203 research outputs found

    Circulating calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen m-RNA detected by RT-PCR as tumour markers in medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    Detection of local relapse or metastasis in medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) continue to pose a major diagnostic challenge. Besides established diagnostic studies such as serum calcitonin (CT) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), molecular detection of circulating tumour cells may be an additional diagnostic tool for the early detection of disease recurrence. We performed reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on blood samples from patients diagnosed with MTC disease using primers specific for CT and CEA, respectively. CT mRNA was not detectable in peripheral blood of all patients with MTC (n = 11) and all controls (n = 32). CEA mRNA was significantly more often detected patients with MTC (72.7%) than in controls (34.4%; p = 0.038; Fisher exact test). With an example of a patient with MTC and massive tumour mass in the neck we demonstrate the failure of detection of CT mRNA over a period of 6 months, whereas CEA mRNA could be detected in peripheral blood of this patient. As a consequence, CT mRNA detected by RT-PCR in the peripheral blood can not be recommended as a tumour marker in MTC. However, the use of carcinoembryonic mRNA may provide a significant improvement in diagnosis of recurrent disease in MTC. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign   http://www.bjcancer.co

    Molecular detection of thyroglobulin mRNA transcripts in peripheral blood of patients with thyroid disease by RT-PCR

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    The sensitive detection of circulating tumour cells in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer may precede the detection of relapse by other diagnostic studies – such as serum thyroglobulin – and thus may have important therapeutic and prognostic implications. We performed reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on blood samples from patients diagnosed with thyroid disease using two different RT-PCR sensitivities. Additionally, tissue specificity of TG mRNA-expression was determined using RNA extracts from 27 different human tissues. The lower limit of detection was 50–100 TG mRNA producing cells/ml blood using a ‘normal’ RT-PCR sensitivity and 10–20 cells/ml blood using a ‘high’ sensitivity. With the normal sensitivity TG mRNA was detected in 9/13 patients with thyroid cancer and metastasis, 63/137 patients with a history of thyroid cancer and no metastasis, 21/85 with non-malignant thyroid disease and 9/50 controls. With the high sensitivity TG mRNA was detected in 11/13 patients with thyroid cancer and metastasis, 111/137 patients with a history of thyroid cancer and no metastasis, 61/85 with non-malignant thyroid disease and 41/50 controls. Interestingly, using the normal RT-PCR sensitivity TG mRNA transcripts are specific for thyroid tissue and detectable in the peripheral blood of controls and patients with thyroid disease, which correlates with a diagnosis of metastasized thyroid cancer. However, with a high RT-PCR sensitivity, TG mRNA expression was found not to be specific for thyroid tissue and was not correlated with a diagnosis of thyroid cancer in patients. As a consequence, to date TG mRNA detected by RT-PCR in the peripheral blood cannot be recommended as a tumour marker superior to TG serum-level. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Dynamic masses for the close PG1159 binary SDSSJ212531.92-010745.9

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    SDSSJ212531.92-010745.9 is the first known PG1159 star in a close binary with a late main sequence companion allowing a dynamical mass determination. The system shows flux variations with a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 0.7 mag and a period of about 6.96h. In August 2007, 13 spectra of SDSSJ212531.92-010745.9 covering the full orbital phase range were taken at the TWIN 3.5m telescope at the Calar Alto Observatory (Alm\'{e}ria, Spain). These confirm the typical PG1159 features seen in the SDSS discovery spectrum, together with the Balmer series of hydrogen in emission (plus other emission lines), interpreted as signature of the companion's irradiated side. A radial velocity curve was obtained for both components. Using co-added radial-velocity-corrected spectra, the spectral analysis of the PG1159 star is being refined. The system's lightcurve, obtained during three seasons of photometry with the G\"ottingen 50cm and T\"ubingen 80cm telescopes, was fitted with both the NIGHTFALL and PHOEBE binary simulation programs. An accurate mass determination of the PG1159 component from the radial velocity measurements requires to first derive the inclination, which requires light curve modelling and yields further constraints on radii, effective temperature and separation of the system's components. From the analysis of all data available so far, we present the possible mass range for the PG1159 component of SDSSJ212531.92-010745.9.Comment: 8 pages, in "White dwarfs", proceedings of the 16th European White Dwarf Workshop, eds. E. Garcia-Berro, M. Hernanz, J. Isern, S. Torres, to be published in J. Phys.: Conf. Se

