3 research outputs found

    Travel Demand Estimation for Cable Car Transport in the Urban Areas Shown for the Moderate-sized City of Graz, Austria

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    This paper aims to determine the potential demand for a cable car as an integrated part of public transport (PuT) as shown by the example of the City of Graz. Graz is a moderate-sized city with high population growth. PuT-systems (trams and buses) in the city area are already reaching capacity limits but the transport infrastructure, especially in the city centre, can hardly be extended. Although the transport capacity of cable car systems cannot compete with an underground system, it could represent a cost efficient and effective alternative for dealing with the PuT capacity restrictions in the historic city centre. The results of coordinated mobility surveys present the reactions of potential user groups concerning an additional hypothetical transport system, respectively a cable car. The results extend the data base for the demand modelling of the mobility behaviour within a multimodal transport model. A nested logit approach was used to integrate the cable car into the demand model. The modelled passenger trips confirm a satisfactory demand potential for a cable car within the multimodal transport system of Graz

    Photovoltaic road and rail noise barriers at different environmental and soil conditions, including mining terrains

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    Regulations and standards concerning noise road and rail barriers are presented together with an actual state-of-the-art in Europe. Application of photovoltaics to such infrastructure are considered. The targets of international CEFRABID research project, realised within ERA-SOLAR.NET European program, and concerning photovoltaic road and rail noise barriers for Austria, Cyprus, Poland and Spain, at different environmental and soil conditions, including mining terrains are shortly presented

    New ropeway system for Smart Urban Mobility & Logistics in the City of Graz

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    With the need for resource-saving within urban areas it is necessary to create traffic solutions which exhibit an efficient and environmentally-friendly infrastructure system. For the first time, the research project “ROPEWAY_POT II” will identify potential for a fully-integrated goods delivery and freight logistic urban cable car system as part of “last mile” logistics for the City of Graz, taking into consideration parallel use of cable cars in public passenger transport. The project started in March 2017 and will last for 24 months. It is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The innovative system approach offers the possibility of bundling transport of goods from the city limits over the “last mile” to shops (C2C) and clients (C2B). As a result, highly-frequented transport routes within the city are relieved and negative environmental impacts are reduced. It is also considered that further synergy effects within the overall system of goods and passenger transport may be generated. After the introduction we present the objectives, expected results as well as the procedures and methods