5 research outputs found

    Shell ornaments from a Mierzanowice culture burial (beginning of the 2nd c.BC) in Kichary Nowe

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    Content of gluten in rhizome of narrow-leaved cattail [Typha angustifolia]

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    Jedynym sposobem leczenia os贸b cierpi膮cych na celiaki臋 jest eliminacja z diety produkt贸w zawieraj膮cych bia艂ka glutenowe. Poszukiwane s膮 nowe 藕r贸d艂a po偶ywienia niezawieraj膮ce bia艂ek glutenowych, do kt贸rych mo偶e nale偶e膰 pa艂ka wodna (Typha ssp.). Z jej k艂膮czy mo偶na pozyska膰 m膮czk臋, b臋d膮c膮 surowcem do wypieku plack贸w chlebowych i ciastek. Celem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie zawarto艣ci frakcji glutenowej, powoduj膮cej reakcj臋 chorobow膮 u os贸b cierpi膮cych na celiaki臋, w m膮czce pozyskanej z k艂膮czy pa艂ki wodnej w膮skolistnej. Materia艂 do bada艅 stanowi艂y k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej w膮skolistnej (Typha angustifolia), pobrane w okresie zimowym (stycze艅 2009 r.) z trzech r贸偶nych zbiornik贸w wodnych: stawu po艂o偶onego w Puszczy Zielonce (k. Poznania), stawu hodowlanego oraz jeziora w Osiecznej (k. Leszna). Test na obecno艣膰 glutenu prowadzono metodami immunoenzymatycznymi, wykorzystuj膮c produkty firmy R-Biopharm: Cocktail Solution庐 oraz kit gliadynowy Ridascreen庐 Gliadin R7001 (AOAC 120601). Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka og贸艂em oznaczono metod膮 Kjeldahla, wykorzystuj膮c aparatur臋 Foss Tecator. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka w gliadynowych ekstraktach oznaczono fotometrycznie z wykorzystaniem odczynnika Bradford. Na podstawie uzyskanych wynik贸w stwierdzono, 偶e m膮czka z k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej w膮skolistnej nie zawiera peptyd贸w wywo艂uj膮cych celiaki臋 i mo偶e by膰 stosowana w produktach przeznaczonych dla os贸b na ni膮 cierpi膮cych. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka og贸艂em w m膮czce z k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej by艂a zmienna w zale偶no艣ci od miejsca zbioru ro艣liny. Zawarto艣膰 bia艂ka w ekstraktach m膮czki z k艂膮cza pa艂ki wodnej nie by艂a skorelowana z zawarto艣ci膮 bia艂ka og贸艂em w samej m膮czce.The only way to treat people suffering from celiac disease is to eliminate products containing gluten proteins from the diet. Researches have been carried out to find new sources of gluten-free food; among them, the cattail (Typha spp) can be counted. It is possible to grind its rhizomes and to get a baking flour to make cakes, bread, and biscuits. The objective of the study was to determine the content of gluten fraction in the flour produced from rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail that caused a disease response in persons with the celiac disease. The experimental material comprised rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail (Typha angustifolia), harvested in three water reservoirs during the winter period (January 2009), i.e. in a pond in the Zielonka Forest (the Province of Wielkopolska), in a lake and a fish breeding pond in Osieczna (near Leszno). The test for gluten was conducted by means of immunoassay methods using the products from an R-Biopharm Company: Cocktail Solution 庐 and Ridascreen gliadin kit 庐 Gliadin R7001 (AOAC 120601). The content of total protein was determined by a Kjeldahl method using a Foss Tecator apparatus. The content of Gliadin protein in the extracts was determined photometrically using a Bradford reagent. Based on the results obtained, it was found that the flour from rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail did not contain any peptides that caused celiac disease. Thus, this flour can be used in the products for people suffering from this disease. The content of total protein in the flour varied depending on the place where the plants were harvested. The content of the protein fraction in the flour extracts produced from rhizomes of the narrow-leaved cattail was not correlated with the content of total protein in the flour alone

    Ocena wp艂ywu sk艂adu chemicznego oraz parametr贸w wytwarzania na struktur臋 i w艂a艣ciwo艣ci kompozyt贸w na osnowie srebra z udzia艂em ZnO

