7 research outputs found

    Etapna rekonstrukcija radijalnog longitudinalnog deficita sa aplazijom palca - prikaz slučaja i pregled literature

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    Purpose: Presentation of surgical treatment of a girl with type IV radial longitudinal deficiency and type IV thumb hypoplasia as well as review of the most relevant literature published in the previous 25 years. Methods: The treatment consisted of placement of an external fixator and subsequent distraction in the radioulnar and proximodistal axis as the initial procedure followed by radialization according to Buck-Gramcko around the 2nd birthday, 10 weeks after the primary procedure. The last step of the treatment was a pollicization of the index finger performed before the 4th birthday. Results: The surgical treatment resulted with a very favorable outcome – a clinically stable wrist, radiologically well aligned carpus over the ulna and an index pollicised in such a manner that enables adequate opposition to the other fingers. Conclusion: A review of literature in the last 25 years shows that radialization of the ulna with a preceding distraction offers benefits over centralization alone. Distraction of the wrist protects the distal ulnar growth plate and thus promotes growth. Soft tissue release with a bilobar flap can also provide a good outcome as wells as a microvascular joint transfer from the 2nd toe whereas the latter requires advanced microsurgical skills.Svrha: Prikaz kirurškog liječenja djevojčice sa radijalnom longitudinalnom deficijencijom tipa IV te hipoplazijom palca tipa IV kao i pregled najrelevantnije literature objavljene na Pubmed-u na ovu temu u proteklih 25 godina. Osnovni postupci: Liječenje se sastojalo od postavljanja vanjskog fiksatora te posljedične distrakcije u proksimodistalnoj i radioulnarnoj ravnini nakon čega je slijedilaa radijalizacija prema Buck-Gramcku oko druge godine života djeteta, 10 tjedana nakon prvog zahvata. Posljednji korak je bila policizacija kažiprsta u dobi od 4 godine. Rezultati: Kirurško liječenje je rezultiralo vrlo dobrim ishodom – klinički stabilnim ručnim zglobom, radiološki dobrim odnosom karpusa i ulne te policiziranim kažiprstom koji omogućava adekvatnu opoziciju prema preostalim prstima. Zaključak: Pregled literature u proteklih 25 godina pokazuje kako radijalizacija ulne uz prethodnu distrakciju ima prednost u odnosu na centralizaciju. Distrakcija ručnog zgloba čuva distalnu ploču rasta ulne i tako omogućava rast u duljinu. Oslobađanje mekih tkiva s bilobarnim režnjem može pružiti dobar ishod kao i mikrovaskularni prijenos zgloba s 2 prsta stopala pri čemu potonja tehnika zahtijeva napredne mikrokirurške vještine


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    Prikazujemo iskustvo Referentnog centra za traumatizam dječje dobi Ministarstva zdravstva Republike Hrvatske u provođenju terapije površnim negativnim tlakom pri liječenju dječjih opeklina. U periodu od 20 mjeseci koristili smo se kod osmero djece u dobi od 1,5 godina do 10 godina s opeklinskim ozljedama koje su zahvaćale od 3 do 30% tjelesne površine sistemom površnoga negativnog tlaka ili radi kondicioniranja podloge opeklinske rane prije transplantacije kože djelomične debljine ili za fiksaciju kožnih transplantata. Prosječni je prihvat transplantata 8. dan nakon operacije prema procjeni prvog autora iznosio oko 86%. Temeljem svojih inicijalnih iskustava možemo reći da je terapija površnim negativnim tlakom korisna metoda jer pomaže i u kondicioniranju podloge opeklinske rane prije transplantacije kože i za fiksaciju kožnih transplantata ako opeklina ne zahvaća više od 30% tjelesne površine.We are presenting the experience of the Referral Centre for Pediatric Traumatism of the Croatian Ministry of Health in the usage of topical negative pressure therapy (TNP) method for the treatment of pediatric burns. In the period of 20 months we have used negative pressure wound therapy method in eight children aged between 1.5 and 10 years. Burn injuries total body surface area ranged between 3% and 30%. TNP was used either for the wound bed conditioning or for the fixation of skin grafts. Average skin graft „take” was 86% eight days after surgery according to the evaluation by the senior author. Based on our initial experience, we can confirm that TNP is a very useful tool which enables good wound bed conditioning as well as a good fixation tool for skin grafts if the burned area does not exceed 30% of total body surface are

