7 research outputs found
Asynchronous release sites align with NMDA receptors in mouse hippocampal synapses
© The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Li, S., Raychaudhuri, S., Lee, S. A., Brockmann, M. M., Wang, J., Kusick, G., Prater, C., Syed, S., Falahati, H., Ramos, R., Bartol, T. M., Hosy, E., & Watanabe, S. Asynchronous release sites align with NMDA receptors in mouse hippocampal synapses. Nature Communications, 12(1), (2021): 677, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21004-x.Neurotransmitter is released synchronously and asynchronously following an action potential. Our recent study indicates that the release sites of these two phases are segregated within an active zone, with asynchronous release sites enriched near the center in mouse hippocampal synapses. Here we demonstrate that synchronous and asynchronous release sites are aligned with AMPA receptor and NMDA receptor clusters, respectively. Computational simulations indicate that this spatial and temporal arrangement of release can lead to maximal membrane depolarization through AMPA receptors, alleviating the pore-blocking magnesium leading to greater activation of NMDA receptors. Together, these results suggest that release sites are likely organized to activate NMDA receptors efficiently.e also thank the Marine Biological Laboratory and their Neurobiology course for supporting the initial set of experiments (course supported by National Institutes of Health grant R25NS063307). S.W. and this work were supported by start-up funds from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Discovery funds, and the National Science Foundation (1727260), the National Institutes of Health (1DP2 NS111133-01 and 1R01 NS105810-01A1) awarded to S.W. S.W. is an Alfred P. Sloan fellow, McKnight Foundation Scholar, and Klingenstein and Simons Foundation scholar. G.K. was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health to the Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (T32 GM007445) and is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2016217537). E.H. and T.M.B. are supported by CRCNS-NIH-ANR grant AMPAR-T. The EM ICE high-pressure freezer was purchased partly with funds from an equipment grant from the National Institutes of Health (S10RR026445) awarded to Scot C Kuo
Membrane Compression by Synaptic Vesicle Exocytosis Triggers Ultrafast Endocytosis
Compensatory endocytosis keeps the membrane surface area of secretory cells constant following exocytosis. At chemical synapses, clathrin-independent ultrafast endocytosis maintains such homeostasis. This endocytic pathway is temporally and spatially coupled to exocytosis; it initiates within 50 ms at the region immediately next to the active zone where vesicles fuse. However, the coupling mechanism is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that filamentous actin is organized as a ring, surrounding the active zone at mouse hippocampal synapses. Assuming the membrane area conservation is due to this actin ring, our theoretical model suggests that flattening of fused vesicles exerts lateral compression in the plasma membrane, resulting in rapid formation of endocytic pits at the border between the active zone and the surrounding actin-enriched region. Consistent with model predictions, our data show that ultrafast endocytosis requires sufficient compression by exocytosis of multiple vesicles and does not initiate when actin organization is disrupted, either pharmacologically or by ablation of the actin-binding protein Epsin1. Our work suggests that membrane mechanics underlie the rapid coupling of exocytosis to endocytosis at synapses
Synaptotagmin 7 docks synaptic vesicles to support facilitation and Doc2α-triggered asynchronous release
Despite decades of intense study, the molecular basis of asynchronous neurotransmitter release remains enigmatic. Synaptotagmin (syt) 7 and Doc2 have both been proposed as Ca2+ sensors that trigger this mode of exocytosis, but conflicting findings have led to controversy. Here, we demonstrate that at excitatory mouse hippocampal synapses, Doc2α is the major Ca2+ sensor for asynchronous release, while syt7 supports this process through activity-dependent docking of synaptic vesicles. In synapses lacking Doc2α, asynchronous release after single action potentials is strongly reduced, while deleting syt7 has no effect. However, in the absence of syt7, docked vesicles cannot be replenished on millisecond timescales. Consequently, both synchronous and asynchronous release depress from the second pulse onward during repetitive activity. By contrast, synapses lacking Doc2α have normal activity-dependent docking, but continue to exhibit decreased asynchronous release after multiple stimuli. Moreover, disruption of both Ca2+ sensors is non-additive. These findings result in a new model whereby syt7 drives activity-dependent docking, thus providing synaptic vesicles for synchronous (syt1) and asynchronous (Doc2 and other unidentified sensors) release during ongoing transmission