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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model Group Investigation terhadap pengembangan karakter siswa, (2) mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model Group Investigation terhadap prestasi belajar alat ukur dasar siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain Non equivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa kelas X jurusan teknik pemesinan SMK N 2 Wonosari yang berjumlah 96 siswa yang terbagi dalam 3 kelas. Dengan teknik random sampling, dimana sampel kelas dipilih secara acak dengan undian dan sampel yang terpilih adalah kelas X MA dan X MB masing-masing sebanyak 32 siswa. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari tes awal dan tes akhir, instrument yang digunakan berupa soal pilihan ganda dan lembar observasi nilai karakter yang telah divalidasi oleh dosen ahli dan diuji reliabilitasnya. Analisis data menggunakan uji T untuk mengetahui perbedaan atau peningkatan prestasi belajar dan pengembangan karakter siswa sebelum dan setelah diberi perlakuan Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan prestasi belajar dan pengembangan karakter siswa antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil uji t menunjukan bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel (t_h:4,293 (_X^-) = 65,87. Berdasarkan gain skor, selanjutnya diperoleh skor eksperimen > skor kontrol (17,40 > 7,21). Dari hasil tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa terjadi peningkatan prestasi belajar alat ukur dasar siswa kelas eksperimen. Penerapan pembelajaran model Group Investigation dapat diterapkan sebagai salah satu alternatif pengembangan pendidikan karakter


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    Learning English is demanded in this sophisticated era. As a matter of fact, English is main tool to build the world contact. Talking about English, it means talking about skills. And speaking is one of those skills. The way we speak is complex process requiring not only the ability to recognize words but also ability to pronunciation and the fluently of communication. Therefore, teaching speaking effectively is very helpful. BEC(Basic English Course) established in order to help the student to master the English skill which consist of speaking, reading, writing and listening. Speaking skill emphasized in this research because speaking is very important for student in this modern life. If the right activities are taught in the right way, speaking in class can be a lot of fun, raising general learner motivation and making the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place to be. Furthermore, the teaching techniques of language skills should be applied in order to make progress in teaching learning process. So it is obvious that the purpose of this study is to know the use of technique in teaching speaking to the advance level student of BEC Pare, Kediri. Because the writer wants to get information or data and to describe the research about the technique used in teaching speaking of advance level at BEC Pare Kediri this study employs descriptive research design. The research subject of this study is female teacher who teaches speaking to the advance level of student at Basic English Course Pare Kediri. In order to know the use of speaking technique in teaching speaking, the writer does the classroom observation by using observational notes as an instrument. He also makes interview to support the data. In addition, the writer does the observation from the beginning of the class until it is over. Finally, the writer finds out four techniques game, role plays, small groups, and drills used by the teacher at the advanced level of student BEC Pare, Kediri to teaching speaking


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    Nightcrawler is a crime-thriller movie directed by Dan Gilroy. The movie is about an ambitious videographer who sells violent footage of accidents and brutal crimes to the local news TV. The focus of this study is to analyse the motivation of Louis Bloom, the main character in the movie, using Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs. This theory is illustrated in a shape of five layered pyramid which represents every need that must be fulfilled by human. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love or belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. The result of the discussion shows the five phases of theory of needs reflected in Lou’s life

    Penggunaan Tepung Singkong sebagai Bioflokulan untuk Menyisihkan COD dan Warna dalam Lindi dengan Proses Koagulasi-Flokulasi. Studi Kasus: TPA Jatibarang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah

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    TPA Jatibarang menghasilkan limbah cair berupa air lindi yang berasal dari tumpukan sampah. Lindi ini memiliki kandungan COD yang tinggi sehingga berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar jika tidak diolah sebelum dibuang ke lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif pengolahannya adalah dengan menggunakan proses koagulasi-flokulasi. Penelitian dalam skala laboratorium ini menggunakan variasi konsentrasi bioflokulan tepung singkong yang ditambahkan pada saat proses koagulasi-flokulasi. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi tepung singkong optimum serta menganalisis hasil dan efisiensinya untuk menyisihkan COD pada lindi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penyisihan kandungan COD pada lindi didapatkan optimum pada penambahan bioflokulan tepung singkong konsentrasi 10%, dengan efisiensi penyisihan 34,57%. Kata Kunci : Lindi, Koagulasi-Flokulasi, Tepung Singkong, CO


