryoshka Representation Learning

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    Learned representations are a central component in modern ML systems, serving a multitude of downstream tasks. When training such representations, it is often the case that computational and statistical constraints for each downstream task are unknown. In this context rigid, fixed capacity representations can be either over or under-accommodating to the task at hand. This leads us to ask: can we design a flexible representation that can adapt to multiple downstream tasks with varying computational resources? Our main contribution is Matryoshka Representation Learning (MRL) which encodes information at different granularities and allows a single embedding to adapt to the computational constraints of downstream tasks. MRL minimally modifies existing representation learning pipelines and imposes no additional cost during inference and deployment. MRL learns coarse-to-fine representations that are at least as accurate and rich as independently trained low-dimensional representations. The flexibility within the learned Matryoshka Representations offer: (a) up to 14x smaller embedding size for ImageNet-1K classification at the same level of accuracy; (b) up to 14x real-world speed-ups for large-scale retrieval on ImageNet-1K and 4K; and (c) up to 2% accuracy improvements for long-tail few-shot classification, all while being as robust as the original representations. Finally, we show that MRL extends seamlessly to web-scale datasets (ImageNet, JFT) across various modalities -- vision (ViT, ResNet), vision + language (ALIGN) and language (BERT). MRL code and pretrained models are open-sourced at https://github.com/RAIVNLab/MRL.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures. NeurIPS 2022 camera ready publicatio

    AdANNS: A Framework for Adaptive Semantic Search

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    Web-scale search systems learn an encoder to embed a given query which is then hooked into an approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) pipeline to retrieve similar data points. To accurately capture tail queries and data points, learned representations typically are rigid, high-dimensional vectors that are generally used as-is in the entire ANNS pipeline and can lead to computationally expensive retrieval. In this paper, we argue that instead of rigid representations, different stages of ANNS can leverage adaptive representations of varying capacities to achieve significantly better accuracy-compute trade-offs, i.e., stages of ANNS that can get away with more approximate computation should use a lower-capacity representation of the same data point. To this end, we introduce AdANNS, a novel ANNS design framework that explicitly leverages the flexibility of Matryoshka Representations. We demonstrate state-of-the-art accuracy-compute trade-offs using novel AdANNS-based key ANNS building blocks like search data structures (AdANNS-IVF) and quantization (AdANNS-OPQ). For example on ImageNet retrieval, AdANNS-IVF is up to 1.5% more accurate than the rigid representations-based IVF at the same compute budget; and matches accuracy while being up to 90x faster in wall-clock time. For Natural Questions, 32-byte AdANNS-OPQ matches the accuracy of the 64-byte OPQ baseline constructed using rigid representations -- same accuracy at half the cost! We further show that the gains from AdANNS translate to modern-day composite ANNS indices that combine search structures and quantization. Finally, we demonstrate that AdANNS can enable inference-time adaptivity for compute-aware search on ANNS indices built non-adaptively on matryoshka representations. Code is open-sourced at https://github.com/RAIVNLab/AdANNS.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures. NeurIPS 2023 camera ready publicatio