    Twilight observations suggest unknown sources of HO_x

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    Measurements of the concentrations of OH and HO_(2) (HO_(x)) in the high-latitude lower stratosphere imply the existence of unknown photolytic sources of HO_(x). The strength of the additional HO_(x) source required to match the observations depends only weakly on solar zenith angle (SZA) for 80° < SZA < 93°. The wavelengths responsible for producing this HO_(x) must be longer than 650 nm because the flux at shorter wavelengths is significantly attenuated at high SZA by scattering and absorption. Provided that the sources involve only a single photon, the strength of the bonds being broken must be < 45 kcal mole^(−1). We speculate that peroxynitric acid (HNO_4) dissociates after excitation to an unknown excited state with an integrated band cross section of 2-3 × 10^(−20) cm^(2) molecule^(−1) nm (650 < λ < 1250 nm)

    Centre vortices and the quark propagator

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    PoS(ConfinementVIII)056It is thought that confinement and chiral symmetry breaking might be driven by the same mechanism. Centre vortices have long been considered a promising candidate for such a mechanism. We use the Landau-gauge quark propagator as a probe of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and show that, for SU(2) gauge theory, the infrared behaviour of the quark propagator is indeed dominated by the vortex matter. This is in constrast to the SU(3) theory, where DcSB isseen to survive even on non-confining, vortex-removed configurations.Patrick O. Bowman, Kurt Langfeld, Alan O’Cais, Derek B. Leinweber, André Sternbeck, Lorenz von Smekal and Anthony G. Williams, Daniel Jens-Kustere

    Comparison of modeled and observed values of NO_2 and JNO_2 during the Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer (POLARIS) mission

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    Stratospheric measurements of NO, NO_(2), O_(3), ClO, and HO_(2) were made during spring, early summer, and late summer in the Arctic region during 1997 as part of the Photochemistry of Ozone Loss in the Arctic Region in Summer (POLARIS) field campaign. In the sunlit atmosphere, NO_(2) and NO are in steady state through NO2 photolysis and reactions involving O_(3), ClO, BrO, and HO_(2). By combining observations of O_(3), ClO, and HO_(2), observed and modeled values of the NO_(2) photolysis rate coefficient (JNO_(2)), and model estimates of BrO, several comparisons are made between steady state and measured values of both NO_(2) and JNO_(2). An apparent seasonal dependence in discrepancies between calculated and measured values was found; however, a source for this dependence could not be identified. Overall, the mean linear fits in the various comparisons show agreement within 19%, well within the combined uncertainties (±50 to 70%). These results suggest that photochemistry controlling the NO_(2)/NO abundance ratio is well represented throughout much of the sunlit lower stratosphere. A reduction in the uncertainty of laboratory determinations of the rate coefficient of NO + O_(3) → NO_(2) + O_(2) would aid future analyses of these or similar atmospheric observations

    The APOA5 Trp19 allele is associated with metabolic syndrome via its association with plasma triglycerides

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The goal of the present study was to assess the effect of genetic variability at the APOA5/A4/C3/A1 cluster locus on the risk of metabolic syndrome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>APOA5 </it>Ser19Trp, <it>APOA5 </it>-12,238T>C, <it>APOA4 </it>Thr347Ser, <it>APOC3 </it>-482C>T and <it>APOC3 </it>3238C>G (<it>Sst</it>I) polymorphisms were analyzed in a representative population sample of 3138 men and women from France, including 932 individuals with metabolic syndrome and 2206 without metabolic syndrome, as defined by the NCEP criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared with homozygotes for the common allele, the odds ratio (OR) [95% CI] for metabolic syndrome was 1.30 [1.03–1.66] (<it>p </it>= 0.03) for <it>APOA5 </it>Trp19 carriers, 0.81 [0.69–0.95] (<it>p </it>= 0.01) for <it>APOA5 </it>-12,238C carriers and 0.84 [0.70–0.99] (<it>p </it>= 0.04) for <it>APOA4 </it>Ser347 carriers. Adjustment for plasma triglycerides, (but not for waist girth, HDL, blood pressure or glycemia – the other components of metabolic syndrome) abolished these associations and suggests that triglyceride levels explain the association with metabolic syndrome. There was no association between the <it>APOC3 </it>-482C>T or <it>APOC3 </it>3238C>G polymorphisms and metabolic syndrome. The decreased risk of metabolic syndrome observed in <it>APOA5 </it>-12,238C and <it>APOA4 </it>Ser347 carriers merely reflected the fact that the <it>APOA5 </it>Trp19 allele was in negative linkage disequilibrium with the common alleles of <it>APOA5 </it>-12,238T>C and <it>APOA4 </it>Thr347Ser polymorphisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>APOA5 </it>Trp19 allele increased susceptibility to metabolic syndrome via its impact on plasma triglyceride levels.</p
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