    Inicijalna iskustva u provođenju terapije površnim negativnim tlakom pri liječenju dječjih opeklina [Initial experience with topical negative pressure therapy in the treatment of pediatric burns]

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    We are presenting the experience of the Referral Centre for Pediatric Traumatism of the Croatian Ministry of Health in the usage of topical negative pressure therapy (TNP) method for the treatment of pediatric burns. In the period of 20 months we have used negative pressure wound therapy method in eight children aged between 1.5 and 10 years. Burn injuries total body surface area ranged between 3% and 30%. TNP was used either for the wound bed conditioning or for the fixation of skin grafts. Average skin graft „take” was 86% eight days after surgery according to the evaluation by the senior author. Based on our initial experience, we can confirm that TNP is a very useful tool which enables good wound bed conditioning as well as a good fixation tool for skin grafts if the burned area does not exceed 30% of total body surface area

    Phalangeal fractures in children

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    Prijelomi članaka prstiju šake kod djece patologija su s kojom se vrlo često susreću liječnici hitnog prijma. U najvećem broju slučajeva riječ je o ozljedama koje zahtijevaju kratko razdoblje imobilizacije, a tek je u rijetkim slučajevima potrebno kirurško liječenje. Stoga, da se kod svakog djeteta osigura optimalan ishod, potrebno je poznavati rijetke prijelome članaka prstiju kod djece kod koje bi operativno liječenje bilo indicirano. Seymourov prijelom zahtijeva liječenje po načelima otvorenog prijeloma. Koštani mallet finger s prisutnom subluksacijom zgloba valjalo bi operativno stabilizirati. Subkapitalni i kondilarni prijelomi, kao i skijaški palac sa značajnom dislokacijom, indikacija su za kirurško liječenje. Kod kompleksnih dislokacija metakarpofalangealnog zgloba u najvećem je broju nužna otvorena repozicija i fiksacija. Avulzije volarne ploče su prijelomi koji mogu rezultirati ukočenošću proksimalnog interfalangealnog (PIP) zgloba u slučaju preduge imobilizacije, a u slučaju avulzijskih ozljeda u području dorzuma srednjeg članka treba uvijek isključiti pridruženu rupturu sagitalnog kraka ekstenzorne tetive.Phalangeal fractures are a pathology that is often encountered in the emergency room setting. In the majority of cases, only a brief period of immobilisation is required while only few require operative treatment. In order to achieve an optimal outcome, it is necessary to be able to recognise the few types of fractures that require operative treatment. Seymour fracture should be treated according to the principles of open fracture management. Bony mallet finger with joint subluxation should be operatively stabilised. Subcapital fracture, condylar fracture as well as skier’s thumb with significant dislocation are indications for operative treatment. In the majority of complex metacarpophalangeal dislocations, open reduction and fixation is required. Avulsions of the volar plate may result in proximal interphalangeal joint stiffness when immobilised longer than one week, and in cases of avulsion from the dorsum of the middle phalanx, one should always exclude central slip rupture

    Negative pressure wound therapy and INTEGRA® DRT for avulsion injuries of the lower extremities – presentation of two cases and literature review