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    The paper shows results of the study into influence of chemical composition and consolidation process conditions on changes of physical and electrical properties of silver-based composites used in production of electric contacts. The investigations addressed influence of content of zinc oxide (ZnO) and modifying additions in a form of silver tungstate (Ag2WO4) and silver molybdate (Ag2MoO4) on changes in density, porosity and electrical conductivity. Density of the produced compacts was established by geometric method. The results of density measurements were used in determination of total porosity of sinters. Also arc erosion was examined to determine applicability of the produced composites for production of electric contacts. The erosion was measured as mass loss of individual materials after specific number of connections. The studies were conducted at current intensity of 10 A and voltage of 500V. The scope of the studies covered also evaluation of kinetics of sintering of the examined composites and determination of the mechanisms of mass transport in the process. Studies into kinetics of sintering were conducted in the air atmosphere at constant temperature of 900°C. Production of the examined composite materials consisted of mechanical synthesis of powders of silver, zinc oxide and silver tungstate and molybdate, and then their consolidation by two-sided pressing and subsequent sintering. In cold pressing various pressures were applied 200, 300 and 400 MPa. Sintering was performed with a partial participation of liquid phase in temperature of 900°C. Also additional two-sided pressing was applied under pressure of 500 MPa and stress-relieving recrystallization annealing was performed as the final operation.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badan wp艂ywu sk艂adu chemicznego oraz parametr贸w procesu konsolidacji na zmiany w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizycznych oraz elektrycznych materia艂贸w kompozytowych na osnowie srebra przeznaczonych na styki elektryczne. Analizie poddano wp艂yw zawarto艣ci tlenku cynku (ZnO) oraz dodatk贸w modyfikuj膮cych w postaci wolframianu srebra (Ag2WO4) oraz molibdenianu srebra (Ag2MoO4) na zmiany g臋sto艣ci, porowato艣ci oraz przewodno艣ci elektrycznej. G臋sto艣膰 uzyskanych wyprasek wyznaczono metoda geometryczna. Na podstawie uzyskanych wynik贸w g臋sto艣ci wyznaczono porowato艣膰 ca艂kowita spiek贸w. Wykonano r贸wnie偶 badania erozji 艂ukowej jako parametru okre艣laj膮cego przydatno艣膰 wytworzonych materia艂贸w kompozytowych do zastosowania na styki elektryczne. Miara erozji by艂 ubytek masy poszczeg贸lnych materia艂贸w po okre艣lonej liczbie 艂膮cze艅. Badania zosta艂y przeprowadzone przy nat臋偶eniu 10 A i napi臋ciu 500 V. W ramach badan dokonano r贸wnie偶 oceny kinetyki spiekania badanych materia艂贸w kompozytowych oraz podj臋to pr贸b臋 okre艣lenia mechanizm贸w transportu masy jakie wyst臋puj膮 podczas tego procesu. Badania kinetyki spiekania prowadzono w atmosferze powietrza w sta艂ej temperaturze wynosz膮cej 900°C. Proces wytwarzania badanych materia艂贸w kompozytowych obejmowa艂 mechaniczna syntez臋 proszk贸w srebra, tlenku cynku oraz wolframianu i molibdenianu srebra, a nast臋pnie ich konsolidacje poprzez dwustronne prasowanie i nast臋puj膮ce po nim spiekanie. Zabieg prasowania prowadzono na zimno, stosuj膮c r贸偶ne ci艣nienie prasowania 200, 300 oraz 400 MPa. Proces spiekania przebiega艂 z cz臋艣ciowym udzia艂em fazy ciek艂ej w temperaturze 900°C. Zastosowano tak偶e dodatkowe prasowanie dwustronne pod ci艣nieniem 500 MPa oraz jako zabieg ko艅cowy wy偶arzanie rekrystalizuj膮co-odpr臋偶aj膮ce

    Metabolic syndrome is associated with similar long-term prognosis in non-obese and obese patients. An analysis of 45 615 patients from the nationwide LIPIDOGRAM 2004-2015 cohort studies

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    Aims We aimed to evaluate the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and long-term all-cause mortality. Methods The LIPIDOGRAM studies were carried out in the primary care in Poland in 2004, 2006 and 2015. MetS was diagnosed based on the National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III) and Joint Interim Statement (JIS) criteria. The cohort was divided into four groups: non-obese patients without MetS, obese patients without MetS, non-obese patients with MetS and obese patients with MetS. Differences in all-cause mortality was analyzed using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression analyses. Results 45,615 participants were enrolled (mean age 56.3, standard deviation: 11.8 years; 61.7% female). MetS was diagnosed in 14,202 (31%) by NCEP/ATP III criteria, and 17,216 (37.7%) by JIS criteria. Follow-up was available for 44,620 (97.8%, median duration 15.3 years) patients. MetS was associated with increased mortality risk among the obese (hazard ratio, HR: 1.88 [95% CI, 1.79-1.99] and HR: 1.93 [95% CI 1.82-2.04], according to NCEP/ATP III and JIS criteria, respectively) and non-obese individuals (HR: 2.11 [95% CI 1.85-2.40] and 1.7 [95% CI, 1.56-1.85] according to NCEP/ATP III and JIS criteria respectively). Obese patients without MetS had a higher mortality risk than non-obese patients without MetS (HR: 1.16 [95% CI 1.10-1.23] and HR: 1.22 [95%CI 1.15-1.30], respectively in subgroups with NCEP/ATP III and JIS criteria applied). Conclusions MetS is associated with increased all-cause mortality risk in non-obese and obese patients. In patients without MetS obesity remains significantly associated with mortality. The concept of metabolically healthy obesity should be revised