26 research outputs found

    Influence of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on some physico-chemical properties of humic acid from the black earth

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    The influence of long-term mineral, organic and organic plus mineral fertilization in total, on the properties of humic acids from the black earth, was studied. Mineral fertilization caused the decreased absorption, specific of the phenol and alcohol OH groups, C=C and C=O bounds in aromatic compounds and NH of 1st order amins. Fertilization with the manure affected the increase absorption in the field of the frequency, specific of the groups: -CH3, -OCH3, -CH2 and -COOH. Fertilization with the use of half of the dose of manure and NPK caused the increase absorption by -COOH groups. Mineral and organic fertilization increased the amount of amino acids in KH, and of amino- and total nitrogen. The manure fertilization combined with the mineral fertilization had the opposite effect. The greater share of aromatic compounds was stated in KH from the soil, fertilized with a half of the dose of manure and NPK, the lowest one was found in KH from the soil fertilized only with NPK. On the other hand, the degree of condensation of aromatic compounds was the highest in KH from the soil, fertilized with the manure and the lowest one was stated in KH from the soil fertilized with a half of the dose of manure and NPK

    Materia organiczna w zalesionych glebach porolnych

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    The studies were carried out in central Poland. Total organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (Nt) andCof humus fractions in uppermost soil horizons were analyzed in afforested meadow soils in first and fifth year of afforestation (2 profiles) and compared to about 70-year-old continuous forest soils. Soil was collected from 0-5, 5-10, 10-15 and 15-20 cm layers depth. The results showed that the soil Corganic (Corg) and Ntotal (Nt) decreased with depth in both studied periods. The Corg amounts were higher in the second period (5 years after afforestation) in almost every layer of the humus horizons in comparison to the first year of afforestation. The Nt content rather decreased in particular layers during five years, but mean values of 0-20 cm depth were lower or higher in dependence on soil type. The content of both elements in the studied layers was lower in the 5-year afforested soils than in the continuous forest soils. The results indicated changes in organic matter properties too, but the distribution of the different soil organic matter fractions in humus layers in time was dependent on soil properties

    Wplyw kata zaostrzenia noza na sile i prace ciecia papryki

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    Mechaniczne wlasciwosci tekstury chleba mieszanego z dodatkiem ziarna zyta

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    The paper presents a comparison of the mechanical textural properties of mixed flour bread with an admixture of rye grain and without such an admixture (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness) and its chemical properties (moisture and acidity). A discussion is given concerning the dough preparation and the baking of the bread. Additionally, based on sensory evaluation, the shelf live of the bread was determined, during which the bread is acceptable to the consumers.W pracy por贸wnano mechaniczne w艂a艣ciwo艣ci teksturalne pieczywa mieszanego z dodatkiem ziarna 偶yta i bez jego dodatku (twardo艣膰, spr臋偶ysto艣膰, kohezyjno艣膰 i 偶ujno艣膰) oraz w艂a艣ciwo艣ci chemiczne (wilgotno艣膰 i kwasowo艣膰). Om贸wiono przygotowanie ciasta i wypiek chleba oraz okre艣lono na podstawie oceny sensorycznej czas przechowywania, w kt贸rym pieczywo jest akceptowane przez konsumenta

    The role of the selected agrotechnical factors information of organic substance in soil of an orchard

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    The studies were conducted in 28 years' old apple orchard in 艁yczyn, situated on the lessives soil developed from light boulder clay. The influence of liming and nitrogen fertilization on applied the strips of fallow and grass, pH of the soil, content of organic carbon, carbon of humic acids and fulvic acids and carbon of humins was examined. Three levels of nitrogen fertilization were used: 40,140 and 240 kg N/ha, while the nonfertilized fields was the control. The soil samples for the studies were taken with use of Egner rod of 0-20 cm layer. The effect of the studied agrotechnical factors was different in the strips of grass and fallow land. Nitrogen fertilization and liming of the fallow land had influenced the content of carbon and also carbon of humins. In the case of the grassland, nitrogen fertilization and liming was favourable for accumulation of humic acids. The increasing doses of nitrogen fertilization caused the drop in pH of the soil, being especially high on the non-limed fallow land. The content of carbon of fulvic acids was affected mainly by the method of cultivation and nitrogen fertilization. In the soil under the fallow land, the content of carbon of fulvic acids was, in average, higher by 22.5%, as compared to that one under the grass

    Rola Apporectodea caliginosa w pzremianach materii organicznej w glebie w warunkach monokultury i wielogatunkowego zespo艂u ro艣linnego