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    U radu prikazujemo dvoje bolesnika s masivnim avulzijskim ozljedama donjih ekstremiteta. U oboje se liječenje sastojalo od sekvencijalnog debridmana ozljeda nakon čega je postavljen sustav površinskoga negativnog tlaka da bi se tijekom razdoblja od tri do četiri tjedna omogućilo stvaranje sloja solidnoga granulacijskog tkiva i klinički čiste rane. Nakon toga postavljen je DRT INTEGRA® koji je u korito rane također fiksiran sustavom površinskoga negativnog tlaka. U sljedeća tri tjedna DRT INTEGRA® potpuno se „integrirao“, što je omogućilo pokrivanje Thierschovim transplantatima debljine 0,2 mm. U oboje bolesnika ishod je estetski i funkcionalno zadovoljavao pri čemu su obnovljene konture donjih ekstremiteta. Terapija površinskim negativnim tlakom tijekom razdoblja od 3 do 4 tjedna omogućava kontrolu kolonizacije korita rane i formiranje solidnog sloja granulacijskog tkiva. Primjena IDRT-a omogućava stvaranje neodermisa koji rekonstruiranom tkivu pruža elastičnost te obnovu konture donjih ekstremiteta. Nedostaci ovog modaliteta liječenja jesu cijena i cjelokupno trajanje terapije od oko 8 tjedana.Two cases which involved a massive avulsion injury of the lower extremities are presented. In both cases the treatment consisted of sequential debridement during the initial period after which negative pressure wound therapy was applied for a period of three to four weeks in order to enable the formation of a solid layer of granulation tissue and a clinically clean wound. Subsequently, INTEGRA® DRTwas fixed to the wound bed with negative pressure wound therapy. During the next three weeks INTEGRA® DRT „integrated“ which enabled splitthickness skin grafting with 0.2 mm thick grafts. In both cases the final outcome was functionally and cosmetically satisfying with near normal contours of the lower extremity restored. Negative pressure wound therapy for a period of three to four weeks enables control of the colonisation of the wound bed and a formation of a solid layer of granulation tissue. The application of INTEGRA® DRT enables formation of the neodermis which provides elasticity and better contours of the reconstructed tissue. A downside of this type of treatment is the price as well as the duration of therapy of about eight weeks

    Five-year experience in the treatment of syndactyly and polydactyly of the hand with respect to satisfaction of patient parents

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    Uvod: Ishodi kirurškog liječenja sindaktilije i polidaktilije šake u dječjoj dobi mogu se procjenjivati na temelju objektivnih metoda i subjektivnog dojma roditelja bolesnika. Materijali i metode: Proveli smo retrospektivnu studiju rezultata 5-godišnjeg liječenja 47-ero bolesnika sa sindaktilijom ili polidaktilijom šaka putem telefonske ankete. Ukupan odaziv na telefonsku anketu iznosio je 68%. Rezultati: Tridesetero ispitanih roditelja (94%) nije navelo nikakve funkcijske tegobe, dok je dvoje (6%) navelo kako njihova djeca imaju poteškoća s pisanjem. Osmero roditelja djece (25%) navelo je slabiju pokretljivost operiranih prstiju, od čega dvoje (6%) ima poteškoća u adaptaciji na svakodnevni život. Šestero roditelja (19%) nije zadovoljno s izgledom ožiljka, a njih dvoje (6%) je tražilo drugo mišljenje u drugim ustanovama. Rasprava i zaključak: Roditelji djece s palčanom polidaktilijom šake naveli su najlošije rezultate što se tiče poslijeoperacijske pokretljivosti prstiju. Taj je rezultat konzistentan s dostupnom literaturom. Zadovoljstvo bolesnika u velikoj je mjeri ovisilo o izgledu poslijeoperacijskog ožiljka.Outcomes of surgical treatment of hand syndactyly and polydactyly in childhood can be measured by objective methods or by subjective impression of the patient’s parents. We performed a 5-year retrospective study of the treatment of 47 patients with either syndactyly or polydactyly of the hands over a telephone questionnaire. Response rate to the questionnaire was 68%. Thirty (94%) parents did not report any kind of functional impairment, whereas two (6%) parents stated that their children had diffi culties while writing. Eight (25%) parents described stiff ness of the operated fi ngers, of which only two (6%) had diffi culties in adjustment to everyday life. Parents of six patients (19%) were not satisfi ed with the scar and two (6%) parents had sought second opinion in another hospital. Parents of the patients in whom we had performed correction of radial polydactyly reported worst results in terms of stiff - ness of the fi ngers, which is consistent with the available literature data. The satisfaction of patient’s parents largely depends on the surgical scar appearance

