14 research outputs found

    Zamalodchikov's C-Theorem and The Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory

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    We consider perturbation of a conformal field theory by a pair of relevant logarithmic operators and calculate the beta function up to two loops. We observe that the beta function can not be derived from a potential. Thus the renormalization group trajectories are not always along decreasing values of the central charge. However there exists a domain of structure constants in which the c-theorem still holds.Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figures, some references are added, The role of coefficients of the OPE in LCFT on the beta-functions are disscuse

    Variants of traumatic disease in concomitant brain injury

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    In order to determine the major variants of the traumatic disease in severeconcomitant traumatic brain injury conducted a retrospective analysis of 111 case histories. The methods of statistical modeling carried out the division of patients into four groups, depending on the time of failure of adaptation of the organism to traumatic injury

    In-hospital outcomes of treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome using distal radial access [Госпитальные результаты лечения пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом с применением дистального лучевого доступа]

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    Endovascular methods are leading in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Transradial access (TRA) is traditionally used, but there are some disadvantages. Distal transradial access (dTRA) is an alternative to conventional TRA, but its outcomes in patients with ACS are controversial. Aim. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of vascular accesses, as well as in-hospital outcomes of treatment of patients with ACS using conventional TRA versus dTRA. Material and methods. This single-center, prospective, randomized study included 264 patients with ACS, which were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (n=132) - dTRA, group 2 (n=132) - TRA. The groups were comparable in the initial clinical, laboratory and angiographic characteristics. Results. During percutaneous coronary intervention, 240 drug-eluting stents were implanted in 184 patients. In 10 patients, access was converted: from dTRA to TRA in 2,3% (n=3), from dTRA to femoral -3,0% (n=4), from dTRA to femoral in 2,3% (n=3). The mean puncture time was 125,1±11,9 s in group 1 and 58,8±8,2 s in group 2 (p<0,00005). There was no difference in the total intervention duration as follows: 30,5±7,1 min and 29,4±4,6 min (p=0,1428), respectively. The time to hemostasis was significantly higher in the TRA group: 354,2±28,1 vs 125,4±15,3 min in group 1 (p<0,00005). When using dTRA, a lower incidence of hematomas (0,8 (n=1) vs 7,0% (n=9) (p=0,019)), spasm (5,6 (n=7) vs 13,2% (n=17) (p=0,039)) and radial artery occlusion (0,8 (n=1) vs 6,2% (n=8) (p=0,036)). The number of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in both groups was comparable: 10,4% (n=13) and 10,1% (n=13) in group 1 and 2, respectively (p=0,932). Conclusion. The use of dTRA does not increase the total procedure duration compared to conventional TRA. The complication rate was comparable in both study groups. When dTRA was used, the incidence of local complications was significantly lower compared to conventional TRA. Thus, dTRA can be an alternative to conventional TRA, but large randomized trials are required for final conclusions. © 2021 Vserossiiskoe Obshchestvo Kardiologov. All rights reserved

    Long-term results of using domestic drug-eluting stent in patients with acute coronary syndrome [Отдаленные результаты применения стента с лекарственным покрытием отечественного производства при остром коронарном синдроме]

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    Aim. To study long-term results of sirolimus-eluting stent “Calypso” in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Methods. The study includes 274 patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent percutaneous coronary revascularization with implantation either sirolimus-eluting stent “Calypso” (Angioline, Russia), n = 140, or everolimus-eluting stent “Xience Prime” (AbbottVascular, USA), n = 134. Their status was monitored by phone up to a 36-month's period. Patients who were diagnosed with or suspected of having myocardial ischemia underwent coronary angiography. Primary safety parameter major adverse cardiac events (MACE) was assessed as a composite of all-cause death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and clinically indicated coronary revascularization. Efficacy analysis was performed as an incidence of repeat coronary angiography due to coronary artery disease progression or new ischemic events occurrence and the incidence of restenosis, defined as >50% lumen diameter reduction of previously stented target lesion. The incidence of late stent thrombosis was also assessed. Results. Major adverse cardiac events were observed in 13.6% of patients in “Calypso” group and in 14.2% of patients in “Xience Prime” group (р = 0.999; RR 0.96 [0.53; 1.72]). Coronary angiography due to recurrence or exacerbation of cardiac angina was performed in 85 (60.7%) and 77 (57.5%) patients, respectively. No case of late stent thrombosis was observed. Conclusion. Sirolimus-eluting coronary stent “Calypso” used in patients with acute coronary syndrome is effective and safe. Results of the trial can be used to recommend this stent in routine clinical practice for managing the patients with acute coronary syndrome. Copyright: © 2019 Cherniaev et a