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    One of the Baris Dance for ceremony in Badung area which still exists fill now is, Katekok Jago Dance. The estimation it „appear in Darmasaba village on the 18th century. All the people whose support this danceis possesed by Arya Pinatih spirit from Penatih village,Denpasar. They all live in Banjar Cabe,Menesa ,Darmasaba,Peninjauan. Others live in Sibanggede Village, it begins caused of the marriages from the different villages. Once day they „ve got a disseaseand go pray to asked for healthiness, if the get cure then they will be the Katekok JagoDancers. That‟s how the dance been remains from generation to generation. Before they choosen to be the dance, they must isolated and blessed at Pura Penatih Sanak. They wear (poleng) square black and white black-white strips, black-white showl, badong (a scafmade from cloth), Batik Rembang (a material made from Rembang Village ) functionas the wing, and gelung (Bali Traditional accecories on ther head of the dances). Shape like cone with black-white banner. As the property they brings spear weapons and paint black and white. So this Dance also called “Baris Poleng” Dance


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    Background: Disability intellectual (DI) caused by several factors. Parents are highly plays an important. The knowledge parents about a disability intellectual influenced by several factors, that is age, sex, education level, level of income, exposure to get information, consultation to doctor, and socio-cultural. Methods: The research is analytic observational with design cross sectional, samples all parents patients. Research in SLB-C Widya Bhakti Semarang, purpose to know anything influences the level of knowledge parents about intellectual disability cause. Total sampel is 50. The tested data using chi square. Results: The level knowledge to DI in Semarang is good (48 %). The consultation to the doctor ( p = 0,056 ) having influence on the knowledge parents about a genetic disorder caused disability intellectual. While the age ( p = 0,144 ), the level of education ( p = 0,575 ), income levels ( p = 0,976 ), exposure to information ( p = 0,266 ), and social-culture the religion ( p=0, 606 ) and jobs ( p = 0,379 ) no have influence. The conclusion: The consultation to doctor having influence on the knowledge parents about abnormality a genetic disorder caused disability intellectual. While the age, levels of education, level level income and exposure information have no influence meaningful on the knowledge parents about a genetic disorder cause disability intellectual. Key word: Disability intlektual, a genetic disorder, the level knowledge, education, income, exposure to information, consultation doctor, social and cultura

    Motivasi Masyarakat Palangka Raya Dalam Pelaksanaan Tradisi Menunggu Kuburan Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Islam

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    This study describe what lies behind the people of Palangkaraya carry out the tradition of waiting for the grave, the procedure of the implementation process waiting grave, awaiting a review of Islamic traditions graves in Palangkaraya. The method in this study the author uses descriptive qualitative approach. Batamat is last in the procession this tradition in which its implementation families prepare and sticky rice. In the execution authors found ethics or behavior that can not be justified performed by people who await the grave is sleeping on top of the grave. Tradition waite these graves can be said urf Saheeh because tradition is intended effort of a weak servant of Allah, to pray for the people who are in the grave so that God\u27s mercy for the deceased, aims In order to maintain the graves to prevent theft and does not result in harm those who carry out the tradition of waiting for the tomb, While the tradition waite these graves can be said urf elements are imperfect caused harm to people waiting tombs, such as the implementation of people waiting grave so sick. Constituted with the intention that does not rely upon Allah

    Biomimetic Photodiode Device with Large Photocurrent Response Using Photosynthetic Pigment-protein Complexes

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    Efficient light to energy conversion was demonstrated in solid-state, lateral photodiodes device containing photosynthetic light-harvesting chlorophyll protein complexes as active materials. The device exhibits the highest reported photocurrent density response of 365 µA/cm2 when illuminated at 320 mW/cm2 radiation source power. The photocurrent response was stabled over 104 s of continuous cycles of dark and illumination states. The short rise and decay time of the photocurrent waveform within sub-second range indicates an effective photogeneration and charge extraction within the device. Optical bandgap extraction using absorption coefficient method reveals that the energy gap of the active materials ranges from 2.8 to 3.8 eV, correspond to the Photosystem I and Photosystem II of the photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes


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    Perkembangan teknologi berpengaruh kepada kebutuhan user untuk mengakses data lebih cepat, perlahan sistem dengan menggunakan Fiber Optic mulai menggeser posisi kabel tembaga dalam transmisi data karena lebih cepat. Tren user saat ini adalah membutuhkan transmisi data yang lebih cepat dan lebih besar, seperti Video Streaming. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat system Video Streaming dengan infrastruktur GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network). Dalam penelitian dilakukan konfigurasi Video Streaming dengan GPON kemudian juga dilakukan dengan system Ethernet. Keduanya dibandingkan dengan parameter kecepatan dan frame rate untuk Video Streaming. Hasil yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian dengan menggunakan system GPON adalah kestabilan untuk melakukan Streaming Video dibandingkan Ethernet
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