    Impact of injury mechanism on the length of hospital stay in paediatric burns

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    U ranoj fazi kod opeklinskih ozljeda može se dati samo gruba prognoza o trajanju liječenja. Mi smo stoga proveli analizu povezanosti mehanizma ozljede s omjerom prosječnog trajanja hospitalizacije (PTH) i ukupne površine tijela zahvaćenom opeklinom (UPT). Proveli smo retrospektivnu analizu 375-ero pacijenata koji su u razdoblju između 1. siječnja 2010. i 31. prosinca 2019. hospitalizirani zbog opeklinskih ozljeda na Klinici za dječju kirurgiju Klinike za dječje bolesti Zagreb. Pacijenti su s obzirom na mehanizam nastanka ozljede razdijeljeni u sljedeće podskupine - opekline vrućom vodom (n=210), opekline vrućim uljem (n=22), opekline padom u vruću vodu (n=7), kontaktne opekline (n=54), opekline plamenom (n=36), opekline vrućim parama (n=7), eksplozivne opekline (n=13) i opekline strujnim udarom (n=12). Analizirali smo omjer prosječnog trajanja hospitalizacije (PTH) i ukupne površine tijela (UPT) s obzirom na mehanizam opeklinske ozljede. Kontaktne opekline nose veći rizik za veći omjer trajanja hospitalizacije s ukupnom površinom tijela (PTH/UP) od opeklina vrućim uljem (t=2,485, p= 0,015), opeklina vrućom tekućinom (t=3,948, p < 0,001), opeklina plamenom (t= 2,485, p= 0,015), eksplozivnih opeklina (t=2,900, p= 0,005), opeklina zbog pada u vruću vodu (t=4,369, p<0,001) te od opeklina parom (t=4,369, p< 0,001). Opekline plamenom nose veći rizik za veći PTH/UPT omjer od opeklina vrućom tekućinom (t=2,105, p= 0,039), opeklina parom (t=2,848, p= 0,009) te od opeklina nastalih zbog pada u vruću vodu (t=2,846, p= 0,009). Opekline vrućim uljem nose veći rizik za veći PTH/UPT omjer od opeklina parama (t= 2,317, p= 0,029) ili opeklina nastalih zbog pada u vruću vodu (t= 2,263, p= 0,033). Različiti mehanizmi kod opeklinskih ozljeda rezultiraju različitim ishodima što se tiče omjera prosječnog trajanja hospitalizacije i površine tijela zahvaćene opeklinom. U slučaju kontaktnih opeklina može se očekivati najdulje trajanje hospitalizacije s obzirom na ukupnu površinu tijela zahvaćenu opeklinom. Naši rezultati upućuju na to da mehanizam nastanka ozljede ima prognostičku vrijednost u smislu trajanja hospitalizacije.In the early phase in paediatric burns, one can only give a rough estimate regarding the length of treatment. Therefore, we analysed the relationship between the burn injury mechanism and the length of stay (LOS) to total body surface area aff ected (TBSA) ratio. We performed a retrospective review of 375 patients who had been hospitalised for burn injuries in the period from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2019 at the Department of Paediatric Surgery, Zagreb Children’s Hospital. According to the mechanism of burn injury, patients were divided into the following groups: hot water scalds (n=210), hot oil scalds (n=22), bath scalds (n=7), contact burns (n=54), fl ame burns (n=36), steam burns (n=7), explosive (n=13) and electrical burns (n=12). We analysed the mean LOS/TBSA ratio according to diff erent patient groups. Study results revealed that contact burns had a signifi cantly greater risk of higher LOS/TBSA ratio than hot oil scalds (t=2.485, p=0.015), hot water scalds (t=3.948, p<0.001), fl ame burns (t=2.485, p=0.015), explosive burns (t=2.900, p=0.005), bath scalds (t=4.369, p<0.001) and steam burns (t=4.369, p<0.001). Flame burns had a signifi cantly greater risk of higher LOS/TBSA ratio than hot water scalds (t=2.105, p=0.039), steam burns (t=2.848, p=0.009) and bath scalds (t=2.846, p=0.009). Hot oil scalds had a signifi cantly greater risk of higher LOS/TBSA ratio than steam burns (t=2.317, p=0.029) and bath scalds (t=2.263, p=0.033). Accordingly, diff erent mechanisms of burn injury were found to have diff erent outcomes when considering the LOS/TBSA ratio. The highest LOS/TBSA ratio may be expected for contact burns. Our results indicated the burn injury mechanism to have a prognostic value regarding LOS