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    The study has been carried out in the experimental field of the Centre for Ecological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, PAN, located in Dziekan贸w Leoeny (north of Warsaw). Six hundred lysimeters were installed covering the experimental area. The surface of the experimental plots (both lysimeters and their vicinity) was sown with either one grass (Festuca rubra) on half of the area, or with a mixture of 8 grass species on the other half of the area. In the next year, geophagous earthworms A. caliginosa were introduced to half of the lysimeters. The content of C-org, N-total, and the fractional composition of soil humus, were first determined at the beginning; at the end of the experiment also pH and the capacity of sorption complex were identified. The empirical results were subject to statistical analyses. After two years of the study, in comparison to red fescue sodding, the grass mixture sodding caused an increase in the content of organic carbon, total nitrogen and carbon of the humus fraction. The differences between the mean values of both soddings were not statistically significant. In soils under grass mixture, A. caliginosa caused an increase in the contents of organic carbon and fulvic acids carbon in relation to the initial soil; the CHA/CFA ratio significantly decreased. A slight increase in the degree of organic matter humification was observed in both soddings in combination with earthworms

    Influence of pumpkin flour addition on textural properties of yeast dough

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    Celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu dodatku m膮ki dyniowej oraz czasu przechowywania na w艂a艣ciwo艣ci tekstury ciasta dro偶d偶owego. Do bada艅 przygotowano pr贸b臋 kontroln膮 oraz 3 ciasta z m膮k膮 dyniow膮 w ilo艣ci 5, 10 i 15% w mieszance. Ciasta po upieczeniu i ostudzeniu przechowywano przez 4 kolejne dni. Okre艣lono wilgotno艣膰 i kwasowo艣膰 oraz w艂a艣ciwo艣ci teksturalne ciast wed艂ug metody TPA (Texture Profile Analysis). Ciasto dro偶d偶owe wzbogacone m膮k膮 dyniow膮 zosta艂o poddane ocenie sensorycznej. Na podstawie uzyskanych bada艅 stwierdzono, 偶e zar贸wno dodatek m膮ki dyniowej, jak i czas przechowywania wp艂ywaj膮 istotnie na w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechaniczne tekstury. Wykazano, 偶e zwi臋kszenie czasu przechowywania i dodatku m膮ki dyniowej powoduje zwi臋kszenie twardo艣ci i 偶ujno艣ci ciasta. Najwi臋ksz膮 twardo艣膰 (66 N) i 偶ujno艣膰 (11,30 N) zanotowano dla ciasta dro偶d偶owego z 15% dodatkiem m膮ki dyniowej podczas czwartego dnia przechowywania. Spr臋偶ysto艣膰 i sp贸jno艣膰 wraz ze zwi臋kszeniem dodatku m膮ki dyniowej i czasu przechowywania zmniejszaj膮 si臋. Najmniejsze warto艣ci spr臋偶ysto艣ci (0,61) i sp贸jno艣ci (0,24) zaobserwowano w cie艣cie dro偶d偶owym z 15% dodatku m膮ki dyniowej podczas czwartego dnia przechowywania. Ocena sensoryczna wykaza艂a, 偶e ciasto dro偶d偶owe z 15% zawarto艣ci膮 m膮ki dyniowej ma najbardziej po偶膮dane w艂a艣ciwo艣ci sensoryczne i zakwalifikowane zosta艂o do I poziomu jako艣ci.The aim of the study was to determine the influence of pumpkin flour addition and storage time on mechanical properties of yeast dough. A control sample was prepared for the tests, and 3 cakes with pumpkin flour addition in the amount of 5, 10 and 15% in the mixture. The cakes were stored for 4 days. The scope of work included determination of the moisture and acidity and of the mechanical properties of cake according to the TPA method (Texture Profile Analysis). The yeast cake with pumpkin flour addition was subjected to sensory evaluation. The study showed that both the addition of pumpkin flour and storage time had a significant effect on the mechanical properties of the texture. It was shown that increased storage time and pumpkin flour addition increased the hardness and chewiness of cakes. The highest values hardness (66 N) and chewiness (11.30 N) were noted for cakes with 15% addition of pumpkin flour on the fourth day of storage time. Springiness and cohesiveness decreased with increasing level of pumpkin flour addition. The cake with 15% pumpkin flour addition, on the fourth day of storage, was characterised by the lowest value of springiness (0.61) and cohesiveness (0.24). The results of sensory analysis of the cakes showed that cakes with 15% pumpkin flour addition had the best sensory properties and qualified for the first level of quality