    Отдаленные результаты применения стента с лекарственным покрытием отечественного производства при остром коронарном синдроме

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    Aim. To study long-term results of sirolimus-eluting stent "Calypso” in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Methods. The study includes 274 patients with acute coronary syndrome who underwent percutaneous coronary revascularization with implantation either sirolimus-eluting stent "Calypso” (Angioline, Russia), n = 140, or everolimus-eluting stent "Xience Prime” (AbbottVascular, USA), n = 134. Their status was monitored by phone up to a 36-month's period. Patients who were diagnosed with or suspected of having myocardial ischemia underwent coronary angiography. Primary safety parameter major adverse cardiac events (MACE) was assessed as a composite of all-cause death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and clinically indicated coronary revascularization. Efficacy analysis was performed as an incidence of repeat coronary angiography due to coronary artery disease progression or new ischemic events occurrence and the incidence of restenosis, defined as >50% lumen diameter reduction of previously stented target lesion. The incidence of late stent thrombosis was also assessed. Results. Major adverse cardiac events were observed in 13.6% of patients in "Calypso” group and in 14.2% of patients in "Xience Prime” group (р = 0.999; RR 0.96 [0.53; 1.721). Coronary angiography due to recurrence or exacerbation of cardiac angina was performed in 85 (60.7%) and 77 (57.5%) patients, respectively. No case of late stent thrombosis was observed. Conclusion. Sirolimus-eluting coronary stent "Calypso” used in patients with acute coronary syndrome is effective and safe. Results of the trial can be used to recommend this stent in routine clinical practice for managing the patients with acute coronary syndrome.Цель Изучить отдаленные результаты применения стента с лекарственным покрытием отечественного производства при остром коронарном синдроме. Методы В исследование включено 274 пациента с острым коронарным синдромом, которым имплантированы стенты «Калипсо» (ОАО «Ангиолайн», Россия), n = 140, и Xience Prime (AbbottVascular, США), n = 134. Состояние здоровья всех больных контролировалось по телефону до 36 мес. Пациентам, у которых по результатам обследования выявлена или заподозрена ишемия миокарда, выполнена контрольная коронарография. Оценивался основной параметр безопасности - частота серьезных неблагоприятных кардиальных явлений (англ. Major Adverse Cardiac Events, MACE), определяемых как смерть от любой причины, нефатальный инфаркт миокарда и любая реваскуляризация коронарных артерий по клиническим показаниям. В качестве параметра эффективности оценивался показатель потребности в селективной коронарографии ввиду прогрессирования ишемической болезни сердца или развития ишемических изменений в сердце и частоты рестеноза, определяемого как повторный стеноз стентированного сегмента артерии более 50%. Также оценивалась частота позднего тромбоза стентов. Результаты Частота серьезных неблагоприятных кардиальных явлений (MACE) составила 13,6% в группе стента «Калипсо» и 14,2% в группе стента Xience Prime (р = 0,999; отношение рисков 0,96 [0,53; 1,721). Контрольная ангиография вследствие возврата или ухудшения стенокардии выполнена у 85 (60,7%) и 77 (57,5%) пациентов в группах исследования, соответственно. Случаев позднего тромбоза стентов не наблюдалось. Выводы Применение отечественных стентов с лекарственным покрытием при остром коронарном синдроме эффективно и безопасно. Результаты исследования позволяют рекомендовать стент «Калипсо» для применения у пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом