14 research outputs found

    Pathology of mesothelioma

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    The incidence of mesothelioma has been gradually increasing in Japan, and the underlying factor for this is considered to be the increase in the amount of asbestos imported into Japan between 1960 and 1975. Mesothelioma can be roughly divided into localized and diffuse types, but the former is extremely rare. In making a diagnosis of mesothelioma, it is important to confirm the location of tumor and the specific gross findings before histological examination. Mesothelioma can be categorized histologically as epithelioid type, sarcomatoid type, biphasic type, desmoplastic type, among others. It can take many forms; consequently, there are many diseases to be differentiated when the diagnosis of mesothelioma is based on histological analyses. Immunohistochemical stains are useful for making a diagnosis, but the correct combination of antibodies as positive or negative markers should be selected and a comprehensive assessment of the staining results is necessary. The accuracy of the pathological diagnosis is very important to the patients because they can be receive official compensation or relief when the diagnosis of mesothelioma is confirmed. Under present conditions, both clinicians and pathologists must make a concerted effort to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of mesothelioma