549 research outputs found

    Biological Function of Low Reactive Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

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    Low reactive level laser therapy (LLLT) and photobiomodulation are mainly focused on the activation of intracellular or extracellular photoabsorbable molecule (chromophore) and the initiation of cellular signaling using low power lasers and lights. Over the past 40 decades, a number of basic and clinical researches were reported that the laser therapy had the potential to improve wound healing and reduce pain and inflammation. In recent years, the term “LLLT” has become widely recognized. In this review, the mechanisms of action of LLLT at a cellular level are described. Finally, our recent research results that LLLT enhanced the cells differentiation are also described

    A method of determining acoustical physical constants for piezoelectric materials by line-focus-beam acoustic microscopy

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:12450119・基盤研究(B)(2) ・H12~H14/研究代表者:櫛引, 淳一/UMS技術を用いた超高周波SAWデバイス用単結晶基板表面の評価技術の開発

    Modeling Quantitative Acoustic Microscopy for Layered Coatings

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    Multilayered ceramic and metallic coatings are receiving much attention for applications to improve the resistance to wear of surfaces. To assure the integrity of such coatings, quantitative nondestructive techniques are needed to determine the properties of coating materials and to evaluate the bonding quality of the interface between the coating and the substrate