12 research outputs found

    Review on the book: Matveichuk A.A. Essays of history of Russian oil industry. Moscow: drevlekhranilishche, 2020, 346 p.

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    A high appraisal of the monograph devoted to the history of the Russian oil industry is given. The main lines of its development and the employment issue are analyzed. The significant authors contribution to the objective elucidation of the key topics according to the history of the oil industry, among them a lot of under investigated and argumentative issues, is detected

    Complex approach in treatment and diagnostics of chronic generalized parodontitis

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    The paper presents the results of the examination and quality control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic generalized periodontitis in the stage of decompensation in terms of secretion and oral fluid. It was noted that the indicators come to the initial limits in patients simultaneously undergoing treatment for both diseases, while the indicators of the secret have a great diagnostic value.В работе представлены результаты обследования и контроля за качеством лечения пациентов с сахарных диабетом II типа и хронического генерализованного пародонтита в стадии декомпенсации по показателям секрета и ротовой жидкости. Отмечено, что показатели приходят в исходные пределы у пациентов одновременно проходящие курс лечения обоих заболеваний, при этом показатели секрета имеют большую диагностическую ценность

    Diagnostic significance of the secret of periodic salivary glands and mouth liquid on the background of decompensation of chronic generalized periodontitis and type ii diabetes

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    The article discusses the results of the assessment of diagnostic indicators of biological fluids (whole blood, secretion of the parotid salivary glands, oral fluid) using the example of chronic generalized periodontitis in patients with type II diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation. It was established that all biological fluids are included in the functional systems of the body and can respond by changing their characteristics, however, whole blood and secret have the greatest diagnostic significance in assessing biochemical parametersВ статье рассмотрены результаты оценки диагностических показателей биологических жидкостей (цельная кровь, секрет околоушных слюнных желез, ротовая жидкость) на примере хронического генерализованного пародонтита на фоне сахарного диабета II типа в стадии декомпенсации. Установлено, что все биологические жидкости включены в функциональные системы организма и могут реагировать изменением своих характеристик, однако наибольшей диагностической значимостью при оценке биохимическихпоказателей обладают цельная кровь и секрет


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    The holding companies in a type of specifics of creation of organizational structures and models of management have excellent models of creation of corporate innovative systems. In article on the basis of the review of references are considered model of the central management of innovative process in which there is a central division exercising strategic control of innovative development of holding; and model of network management of innovative process which assumes that the general functions of management consisting in identifications of the priority technological directions of development are assigned to the central governing body of innovative development; carrying out technological modernization; formation of innovative infrastructure of holding, and formation and realization of innovative strategy will be conducted by subsidiaries of holding independently. Their differences and advantage at these or those models of management of holding structures are analysed


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    The purpose of the paper is to illuminate the costs and benefits of crossing firm boundaries in inbound open innovation (OI) at creation of corporate innovative systems, determining thus the relations among types of partners and possibility of an exchange by knowledge between them. The empirical part of research is based on the analysis of poll of heads of holding structures and R&D - managers concerning cooperation of external and internal partners of holding. Results show that depth of cooperation with various partners (universities, consultants, partners in a chain of creation of value, competitors and the firms working in other industries) it is positively connected with innovative activity whereas the number of various partners has negative effects. The main result consists that transfer of knowledge at cooperation softens negative impact of existence of too many different types of partners. The analysis of data confirmed that from what share of the companies attracting internal and external interested parties in processes of innovative activity and what level of intensity of their interaction, depends overall performance of holding