162 research outputs found

    Use of argatroban in combination with nafamostat mesilate in open-heart surgery for a pediatric patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II: a case report

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    [Background]Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II (HIT II) is a rare, immune-mediated complication of heparin therapy and can cause life-threatening thromboembolism. However, perioperative anticoagulation therapy for patients with a complication of HIT II has not been established. [Case presentation]A 6-year-old boy with tetralogy of Fallot underwent radical intracardiac repair with administration of argatroban at 1 year old due to positive HIT antibody. Reoperation was scheduled for pulmonary valve insufficiency, using argatroban and nafamostat mesilate as anticoagulants. Argatroban has a long onset time and the activated coagulation time (ACT) requires 7–26 h to return to the preadministration level, making hemorrhage control difficult, while half-life of nafamostat mesilate is shorter than that of argatroban. Celite ACT reflects the effects of both argatroban and nafamostat mesilate, but kaolin ACT reflects only the effect of argatroban. Due to the early termination of argatroban administration based on Celite and kaolin ACTs, ACT recovered to ≤ 200 s at 5 h after the end of argatroban administration. [Conclusion]Celite and kaolin ACTs can be used as markers to obtain close control of the required dose of argatroban in combination with nafamostat mesilate for the management of HIT II patients

    Stochastic Formation of Polariton Condensates in Two Degenerate Orbital States

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    We explore the exciton-polariton condensation in the two degenerate orbital states. In the honeycomb lattice potential, at the third band we have two degenerate vortex-antivortex lattice states at the inequivalent K and K'-points. We have observed energetically degenerate condensates within the linewidth ~ 0.3 meV, and directly measured the vortex-antivortex lattice phase order of the order parameter. We have also observed the intensity anticorrelation between polariton condensates at the K- and K'-points. We relate this intensity anticorrelation to the dynamical feature of polariton condensates induced by the stochastic relaxation from the common particle reservoir.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum simulation of Fermi-Hubbard models in semiconductor quantum dot arrays

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    We propose a device for studying the Fermi-Hubbard model with long-range Coulomb interactions using an array of quantum dots defined in a semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas system. Bands with energies above the lowest energy band are used to form the Hubbard model, which allows for an experimentally simpler realization of the device. We find that depending on average electron density, the system is well described by a one- or two-band Hubbard model. Our device design enables the control of the ratio of the Coulomb interaction to the kinetic energy of the electrons independently to the filling of the quantum dots, such that a large portion of the Hubbard phase diagram may be probed. Estimates of the Hubbard parameters suggest that a metal-Mott insulator quantum phase transition and a d-wave superconducting phase should be observable using current fabrication technologies.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

    Quantifying interfacial tensions of surface nanobubbles: How far can Young's equation explain?

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    Nanobubbles at solid-liquid interfaces play a key role in various physicochemical phenomena and it is crucial to understand their unique properties. However, little is known about their interfacial tensions due to the lack of reliable calculation methods. Based on mechanical and thermodynamic insights, we quantified for the first time the liquid-gas, solid-liquid, and solid-gas interfacial tensions of submicron-sized nitrogen bubbles at graphite-water interfaces using molecular dynamics (MD) analysis. It was revealed that Young's equation holds even for nanobubbles with different radii. We found that the liquid-gas and solid-liquid interfacial tensions were not largely affected by the gas density inside the nanobubbles. In contrast, the size effect on the solid-gas interfacial tension was observed, namely, the value dramatically decreased upon an increase in the gas density due to gas adsorption on the solid surface. However, our quantitative evaluation also revealed that the gas density effect on the contact angles is negligible when the footprint radius is larger than 50 nm, which is a typical range observed in experiments, and thus the flat shape and stabilization of submicron-sized surface bubbles observed in experiments cannot be explained only by the changes in interfacial tensions due to the van der Waals interaction-induced gas adsorption, namely by Young's equation without introducing the pinning effect. Based on our analysis, it was clarified that additional factors such as the differences in the studied systems are needed to explain the unresolved open issues-a satisfactory explanation for the nanobubbles in MD simulations being ultradense, non-flat, and stable without pinning.Teshima H., Kusudo H., Bistafa C., et al. Quantifying interfacial tensions of surface nanobubbles: How far can Young's equation explain?. Nanoscale 14, 2446 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1039/d1nr07428h


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    金沢大学附属病院【研究目的】膝蓋大腿関節症・膝前部痛の原因として, 内側広筋(VM)の筋活動低下が挙げられ, VM優位の筋力強化がなされるべきである. 非荷重下の運動(OKC)では, 膝関節の肢位、股関節内転筋の共同収縮の付加などで, VMが優先的に活動するという報告が見られる. 今回は, CKC運動種目で, VMと外側広筋(VL)の筋活動比を分析し, 内側広筋を優先的に活動させる運動を検討する.【研究方法】健常女性15名を対象とし, 表面筋電図で各運動時の筋活動を測定した. 測定筋は, VM, VL, 大内転筋(AM)の3筋とした. 皮膚を剃毛後, 研磨剤を用いて表面を薄く削り, アルコールにて拭き取った. 皮膚抵抗を5kΩ以下とした後, 銀-塩化銀の表面電極を電極間距離約2.5cmで貼付した.運動種目は, ランジ運動3種類(膝関節中間位, 内旋位, 外旋位)とランジ運動に股関節内転を共同収縮させた運動の全部で4種類とした. 運動の肢位は, 膝関節が屈曲80°、股関節が内外転中間位とし, 体幹は直立するように指導した. 負荷量の統一のために, 荷重を体重の80%とし、ランジの距離を身長の3/5とした。正規化のために, 端座位膝関節屈曲60°位でVMとVLの, 股関節中間位でAMの最大等尺性収縮を測定した. 各運動は, 5秒間測定し, データ解析は、その中3秒間を解析した. VMの優先的活動の指標として, VM/VL比を求めた. 運動種目間で, TukeyのHSD法で多重比較した. 有意水準を0.05未満とした.【研究成果】各運動間での, VM/VL比に有意な差はなかった。正規化したVMの活動量も差はなかったが, 全ての運動で75%以上は得られた. AMの活動量は, 股関節の内転筋の共同収収縮を付加した運動のみ有意に高かった.今回の結果から, CKC運動は, 筋活動が75%以上であるので, 筋力増強運動としては、有効と思われるが, VMを優先的に活動させるという意味では, 適していないことが示唆された.研究課題/領域番号:25931017, 研究期間(年度):2013-04-01 – 2014-03-31出典:「内側広筋の優先的活動に関するCKC運動の比較」研究成果報告書 課題番号25931017(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-25931017/)を加工して作