382 research outputs found

    A mass conserved reaction-diffusion system captures properties of cell polarity

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    Various molecules exclusively accumulate at the front or back of migrating eukaryotic cells in response to a shallow gradient of extracellular signals. Directional sensing and signal amplification highlight the essential properties in the migrating cells, known as cell polarity. In addition to these, such properties of cell polarity involve unique determination of migrating direction (uniqueness of axis) and localized gradient sensing at the front edge (localization of sensitivity), both of which may be required for smooth migration. Here we provide the mass conservation system based on the reaction-diffusion system with two components, where the mass of the two components is always conserved. Using two models belonging to this mass conservation system, we demonstrate through both numerical simulation and analytical approximations that the spatial pattern with a single peak (uniqueness of axis) can be generally observed and that the existent peak senses a gradient of parameters at the peak position, which guides the movement of the peak. We extended this system with multiple components, and we developed a multiple-component model in which cross-talk between members of the Rho family of small GTPases is involved. This model also exhibits the essential properties of the two models with two components. Thus, the mass conservation system shows properties similar to those of cell polarity, such as uniqueness of axis and localization of sensitivity, in addition to directional sensing and signal amplification.Comment: PDF onl

    The r-Process in Supersonic Neutrino-Driven Winds: The Roll of Wind Termination Shock

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    Recent hydrodynamic studies of core-collapse supernovae imply that the neutrino-heated ejecta from a nascent neutron star develops to supersonic outflows. These supersonic winds are influenced by the reverse shock from the preceding supernova ejecta, forming the wind termination shock. We investigate the effects of the termination shock in neutrino-driven winds and its roll on the r-process. Supersonic outflows are calculated with a semi-analytic neutrino-driven wind model. Subsequent termination-shocked, subsonic outflows are obtained by applying the Rankine-Hugoniot relations. We find a couple of effects that can be relevant for the r-process. First is the sudden slowdown of the temperature decrease by the wind termination. Second is the entropy jump by termination-shock heating, up to several 100NAk. Nucleosynthesis calculations in the obtained winds are performed to examine these effects on the r-process. We find that 1) the slowdown of the temperature decrease plays a decisive roll to determine the r-process abundance curves. This is due to the strong dependences of the nucleosynthetic path on the temperature during the r-process freezeout phase. Our results suggest that only the termination-shocked winds with relatively small shock radii (~500km) are relevant for the bulk of the solar r-process abundances (A~100-180). The heaviest part in the solar r-process curve (A~180-200), however, can be reproduced both in shocked and unshocked winds. These results may help to constrain the mass range of supernova progenitors relevant for the r-process. We find, on the other hand, 2) negligible roles of the entropy jump on the r-process. This is a consequence that the sizable entropy increase takes place only at a large shock radius (~10,000km) where the r-process has already ceased.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ, revised following referee's comments,Accepted for publication in Ap


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    Objectives: To determine the frictional force (FF) of the novel, elastic, bendable titanium-niobium (Ti-Nb) alloy orthodontic wire in stainless steel (SS) brackets and to compare it with those of titanium-nickel (Ti-Ni) and titanium-molybdenum (Ti-Mo) alloy wires. Materials and Methods: Three sizes of Ti-Nb, Ti-Ni, and Ti-Mo alloy wires were ligated with elastic modules to 0.018-inch and 0.022-inch SS brackets. The dynamic FFs between the orthodontic wires and SS brackets were measured at three bracket-wire angles (0゜, 5゜, and 10゜) with an Instron 5567 loading apparatus (Canton, Mass). Results: FFs increased gradually with the angle and wire size. In the 0.018-inch-slot bracket, the dynamic FFs of Ti-Nb and Ti-Ni alloy wires were almost the same, and those of the Ti-Mo alloy wire were significantly greater (P<0.05). FF values were 1.5–2 times greater in the 0.022-inch-slot bracket than in the 0.018-inch-slot bracket, regardless of alloy wire type, and the Ti-Mo alloy wire showed the greatest FF. Scanning electric microscopic images showed that the surface of the Ti-Mo alloy wire was much rougher than that of the Ti-Ni and Ti-Nb alloy wires. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that the Ti-Nb alloy wire has almost the same frictional resistance as the Ti-Ni alloy wire, although it has a higher elastic modulus

    Timing-Dependent Actions of NGF Required for Cell Differentiation

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    BACKGROUND: Continuous NGF stimulation induces PC12 cell differentiation. However, why continuous NGF stimulation is required for differentiation is unclear. In this study, we investigated the underlying mechanisms of the timing-dependent requirement of NGF action for cell differentiation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To address the timing-dependency of the NGF action, we performed a discontinuous stimulation assay consisting of a first transient stimulation followed by an interval and then a second sustained stimulation and quantified the neurite extension level. Consequently, we observed a timing-dependent action of NGF on cell differentiation, and discontinuous NGF stimulation similarly induced differentiation. The first stimulation did not induce neurite extension, whereas the second stimulation induced fast neurite extension; therefore, the first stimulation is likely required as a prerequisite condition. These observations indicate that the action of NGF can be divided into two processes: an initial stimulation-driven latent process and a second stimulation-driven extension process. The latent process appears to require the activities of ERK and transcription, but not PI3K, whereas the extension-process requires the activities of ERK and PI3K, but not transcription. We also found that during the first stimulation, the activity of NGF can be replaced by PACAP, but not by insulin, EGF, bFGF or forskolin; during the second stimulation, however, the activity of NGF cannot be replaced by any of these stimulants. These findings allowed us to identify potential genes specifically involved in the latent process, rather than in other processes, using a microarray. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results demonstrate that NGF induces the differentiation of PC12 cells via mechanically distinct processes: an ERK-driven and transcription-dependent latent process, and an ERK- and PI3K-driven and transcription-independent extension process


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    家族が比較的近距離に住み,相互に支援・交流する「近居」の社会構造は,介護・病気・災害などの緊急時に強い支援機能を発揮し,地域の持続や強靱さにとって欠かせない要素であるが,従来の地域・都市計画はこうした家族の空間構造を考慮しておらず.実態すら把握されていない.本研究では,複数世帯の「家族」の空間分布(近居構造)と交流・支援行動,家族の住む地域へ移住意向(地域継承性),さらに大規模災害からのリジリエンス(生活再建)に着目した.このため,徳島市で質問紙調査を実施し,家族間の時間距離と交流,支援,継承,災害時生活再建意識を調査した.この結果.いずれも家族間の時間距離との関係性があり,地域創生における居住政策,土地利用政策,交通施設施策において,家族関係を想定した施策の必要性を示す結果が得られた.In these days, “Kinkyo” which means family living close with daily interactions and supports each other, is focused. The aims of this study are to clear spatial distribution of the multi-household family which have current interaction and support each other for the inheritance of the community, and is to make clear the contribution on the stated life recovery speed after the expected disasters. Paper based survey in Tokushima City was carried out in order to verify daily interaction and support function and consciousness of region inheritance within families. As results, “Kinkyo” is good for keeping daily interaction of families and exerting assistance within families, and the family who have families living close is more promptly rebuild life after disaster, and better for the inheritance of the community